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Chapter 109

Chapter 0109

Dad goes easy on me in training, but it still feels good. As I work to get my body stronger, it is helping

to make Artemis stronger as well. She’s back in my mind full time, but not yet strong enough to shift.

After training, I skip the bath for a shower, knowing I’ll need time to do my hair and makeup. Since I’m

not exactly sure where we are going, but he said to dress nice, I decide to go with an off the shoulder

long sleeve red sweater dress. I pair it with a thick brown belt to give it dimension and matching brown

knee–high boots. I pull my curls into textured waves, with a single braid on one side that I pin back. I go

light on makeup, adding more color to my eyeshadow and a softer glossy tint to my lips. Light eyeliner

and a swipe of mascara finishes off the look.

Just as I’m finishing up, I hear the knock at the door. I grab my jacket and purse and head downstairs.

When I open the door, I’m greeted by my gorgeous date who is holding another bouquet of flowers,

tulips this time.

Before I can say anything, he whistles low, looking me up and down. “Damn. I’m going to have to fight

off all the other male wolves tonight.”

I roll my eyes, even though I know I’m blushing. “Tulips this time? And in their own vase?”

I reach for the flowers, taking them as he leans in and gives me a light kiss on my lips. “I thought I

would do something different and surprise you. And you mentioned that you only had the one vase.”

He follows me as I walk into the kitchen. Dad looks up from the living room. Rik.” He nods his head in

acknowledgement before looking at the tulips and looking back at Rik. “Tulips, huh?”


“Yes sir.” Rik responds and he has a smirk on his face. I look between the two of them. “Do tulips have

a meaning as well?” I ask, feeling out of the loop.

Dad turns back to the TV, ignoring me. Rik leans down and gently kisses my lips. again. “Maybe.”

I shake my head, putting the flowers on the bar before calling out a goodnight to my father.

Rik takes my hand and leads me out to the car. “So, where are we going?” I ask. He opens my door,

but before I can get in the car, he presses his body against mine, kissing me properly. My hands slide

into his hair, pulling him closer. I hear a soft groan before he pulls back, watching me as he licks his

lips. “Delicious.” He


I smile. “Must be my lip gloss.”

He chuckles, shaking his head. “Nope. Definitely not the lip gloss.”

I get in the car and we pull out. “So…?”

He looks over at me, taking my hand and kissing the back of it before putting it on his thigh, interlacing

my fingers with his. “I wanted to give you the real dining experience at Ethereal.”

I’m startled. My very first date is going to be at the most expensive restaurant around?

I look down at myself. “Am I dressed okay?”

I take inventory of what he’s wearing. A sapphire blue button–down long- sleeved shirt that fits him like

it was made for him. The cuffs are turned up showing a white underside giving it an edgier look. He’s

left it untucked over his black slacks and he’s wearing black dress shoes. His long hair is down tonight.

It’s sexy, hanging down to his shoulders. He usually pulls it into a man bun, so it’s a different, almostnovelbin

wilder side to him.

He looks over at me, squeezing my hand. “You look beautiful. Perfect, as always.”

We arrive at the restaurant, and he drives up to valet parking. The valet opens my door and I step out.

The restaurant lives up to his name. It feels like we’ve entered a fairy land. There are no buildings in

the near vicinity, so it gives the impression that you are in the middle of the forest. Twinkling lights are

everywhere, making you feel that you are far away from the stresses of the world. The music that is

lightly playing outside is gentle and relaxing, adding to the overall atmosphere. From here, I can see

inside the floor to ceiling windows. The interior is dark with dim lights, giving it a romantic feel and this

extends out the front entrance to the valet. Even though I can see that there are people inside, the dim

lighting provides privacy. It just feels, well….ethereal.

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