The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 680 Killian’s Ambition
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Chapter 680 Killian’s Ambition

It was late in the night and all was quiet at the Hughes residence.

Inside the traditionally decorated bedroom.

Madam Hughes finally regained her consciousness. She had been unconscious for an entire day and

Madam Hughes was still fuming and upset.

Carter and Killian had been by her bedside watching over her. Madam Hughes had vomited a mouthful

of blood and collapsed due to her extreme anger. Her sudden blackout alarmed the entire Hughes


After a flurry of commotion, they finally calmed down as the doctors confirmed that Madam Hughes did

not sustain any severe injuries.

“Carter, did we become the butt of the joke among all the noble families after what happened today?”

Madam asked.

Carter replied solemnly, “Yes Mother, there were some. But after we explained that it was Zenith who

caused George’s death, it had suppressed some of the ridicule.”

Madam Hughes smiled on hearing this and replied with tears in her eyes, “What a tragic joke! One of

our Hughes family potential heirs had been killed and we required an outsider to help us through this

crisis… what absurd logic is this?”

Carter and Killian frowned and intensely resented the outcome of what had happened. All of the

Hughes family members had always been high and mighty. Although in terms of history, the Hughes

family could not be considered as a Long Thriving Noble Family, however, its influence and prowess

had already far surpassed the typical Long Thriving Noble Family.

After being privileged for so long, everyone was upset and unable to accept when something like that

happened so suddenly. No one could even anticipate the turn of events that Zenith would appear and

overpower the entire event. What Patrick said was like a huge hand that suppressed the fury of the

authority holders. The authority holders immediately weighed the benefits of Jack’s status as the Chief

Guard of the Golden Guards of the Dragon Cavalry. They definitely considered that Jack would be able

to mobilize the three hundred thousand Dragon Cavalry when the Hughes family needed them.

This boggled the minds of everyone. The life of a potential heir of the Hughes family was not worth

mentioning when compared to the three hundred thousand strong Dragon Cavalry. But this entire affair

was an embarrassment to the Hughes family! A great embarrassment!


Madam Hughes heaved a heavy sigh and said, “Patrick had gotten his wishes this time. I really didn’t

expect that bastard to become Zenith’s high commander and survive this.”

“The head of the family…” Carter was about to speak but when he mentioned the words ‘Head of the

family’, Madam Hughes was immediately agitated, “He is not the head of the family! He isn’t fit to be

the head of the family! He used his authority for personal gains with no regard for the Hughes family’s

reputation. How can this kind of person be worthy of being the head of the Hughes family?” Her sudden

outburst startled Carter causing him to quickly kneel to seek forgiveness. Even Killian who kept quiet

felt a chill run down his spine.

The atmosphere in the bedroom became tensed. Madam Hughes’ face contorted in anger as she

breathed heavily. She clenched her teeth as she fumed, “That Patrick had ignored the sacred laws of

the Hughes family and went all out to protect that bastard. Then what is the use of grooming potential

heirs? Why doesn’t he just directly appoint that bastard as the head of the family?” Madam Hughes

said furiously.

Killian quickly appeased her, “Grandmother, please calm down. The head of the family wouldn’t dare to

oppose everyone. This is the family of all the Hughes and not his alone. Even if he showed favoritism,

he couldn’t break the family regulations that a disabled cannot become the head of the family.”

After a pause, Killian smiled in content, “That bastard Jack is glued to the wheelchair and Patrick’s

birthday is arriving soon. As long as he can’t stand up during the birthday, then he would have no part

in becoming the head of the family. Additionally, that bastard will henceforth have no part in the Hughes


Madam Hughes calmed down significantly on hearing what Killian said.

Suddenly her eyes glimmered and Madam Hughes said worriedly, “Can’t stand? But what if he

manages to stand up?”

Killian and Carter were dumbfounded.

Madam Hughes sighed heavily again as she lamented, “Only the dead no longer have a chance. In my

desire to support Killian, I wished to use this rare opportunity to strike down that bastard. We almost

succeeded but who would expect…”

“Mom, please calm down. What Killian said made sense. We had clearly seen Jack’s injuries. In my

opinion, even if there was a chance in a million, that bastard would still be unable to stand up.”

Carter continued, “From today onwards, even if he has the status of being the Chief Guard of the

Dragon Cavalry, he would at most have a place in the Hughes family out of mutual interests. Killian will

still become the head of the family. Please rest assured that this will be the most likely outcome.”

Killian kept still as his eyes lit up when he listened to Carter. He had always sought after the position as

the head of the family! He had struggled since he was young for this status. The glory, the authority,

and the immense wealth!

As Madam Hughes’ mood finally calmed down, she looked at Carter, heaved a sigh, and said,

“Perhaps I worried too much. It could very well turn out as you said.” After she said, she looked at

Killian and then reiterated, “Killian, I’ve placed all my hopes onto you. We’ll now wait for Patrick’s

birthday and we’d be successful if that bastard Jack can’t stand up!”

“Thanks, Grandmother, for your continued guidance and support!” Killian knelt and bowed to express

his gratitude.

He looked at the ground, scoffed as he thought, ‘Stand up? That bastard is lucky to be alive! Now that

he is crippled, he has got to be dreaming if he wants to stand up! Patrick’s birthday drew nearer with

each passing day. There would be countless noble families on that day. Jack would be in his

wheelchair as he envies my rise to become the head of the family. I would savor the attention and

grandeur of that day.’

‘I, Killian is the most deserving to become the head of the family and you, Jack… is just a stray dog. Donovelbin

you think that just because your father draped a cloak over you, you bastard can become a king?’

‘When I rise to the throne, I want all the noble families, all the Hughes family members to bow down

before me!’

These were Killian’s thoughts.

“Killian, you may leave.” Madam Hughes said and Killian took his leave.

After a pause.

Madam Hughes said slowly, “This issue is becoming increasingly complexed. Never in my wildest

dreams could I imagine that bastard to be linked to Zenith. His status as the Chief Guard of the Dragon

Cavalry had certainly propped him up.”

“Yeah, we’d have to consider about Zenith and the three hundred thousand strong Dragon Cavalry if

we consider another attempt on his life in the future.” Carter said cautiously, “Furthermore, Mom, don’t

forget that that bastard has the title of Pioneer elder of the Grand Freemasons. He also has a high

status with the Grand Freemasons.”

Madam Hughes glared and then sighed, “Let’s hope that with Buddha’s blessings, that bastard would

not be able to stand during Patrick’s birthday. No, he should never be able to stand ever


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