The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 675 Someone Blocked the Way
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Chapter 675 Someone Blocked the Way


The girl’s expression changed drastically.

With her gaze fell on the wheelchair quickly, on the person pushing the wheelchair, “That’s Zenith?”

The girl looked at Jack Zenith in astonishment under the sunset.

The curiosity about the glimpse of the legendary had disappeared right at that moment.

All that was left was deep shock.

As the leader of Dragon Cavalry leading 300000 people, Zenith, who was described nearly like a God.

Pushing a wheelchair for a disabled person?

“Why do the two of them have such relationship?”

The old woman stared at the Five-pawed Dragon Fighter with a complicated glance and muttered in a

deep voice.

After Zenith sent Jack off the plane, he turned and boarded the plane.

The fighter plane roared and went straight into the sky.

And Jack also quietly left the airport.

Leaving the old woman and the girl in the VIP lounge stunned for long while standing in front of the

French window.

Until the boarding call from the airport was heard in the lounge.

The grandmother and grandchild had their head cleared.

“Jenny, let’s go back to the Kool family.”

The old woman looked gloomy, but not as calm as before.

No one knew how much her mood was affected after seeing the scene just now.

Not even this girl who was called “Jenny”knew.

She was just following, accompanying her grandmother for vacation.

As she was still young, she did not have to interfere much about the family matters.

“Grandma, I remember you travelling this far for Jack, right?”

Jenny blinked her blue eyes, this was the only thing she knew for this trip.

“Let’s go home.”

The old woman kept walking.

“It suddenly became weird.”

Jenny shrugged, she looked back at the runway where the Five-pawed Dragon Fighter landed and

stuck out her tongue, then whispered, “This trip is worthwhile as we managed to see the legendary

Zenith; and as for Jack, he is good looking, too bad he is disabled, ugh...”

Jenny glanced at the direction where Jack left in his wheelchair just now with a sigh, then quickly

followed the old woman.

Following the take-off of the Five-pawed Dragon Fighter from the suburban airport, the airport resumed

to normal operations.

All the passengers were still irritated, but with the generous compensation from the airport, their anger


No one knew what had happened just now.

Very few people saw the Five-pawed Dragon Fighter.

Everything started in a sudden, and disappeared without people knowing.

If it was known to all passengers that the God of War from the Northern Zenith had arrived at the

airport, then it would be a different scenario in the airport.

Rolls-Royce returned to TM Villa district.

It was silent in the car.

But Mr. Ward, who was driving, could hardly hide his joy.

He already knew everything that had happened in the Hughes Family through his people.

While being pleasantly surprised, what was more shocking was Jack’s actions this time.

Not only did he kill Killian from the Hughes Family, he also had a back up. He managed to leave safely

with Zenith’s protection.

Mr. Ward had never thought of such plan himself.

He felt shocked and surprised at the same time.

Mr. Ward looked at Jack in the back row through the rear-view mirror, and his gaze gradually became

deeply relieved.

The young master’s growth shocked Mr. Ward.

When Mr. Ward first got in touch with Jack, his personalities and abilities were all impressive for Mr.


With the rapid growth of Jack, even Mr. Ward found him admirable.

He had grown in leaps and bounds that he became very flexible and bendable when it came to different


Being the one witnessing Jack’s growth, Mr. Ward could not help but sighed with emotion; the

transformation was too quick!

“Mr. Ward, what are you thinking?”

Jack asked with a smile after sensing Mr. Ward’s gaze.

Mr. Ward beamed and replied, “I feel very grateful about your growth, you are well deserved to be the

number one in the world!”

Jack chuckled but did not respond.

On the contrary, his expression became solemn.

All the transformations were formed after the hardships.

Before metamorphosis, the butterfly was also trapped in a dark cocoon.

Ever since he could remember, his mother and he lived a poor life, but they never gave up. Even when

he was young, he clenched his teeth against the outsiders who called him “bastard”, he grew up firmly

despite all the swearing by the others.

Being left in the dark and moving towards light, he kept growing.

It would only take a moment, a sentence or a thing to change a person.

What more to say when Jack…had experienced darkness for twenty over years.

Putting aside the predicament when meeting Mr. Ward.

Only emphasizing on the ability and career.

Even if Mr. Ward did not show up, he could be the vice president of the real estate company. Although

he has been helping his boss, but he would spread his wings and fly high once he found an


The appearance of Mr. Ward, the appearance of his father.

Fastened the time for him to spread his wings and fly high, and… flying up as high as the moon and


“How’s Yael?

Jack turned aside from the topic.

Mr. Ward was taken aback for a moment, and said helplessly, “Still in ICU, Brent is also there, they are

in a stable state now, but…”

Speaking of this, Mr. Ward paused.

“Vinna Vaughn?”

Jack raised his brows and asked.

The only one that was unpredictable in the family was only Vinna for now.

Daisy was worried about Brent, but everyone knew, Daisy could hold it.

But Vinna, she would explode anytime like a Bangalore.

“Well, that girl is drowned and haggard now; she stays in the hospital all day without eating, drinking

and sleeping.”

Mr. Ward smiled bitterly, “You headed straight to the Hughes Family after speaking with me early in the

morning, I couldn’t stop you, so I could only support from the back end. Vinna had not slept for a

minute, did not drink any water or eat anything.”

Jack frowned, “Go home first, I’ll visit Amber then head to LJ Hospital.”

It was an undeniable fact that Yael had become paralyzed.

But even the greatest doctors from medical field could not figure out when he would wake up.

Jack also firmly believed that Yael would wake up, but Vinna’s current state was clearly in a rivalry with


If she continued being like this, it would only bring harm to her own body.

Jack had to take care of this matter as well.

It was already dark when the car arrived nearby TM Villa District.

The street lights were turned on.

Rolls-Royce was being driven up the winding road.

Jack closed his eyes and fell asleep on the way back.

This trip was not only exhausting; he could also be dead without the early planning, the presence of

Dragon Cavalry and Grand Freemasons.

Not to mention about Jack himself, even Patrick could not protect him.


A sudden stop caused Jack to wake up abruptly from his sleep.

“What’s happening?”

Mr. Ward, who was driving turned gloomy, “Someone blocked the way.”novelbin

Jack raised his eyes subconsciously, and his gaze filled with chills immediately.

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