The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 672 An Old Father’s Comfort
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Chapter 672 An Old Father’s Comfort

“You…” Madam Hughes agonized as her face contorted in fury. She was so agitated that she couldn’t


“What are you saying, Sir?” Carter’s expression changed drastically and pointed to Patrick, “My mother

is your elder. How can you speak to her so rudely?”

“Only the upright can be considered an elder. How can a morally bankrupt old person be known as an

elder?” Patrick glared sternly, “What part of what I said isn’t facts?”

“You…” Madam Hughes started to tremble in anger while the corner of her mouth continued to twitch.

Carter was also fuming angrily and ground his teeth like a wild beast.

Patrick shifted his attention to the rest of the people and then said sternly, “I know that all of you think

that Jack deserved to die. All of us were activated because it involved the entire Hughes family and we

are here to consider for the Hughes family. So all of you felt the same and believed that he should die

for his sins.”

“But I have something that I have to say. When you are overmatched, you need to know when to back

down. The Hughes family had been used to being high and mighty. All of you are not used to being

suddenly yanked off your high horses.”

On hearing this, the group of authority holders began to become unsettled. The feelings of shame,

anger, discontent all stirred within them. Patrick continued to lecture them and did not hold his punches,

“That is Zenith, the commander of the three hundred thousand Dragon Cavalry. He was able to control

the Northern frontier by decimating the northern barbarians. The mention of the name Zenith was

enough to send aggressors retreating in fear!”

“Who would dare to go against such a person if he insists on protecting Jack?”

“Haven’t all of you realized that Madam Hughes is already old and senile? Jack managed to live

through this not because of me as a father but he managed to find a tyrant such as Zenith to protect


Silence. Everyone was speechless.

It was clear to everyone now that no one would want to challenge Zenith to a battle for the sake of

George’s revenge. Yes, the Hughes family would have won! But no one wanted to bear the price of that

victory. What Patrick said pricked everyone’s heart and now no one had the desire to speak up.

“Okay okay, Patrick, your reasoning won!” Madam Hughes finally admitted defeat, clenched her teeth,

and said, “Okay, then I have a final demand. His offense is severe but that bastard can live because of

Zenith’s protection. But I want to terminate his status as the potential heir of the family!”

“Ha! Madam, I also want to terminate his status!” Patrick chuckled, “But why don’t you ask all those

seated here who are willing to terminate his status? He is now a golden dragon head token, who

doesn’t know the value of this?”

Madam Hughes and Carter’s expression changed drastically. The expression of everyone present lit

up. What Patrick referred to was Jack’s status as the Chief Guard. As the Chief Guard, he was second

only to Zenith in the three hundred thousand strong Dragon Cavalry. More critically, the Chief Guard

was most likely to take over the position of Zenith!

Jack was now second only to Zenith so when the time came for Zenith to step down, then wouldn’t

Jack take over his position and be the commander of the Dragon Cavalry? When that day came, then

wouldn’t the Hughes family have the support of the three hundred thousand Dragon Cavalry? This was

not something to be taken lightly.

“Your son is disabled!” Madam Hughes yelled.

Patrick scoffed, “Being disabled may affect his chances to become the head of the Hughes family but it

doesn’t affect him from becoming a Dragon Cavalry. The Dragon Cavalry does not have that

restriction!” What Patrick said struck the hearts of all the authority holders. Everyone was tempted by

the thought of having the might of the three hundred thousand strong Dragon Cavalry behind the

Hughes family.

It was a matter of benefits.

“According to your leadership!” One of Patrick’s loyalists spoke out and then immediately the rest

declared one after another in the meeting hall.

“According to your leadership!”

“According to your leadership!”

“According to your leadership!”

Madam Hughes and Carter almost blacked out when they heard the series of declarations in support ofnovelbin

Patrick. It was as if they were cast into the depths of hopelessness. They clearly had the upper hand

and a rare opportunity to eliminate Jack. How could things turn out this way? Was the life of a potential

heir of the family worth so little?

“It’s time to give up, Madam Hughes and Carter. From today onwards, not only is Jack my son, not only

he is a potential heir of the Hughes family, but he now has one more status, he is now the Chief Guard

of the Dragon Cavalry! He is only second to the mythical Zenith and above three hundred thousand

Dragon Cavalry!”

“As long as my son wishes, he could deploy an army of three hundred thousand and come to our

Hughes residence for a picnic!”

After saying this, Patrick walked out of the meeting hall. No one spoke nor stopped him. Everyone just

looked on in defeat as they saw Patrick leave.

Patrick paused just as he pushed open the doors of the meeting hall. He scoffed and said, “For the

sake of my son, Zenith was willing to take the blame for killing George. For this, the Hughes family

would not lose out.”

Everyone shuddered when he said ‘not lose out’. This… was this a matter of whether anyone lost out?

Regardless, no one was able to retaliate.

No one could see that as soon as Patrick left the meeting room, his cold and stern expression turned

into satisfaction and content. He even smiled radiantly.

Everyone started to leave after Patrick’s departure. There was plenty of work to be done before this

matter was resolved. The Hughes family's reputation would not be severely tarnished if news spread

that Zenith was responsible for George’s death.

For the mythical Commander to kill one of the Hughes family potential heirs could only mean that he

had offended the Commander. Under the watchful eyes of the authority holders, they could control the

news to ensure this outcome.

Madam Hughes and Carter did not budge even after all of the others had left. Carter was furious and

ground his teeth. What a huge embarrassment it was for them! No, It was Zenith who together with

Jack had given them a flying dragon kick in the face! And they were totally defenseless!

When Carter didn’t notice any movement from Madam Hughes, he turned to look and was startled.

Madam Hughes sat upright and her body continued to tremble. Her face was contorted and red while

her breathing was labored and intense hatred radiated from her eyes.

Suddenly. Poof! Madam Hughes shuddered and threw up a mouthful of fresh blood onto the table and

then with a thud, she collapsed onto the table.

“Mom!” Carter was shocked and terrified.

At the same time, inside the residence of the head of the family.

Patrick returned to his residence feeling victoriously and immensely contented. He pushed open the

door and entered his room. Suddenly his smile waned and his eyes were filled with tears. His face was

filled with pride as he walked towards the memorial tablet.

After Sophie’s death, her remains did not return to the Hughes family but Patrick secretly made an altar

and placed a memorial tablet of Sophie so that he could honor her daily. This was the only thing that he

could do for her.

He lit three sticks of incense and knelt before the altar. He bowed thrice before placing the incense into

the urn. Then he took a bottle of wine and took a big mouthful. He drank as his eyes welled up with

tears as he looked at Sophie’s tablet and lamented, “Sophie, our Jack is a grown man now. His wings

are strong and powerful. As the Chief Guard of three hundred thousand Dragon Cavalry, tsk tsk… even

I could not have hoped for a better outcome. He had emerged from my shadows and soared to the

skies on his own!”

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