The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 695 Time To For The Kill
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Chapter 695 Time To For The Kill

At DT Agency.

The night scenery was filled with magnificent and colorful neon lights and the roads were filled with

cars. Jack was concentrating on amending a contract. The rest of the office area was dark and only his

office was brightly lit. He had to work overtime so that he could accompany Amber for the entire day

tomorrow while not affecting the company’s daily functions.

In the past when he wasn’t around, it would be Mr. Ward and Yael who would make the decisions in the

company. Now that he was back, he should do these on his own. After he had proofread the project

proposals, Jack leaned back onto his wheelchair and rubbed his tired eyes. He practically worked

continuously through the day. He had to proofread the proposals, correct various reports, and project


He turned around to look at the neon lights outside and smiled. After he finished his work tonight, he

would be able to spend some quality time with that silly girl tomorrow.

Jack stretched his back and was about to return to his work when his phone beeped with an incoming

message. He picked up the phone and was immediately stunned. It was an unknown number and the

message was so simple that it contained only two words.

Unknown sender: Return Immediately!

Mystery man?! Jack was dumbfounded for a moment before he snapped to his senses. His heart

almost jumped out of his throat and his body was covered with goosebumps. The mysterious man had

been keeping a watch at the TM Hills Villa. Jack could only think of the mystery person who would send

those two words via an unknown number. The shorter the message, the more urgent the situation!

Based on the mystery man’s personality, he wouldn’t send such a short message unless the matter had

reached its most critical point! If not, he would have settled it in the dark without alarming Jack.

“Amber…” Jack muttered as his eyes refocused and he stood up immediately from the wheelchair.

Jack flew like a bolt and rushed downstairs. At this point, Jack couldn’t be bothered with pretending


His wife was at home! His wife was waiting for him at home! He had to go home in the fastest possible

manner even if Madam Hughes would find out that he was not disabled.

‘Damn it! What the hell happened at home?’ Jack thought as he rode the lift down and began to panic.

He could not calm himself down when he thought of Amber. His emotions raged wildly within him.

Ding dong!

The lift finally reached the ground floor and Jack dashed out of the building. Just as he exited the

building, he suddenly stopped. At an open space outside the building, ten men were waiting for him!

Each of the men held a long sword tightly in their hands. They were ready to kill.

Jack was startled and then came to his senses. It was too quiet! From the time he left the office to

going down to the lobby and then out of the building, it was unusually quiet, and he did not see a single


It was already late and it was normal that most of the people in the building had left for the day. But the

building had security guards on patrol and manning the lobby through the night. How come he didn’t

see any security guards on his way out of the lobby?

‘Was this a trap and I was ambushed?’ Jack thought coldly as he prepared for action. He clenched his

fists and tensed his muscles up until they were stiff as rocks.

“The reports were wrong, cut off his head!” The low voice immediately erupted everyone to action.

Immediately, the ten assassins dragged their swords on the ground sending sparks flying, and rushed

towards Jack for the kill, “Die!”

Jack narrowed his eyes and immediately rushed to counter strike. Amber was in danger at home and

that was enough to rattle him. Now in face of the ten killers, he just wanted to quickly settle the fight in

front of him! He had to finish this fight in the fastest way possible and return to the TM Hills villa.

Jack immediately transformed into a fighter and a killer. Instantly the ten killers’ pupils constricted. Now

the killers started to fear and feel the terror that Jack exuded. It was as if standing outside the building

was not a person but the Killer God!

Thud! In a flash, Jack’s right feet stomped the ground and he launched himself towards the ten killers.

His strong physiques enabled each of his strikes to be overpowering. There were no frills and no

combating skills involved.

Jack was unfazed that the killers were armed with long swords and he struck at the nearest killer.


With a grunt, the killer froze and sounds of bones breaking could be heard. The killer immediately threw

up a mouthful of blood but was blocked by the black mask that he wore. The blood oozed out of the

mask and onto the ground.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh…

Almost at the same time, the wind around them picked up.

Jack raged ferociously as his eyes stared like a predator fixated on a prey.

Jack was surrounded by the men with the long swords as he continued rushing forward. His left armnovelbin

wrapped around the neck of the first killer and dragged him along. With a twist and then a flick… slash

slash slash…

Several long swords landed on the first killer.

Jack’s actions horrified several of the killers. How could he move so swiftly?

Just as several of the killers were stunned, Jack turned and grabbed one of the killer’s wrists and …


Jack immediately broke the wrist of the killer. Now Jack took the killer’s sword in his hands.

“Time for the kill!” Jack roared and sent chills running down the spines of all the killers. The remaining

eight killers now doubted themselves. It was as if they were not there to kill Jack but instead, Jack was

there to kill all of them!

Slash! In a flash, another pool of blood splattered and it whipped the killers back to their senses. Now

the remaining seven killers surrounded Jack and rushed towards him.

Clank clank clank…

Jack held the sword with both his hands and fought the seven killers. Jack’s muscles erupted with

energy and it was as if the swords formed a wall and Jack repeatedly defended the slashes.

Sparks flew and the area reverberated with the clashing of the swords. Under the glow amber lights,

shadows danced around in the open space while the pungent odor of blood filled the air.

Even if he pretended to be crippled, Jack had not stopped his physical training. Although his strength

had deteriorated some after he confined himself onto the wheelchair, he regained his strength after

some intensive training.

These killers were nothing compared to the Twelve Golden Guards of the Dragon Cavalry!

He continued his attacks and blood continued to be splashed. Killers continued to collapse under his

sword. Now Jack couldn’t consider so much.

He could expose that he lied about his disability, he could also fight it out with no regard for his life, he

could even fight to the death with these street thugs.

So long as… he quickly returned to his wife because her life was in danger!

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