The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 670 Giving You a Face?
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Chapter 670 Giving You a Face?


Everyone was stunned as they couldn’t believe it.

Some of the people who had power in the Hughes family thought they had heard wrongly. They raised

their hands and harshly cleared their ears.

‘Flogged for twenty times?’

‘This fucking …’

Jack Hughes had Zenith Harol and Dragon Cavalry that had three thousand hundred soldiers to back

him up. No one had expected they could let him pay the price with his life for killing George Hughes.

However, he had killed a person but he also killed the heir of the Hughes family here. And he was

going to be flogged twenty times only?

Was this a joke?

Was the military law of the Dragon Cavalry this lenient?

Madam Hughes’s body trembled and her face became red as if she almost vomited blood.

She felt dizzy as she staggered and moved backward.

Luckily she was held by Carter Hughes. Otherwise, she would have fallen onto the ground.

This scene had drawn everyone’s attention.

Patrick Hughes looked at them coldly at the side. He laughed disdainfully.

Madam Hughes’s body trembled vigorously. At her age, she was so angry that her body trembled and

her features were distorted. The other members that had power in the Hughes family worried that she

might directly pass away.

“Mom, Mom…”

Carter shouted a few times.

Madam Hughes’s eyes that looked blank finally slightly got back their focuses. She tried to take a deep


Her chest puffed up and down.

After taking deep breathes a few times, she finally slowly calmed down a little.

Tears could be seen in her old eyes. She shouted sadly, “Commander Harol… Is the heir of my Hughes

family only worth twenty times of flogging? When did the members from the Hughes family become this


Her tears fell as if it was rain.

At the moment, Madam Hughes cried like a child. She gritted her teeth as she said, “You overprotect

him like this. You mock my Hughes family like this. You are forcing me who is dying soon to lead the

Hughes family to bring you to hell!”

Although she was crying, she didn’t hide her intention to threaten him.

Zenith could threaten the Hughes family.

At the same time, the Hughes family could threaten Zenith too!

Upon hearing this.

The other members who had power in the Hughes family glared at Zenith.

Such a light punishment to overprotect Jack. It had triggered the pain spot of every member of the

Hughes family.

How could the superior Hughes family be compared to the ordinary livings?

“Commander Harol, that’s a human life. A human life from our Hughes family!”

“He is only going to be flogged for twenty times. It couldn’t even break his bones. Commander Harol is

not settling the matter properly but you also do not respect us, the Hughes family, at all.”

“If Commander Harol couldn’t settle the matter in a fair way, then our Hughes family would no longer

give you any face!”

Everyone was agitated.

At the moment, even though there were a lot of hidden forces within the Hughes family.

The matter was related to everyone from the Hughes family. Everyone didn’t have any other thoughts

as they only wanted to protect the Hughes family!

Patrick’s eyes looked deep and serious. He secretly held his fists.

He fiercely glared at Madam Hughes.

At the same time, Jack also looked at Madam Hughes coldly.

He knew that Madam Hughes wasn’t protecting the Hughes family at all. She was using everyone’s

pain spots from the Hughes family to achieve her aim.

Her aim was to … kill him!

However, everyone’s pain spots were still triggered easily!


Zenith’s expression didn’t change. He got up calmly.

As the Killing God from Dragon Cavalry, every move he made could attract everyone’s attention.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Zenith ignored everyone’s anger and walked casually to the pillar. He reached out his hand and pulled

out the Chief Guard Token that was nailed into the pillar.


He turned his body.


Chief Guard Token was directly thrown into Jack’s hands.

Zenith laughed, “I left in a hurry at that time. I forgot to pass the Chief Guard Token to you. From now

on, you will carry Chief Guard Token. If you meet any problem, you just show Chief Guard Token. I and

the three hundred thousand soldiers from Dragon Cavalry will back you up.”

“Thank you so much.”

Jack looked at Chief Guard Token. It was like a Survival Medallion.

However, this scene had made Madam Hughes and the other feel extremely furious.


He completely ignored them!

Today, the face of the Hughes family was really stepped in the mud again and again.

The next second.

