The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 686 Ok, Go Ahead and Jump
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Chapter 686 Ok, Go Ahead and Jump

Jack stopped his work.

He looked indifferent and hardhearted.

An unknown anger turned on in his body.

Suddenly, Jack smiled with a sound "hehe…".

He laughed because he was in extreme anger.

Corbin felt horrified.

Even he was familiar with Jack, he was still scared by Jack's reaction.

He said nervously, "The lady asked you to see her, otherwise, she would jump out of the building."

"Then let her jump!"

Jack crossed his hands over the chest, sitting on the wheelchair grimly, he turned his head facing to the

window. From this direction, he could clearly see everything outside, "You go upstairs and tell her to

jump out of the building from this direction as I can see her body. If she quit, I would look down upon

her.” His voice was cold and sharp as a knife.

"But ..." Corbin hesitated.

Jack continued, "I will take it if you want to beat me up. But someone who wants to tarnish relationship

between me and my wife. I’d rather watch them die."

Parents, wife, children, brothers were people Jack wanted to protect.

From bottom of his heart, they were more important than his life and no blasphemy was allowed.

What's more, Amber was already in danger because of one misunderstanding.

Jack would never allow the same thing happened twice!

Corbin lips moved as trying to say something but he was in fear because of Jack's anger. He eventually

said, "She said that she met you yesterday. She said that she, Jenny, was born to be yours!"


Jack's indifferent face suddenly changed a little.

Blue veins in the corners of the eyes appeared and they were pumping wildly.

Really...was she from Kool Family?

What was the purpose of her doing this?

Just when Jack was shocked and hesitated, Corbin gritted his teeth, turned around and left.

Jack set his mind.

What's more, this kind of life-threatening matter had nothing to do with them. It was the lady who

wanted to commit suicide.

Even if she really jumped off, it had nothing to do with them.


Just when Corbin was about to walk out of the office.

He heard an extremely heavy sigh.

That made Corbin’s footsteps stopped suddenly.

"Let's go to see her."

Jack’s expression was unconcerned, with anger in his eyes, pushing the wheelchair to Corbin’s side.

The Corbin was suddenly puzzled.

How did his attitude suddenly change?

A weird and bold idea came to mind, but it was forced to erased by Corbin as soon as it came out.

In his mind, Jack was definitely not the one who could do such a thing!

At the roof of the building.

Because of the height, the wind whistled.

At this time, the security of the building as well as the security of DT real estate agency were all

gathered here.

And Jenny was in a Lolita dress was stopping at the edge of the roof, facing towards the distant place.novelbin

The strong wind made Jenny's long hair dancing in the air as well as her dress.

It also made everyone freaked out.

"Lady, listen to me, come down first, and we can talk it through after you get down!" The security guard

who initially stopped her was sweaty as hell.

He didn't expect that after asking her to leave, this young lady would actually take advantage of

security negligence to run to this rooftop to kill herself.

If she really jumped off, then his job might be blew away, no, everyone in the security department

would lose their jobs.

"You lied! I really came down, then I had no chance to talk!"

Jenny turned her head and stared at the security guard angrily.

The security's face was anxious, his face turned to red, he suddenly gritted his teeth and knelt on the

ground with a "puff" sound, "Okay, please don't jump off. If you jumped, we were all screwed. Listen to

me, we have notified DT’s Master Hughes, and he will be here soon, please come down first."

His voice was shaking, he almost burst into tears while begging.

However, Jenny totally ignored what he said, "I don't care. I won't come down if I can't see Jack.

Anyway, I am telling you that I’m his girlfriend. If he won’t see me, I will jump from here today."

The resolute tone made everyone scared.

Jenny didn't bother to continue talking, turned her head to face the sky, but looked down.

In the open space below the building, she could only see people gathered and looked at where she

stood. Because of the height, the crowd below looked like ants gathered together.

No one noticed that there was a sly smile at the corner of Jenny's mouth.

"Huh, hum, hum... I caused this mess to force you to see me. Jack, I have never been so dramatized

for a boy in my life. If you were not the one even grandma would come to find you personally, I won't

tarnish my reputation to do this."

The whisper drowned in the sound of the wind.

But when she said this, Jenny showed a strange arrogance.

In her opinion, there were very few people who could let her put down her self-esteem to meet.

Jack was one of them!

This was his honor!


Someone kicked the half-covered iron door on the roof open.

This sound also caused everyone to look back in surprise.

When they saw Jack was pushed onto the rooftop by Corbin, everyone was immediately ecstatic.

"Come here! lady, Master Hughes comes to see you!"

The security guard who was kneeling on the ground was almost crying at this time, he first shouted to

Jenny, then hurriedly got up and walked in front of Jack, he was begging, " Master Hughes, please, we

must solve this, otherwise everyone in the security department will lose our jobs."

Although a group of building security guards did not say anything, the expectations in their eyes were

clear to see.

"I'll deal with it, it has nothing to do with you."

Jack said indifferently.

Immediately, not only the security guard but the security guards from the building seemed to be


At the same time.

Jenny who stood at the edge of the roof looked back in surprise, and the azure blue eyes burst into

excitement when she saw Jack.

" are finally here!"

"Is this kind of prank fun?"

Jack stared at Jenny standing on the edge of the roof indifferently.

"This is called a prank?"

Jenny pouted and looked a little angry. She looked down at the edge of where she stood, then looked

back at the crowd who gathered below like ants, and then looked back at Jack, "Are you not going to

let me come down first? ?"

In one question, everyone on the scene immediately brightened their eyes and they all looked at Jack.

As long as the lady came down and be safe, everything would be fine.

But what responded to her was Jack’s indifference also the coldness in his squinted eyes.

"Aren't you afraid of me jumping down?"

Seeing that Jack stood still, Jenny's expression began to be serious and to threat him.

The atmosphere was instantly tense.

Even Corbin was also anxious and worried.

But Jack raised his hand and rubbed his nose, "I ask you a question, you have to answer me first."

"What's the problem?" Jenny raised her eyebrows.

"Are you from the Kool Family?"

Jenny was taken aback for a moment, then raised her hand to touch her chain and meditated,

"Although there are many people with the surname Kool, the Kool Family you are asking must refer to

an extraordinary family? My family happens to be such a family. It should be regarded as the family in

your mouth."


Jack smiled, then under others’ horrified looking, he turned the wheelchair calmly and headed off


The indifferent voice echoed on the rooftop like thunder.

"Then you can just jump."

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