The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 790 They Are Not Worthy!
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Chapter 790 They Are Not Worthy!

Night fell and it was quiet both inside and outside the hospital.

The downpour had stopped but it seemed that there was a sinister fog that enveloped the hospital. Thenovelbin

men of the local Hughes office and the Grand Freemasons sealed the area tightly. There were checks

every three steps and inspections every ten steps. Indirectly, it made the people feel that danger was

lurking everywhere.

In the day, only the men from the Hughes office and the hundred over men led by Cheer were at the

hospital. As time passed, more and more members of the Grand Freemasons arrived. Now more than

a thousand men were guarding the hospital.

The presence of so many people clearly attracted much attention in South Maine. Anyone who was

interested in Jack would know that he was at that hospital. To the elite families of South Maine, all of

them know that the men of the local Hughes office and the members of the Grand Freemasons were

not to be taken lightly and to be feared.

Now, both of these forces were mobilized entirely which meant that the person they are protecting was

truly important. All of them wished to participate and contribute to the effort. If they could help to ensure

that these two days passed by peacefully, then the rewards would be tremendous! No one in the elite

families was so foolish not to realize this. But Jack had rejected all of their offers.

It was quiet in the corridor and only Jack and the few of them were at that level. Jack instructed Mr.

Ward and Cheer to negotiate with the hospital to clear out the entire level for the sole use of Amber and

Rosie. It would be difficult to ensure the safety of the rest of the patients if they were at that level.

“Elder Hughes, the Van, Charles, Troy and William elite families of South Maine are the most

resourceful families in this region. Your safety will be significantly increased with their participation. But

why, why did you reject all of them?” Cheer was puzzled.

During the day, the Van, Charles, Troy and William families all sent representatives to offer their

assistance. They were the top families of South Maine and had the most capable resources. But Jack

rejected all of them without hesitation. Cheer was bewildered by Jack’s decision and he finally asked.

“They are not worthy!” Mr. Ward said proudly.

Not worthy? Cheer was stunned then his expression showed his disbelief. Why bother about their

worthiness if they could help protect and enhance Jack’s safety? This was a crisis and they should

consider the situation before rejecting help based on their status.

Then, before Cheer could retort, Jack rubbed his nose and said, “Van, Charles, Troy and William

families are indeed the best in this region. But Cheer, do you dare to use their men in such a situation?”

Cheer was stunned and suddenly he realized his mistake.

“They came to offer their assistance all because they noticed the men from the local Hughes office and

the Grand Freemasons protecting the hospital. All they had to do was to investigate and they would

know who these men were protecting.” Mr. Ward said and glared at Cheer as he continued, “They must

have understood the benefits of participating in this protection effort. But because they were attracted

by the benefits, when a larger benefit becomes available to them, what makes you think that they

would not turn around and take it?”

“This…” Cheer was dumbfounded and lowered his head in apology, “My apologies, I did not think

through this thoroughly.”

“Go and make your rounds.” Mr. Ward waved to signal Cheer to leave.

Now, they could only trust the men from the local Hughes office and the Grand Freemasons. Jack was

the son of the head of the family and also the Elder pioneer of the Grand Freemasons. With these

statuses, they would be able to get the fullest loyalty of both groups of men. Both Mr. Ward and Jack

could not fully be at ease with men from any other groups.

Daisy came out of the patient ward and said, “Mr. Hughes, Amber is awake.”

Jack seemed more relieved and then asked, “Daisy, are you able to contact the mysterious man?”

Daisy shook her head and said, “Unable to reach him.”

“Okay, I’ll go and see Amber.” Jack was not surprised as the communication with the mysterious man

had always been one-sided. The mysterious man could contact them as he wished but when it came to

the crux, it was near impossible for them to contact the mysterious man.

The mysterious man was injured when he neutralized the killer in the shadows. It would be very

dangerous for him to remain in the background as waves of killers approached. Jack hoped for the

mysterious man to join them so that they could also help to watch his back. But now they could only

wait as he was uncontactable.

Inside the patient’s room, Steve gently blew to cool the porridge before feeding it to Amber. Amber was

very pale and her lips were dry. She looked very frail.

Rosie was still unconscious but she should regain her consciousness soon.

“Dad, allow me.” Jack entered the room and took the bowl from Steve.

Steve handed the bowl over and walked towards the window. He opened the window slightly and took

a deep breath of fresh air. The pungent smell of disinfectant in the hospital and the tensed situation

caused by the bloody trap made Steve feel asphyxiated.

“Eat your fill. We’ll just stay here for a couple of days before we return home.” Jack cooled the porridge

just like Steve did before feeding it carefully to Amber.

“We should go home now. I’m fine.” Amber said as she swallowed the porridge.

Jack then said sternly, “What? Who was the one who said that her tummy hurts?”

Amber was startled and looked at Jack. Then she lowered her head and continued eating the porridge.

But her heart warmed as she knew that Jack did all these for the sake of her and her mother.

Brent stood by the door while Mr. Ward and Steve stood by the window. Steve was at the window for

the fresh air while Mr. Ward stood there to block anyone from looking through the gap to see Jack and


Steve felt better and was about to close the window when he suddenly stopped and then tensed up

and said, “Quick come and have a look. Is something happening in the garden?”

What he said instantly broke the peace and tranquility inside the room. Everyone immediately tensed


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