When the crowd became quiet, Zenith showed an evil smiled as he said seriously, “I am sorry

everyone. Human life is really only worth twenty times of flogging in Dragon Calvary. Even though it is a

human life from the Hughes family, I don’t have any bias. Everything is done according to my military


After waiting for a while, Zenith changed the topic, “If there is anyone who has doubts, then follow me

to Northern Territory and personally check the iron military law that I had set!”

Everyone was shocked.

Everyone felt fear in their hearts.

‘Went to Northern Territory?’

‘Checked the military law?’

‘What kind of joke was this?!’

Zenith dared to act so domineeringly in the Hughes family.

If they really went to Northern Territory which was his territory, the Hughes family would definitely lose

all their faces!

No one was that stupid to follow Zenith to Northern Territory.


A loud sound of letting out a breath was echoing in the meeting hall.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound.

Patrick had already sat in his seat. He calmly lit a cigarette.novelbin

“There have been wars in Northern Territory for years. Commander Harol appeared and personally led

three hundred thousand soldiers from Dragon Cavalry to fight. He had pressured Northern Territory and

made everyone from Northern Territory shocked. Now, Northern Territory is peace because Dragon

Cavalry had fought out of its way!”

Patrick’s voice was deep and he didn’t show much emotion, “Such a strong army that killed the violent

army. It is common for them that human life is only worth twenty times of flogging. In the warzone, the

most worthless thing is also human life.”

Everyone had become silent.

Everyone knew that Patrick was trying to be biased to protect Jack.

However, everyone was unable to rebut Patrick’s words.

In the warzone, human life was indeed the most worthless.

Furthermore, the three hundred thousand soldiers from Dragon Cavalry were using cold weapons to

fight the violent army that was using modern weapons.

There was also a famous myth about Zenith and the three hundred thousand soldiers from Dragon

Calvary spreading among the ordinary people. After that, they had borne… a pile of corpses and a sea

of blood!

“But …”

Madam Hughes was still not resigned on the matter.

She would never miss this extremely rare opportunity.

She was sure that Jack’s skin wouldn’t be injured after the twenty times of flogging. This was not even

considered a punishment!

However, Zenith suddenly looked fierce and serious. At that moment, the tremendous murderous

intention could be felt.

A loud sound was heard from his robe.

A strong aura was suddenly emitted.

Zenith’s right hand immediately took and twisted the coin with a fast speed. Then, he shot the coin.


The thick and solid round wood table was immediately pierced by the coin.

The coin directly pierced into the marble floor through the hole of the table.


The sound of breathing air as they were frightened sounded one after another.

Everyone was shocked and frightened.

Even Madam Hughes suddenly shut her mouth and stopped talking the words she wanted to say.

“I, Zenith Harol, has already given face to the Hughes family. Twenty times of flogging is considered a

heavy punishment for a mighty Chief Guard who killed a person. If the Hughes family still didn’t

appreciate this, then…”

Zenith looked extremely mighty and domineering as he stared at Madam Hughes, “I am leading three

hundred thousand soldiers from Dragon Cavalry to guard the Northern Territory. I don’t have much

time. I am busy so I don’t have time to talk with you all!”

The tremendous murderous intention could be felt.

Everyone felt bad as they wanted to say something but they couldn’t. They were frightened.

They were engulfed by the murderous intention from Zenith as if they were surrounded by a pile of

corpses and the sea of blood.

“That’s enough!”

Patrick said with a firm voice, “Everyone knows how to plan well. Do I have to tell you all about the

advantages and the disadvantages of fighting them?”

The glowing light could be seen in everyone’s eyes after the words.

“Jack, let’s go.”

Zenith was not bothered to care about the matter. He took big steps and walked towards Jack. He

personally pushed Jack’s wheelchair to go outside.

No one… dared to stop him!

However, when he reached the exit, Zenith suddenly stopped his steps.

“I, Zenith Harol, am giving you, the Hughes family another favor for the sake of Jack. You could put the

responsibility of the murder that happened today on me. I am a Commander. The matter that I killed

one of your heirs wouldn’t make you, the Hughes family lose face. It is also considered that I have

given you, the Hughes family a face.”

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