The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 668 the Law Followed Words, the Military Order Was Unshakable
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Chapter 668 the Law Followed Words, the Military Order Was Unshakable

The tone was calm, but the words were hurtful.

Inside the meeting hall.

Everyone was dumbfounded on the spot.

Each one was horrified and stared at Zenith in disbelief.

Jack... was the Chief Guard of Twelve Golden Guard?

What the fuck?

What was wrong with this world?

If someone else said this, everyone present would have already killed him.

But it was Zenith who said that.

The commander of the 300,000 Dragon Cavalry soldiers, the military soul of the cavalry, the legendary

killing god.

Everyone couldn't refute what he said.

Madam Hughes's took a tremble and she was pissed off, as if a huge stone crashed on her chest, her

stomach was surging which made her almost threw out a mouthful of blood.

How could it be?

Why was this happening?

"Commander, this bastard..."

Madam Hughes said that without thinking.

When the word "bastard" just came out.

Zenith's gaze suddenly showed a terrifying murderous intent, and he squinted at Madam Hughes.

With this glimpse, Madam Hughes shuddered all over in an instant, as if she was seeing a blood ocean

with bones floating inside it.

Even she experienced everything in her life, she still was extremely panicked.

"Who dares to insult my Chief Guard?"

The harsh voice was like an invisible sword stabbing on everyone’s throat.

Every single one in Dragon Cavalry must not be insulted.

Especially the Twelve Golden Guard!

Even inside the Dragon Cavalry, the twelve golden guard were the second only to Zenith, one level

descended one person, but surpassed over ten thousand.

As long as Zenith was ok with it, the Chief Guard could give order the Dragon Cavalry!

Such status was majestic.

Even if you were from Hughes family, you would still be afraid of this kind of person.

Looking at the speechless, horrified Madam Hughes.

At this moment, Patrick was extremely happy. If he wasn’t concerned about the overall situation, he

could even laugh out loud.

Madam...You thought you were fully prepared, thinking that if you grasp weakness of everyone in the

Hughes family, you would be able to force me to kill my own son.

But it didn't happen as my son was already different from what he used to be. He would meet Zenith

and ride on the crest of success.

Even though I was in helpless, but my son could find a glimpse of hope!

It had been hopeless before. But with Zenith came to bring hope, I wanted to see who else had the

courage to kill my son?

Sitting in a wheelchair, Jack swept to see everyone’s face with a smile.

He was not a reckless person, even when the killing intent was raging, he didn't come to Hughes house

immediately, but he was actually thinking about countermeasures.

What he wanted was to be able to kill George in the Hughes family after receiving the "Kill Declaration",

and at the same time he could still get out of this alive!

He felt like the 300,000 Dragon Cavalry soldiers were undoubtedly his biggest support!

"Why? Commander, it's not because I, Archer Hughes, am rude."

Suddenly, Archer stood up and asked with a face full of incomprehension, "Do you know how old is

Jack? He has no military experience. Even if Commander personally says he is the Chief Guard, I don't

believe he is the real Chief Guard, the Twelve Golden Guard of the Dragon Cavalry are already well-

known. I even know the names of Twelve Golden Guards!"

Heard the words.

Everyone was refreshed.

Today's matter was so important to the entire Hughes family.

Of all the people sitting in the room, perhaps only Patrick didn't want Jack to get into trouble.

The rest, even Patrick's subordinates, based on the overall situation of the Hughes family, determined

to kill Jack.

Archer suddenly against Zenith in person, everyone was love to see this situation.

If they didn't kill Jack this time, it would always be a shame on Hughes Family!

Patrick frowned, as if an angry lion, glaring at Archer.

Such a useless person but dare to make trouble at this time?

Without waiting for Zenith's response, Patrick said solemnly, "Archer, don’t be rude. Careful not to

make Zenith upset because of you."

Although he wanted to stop him from keep saying, Patrick’s words were also extremely obscure.

Everyone in the Hughes family wanted Jack to die.

But Patrick as the head of the family, could not show too much favoritism.

Wealth and authority were a double-edged sword.

Following the trend would live but die if you against it.

The Hughes family put on their heart to kill Jack, and that was the trend at this time.

Patrick wanted to protect Jack, but he must be unbiased in front of others.

"Patrick, what do you think Archer is wrong?"

Madam Hughes’s eyes were sharp, and she interrogate Patrick, "Or, do you want to take sides at


Patrick's expression suffocated.

He wasn’t prepared for the question.

Because he didn't expect that Madam Hughes actually took the stubborn resistances, even though

Zenith came to crush them with the power of 300,000 Dragon Cavalry soldiers.

"Master, we have to separate those two things clearly!"

Seeing Madam Hughes’s agreement, Archer immediately became vigorous and said righteously, "Jack

sent the 'Kill Declaration' to us and killed the heir, George at home. This heinous crime is worth

thousands of times of death."

"In the world, who dares to be so arrogant? Which clan dares to challenge Hughes family in this way?

Even the top clan do not dare to be so arrogant."

"We all know that Jack is your son. But after committing such a heinous crime, can he get rid of thenovelbin

punishment only because Commander Harol says that he is the Chief Guard?"

The rhetoric was conclusive and domineering.

At this moment, Archer could clearly feel that everyone's eye sight was on him.

This made him even more confident.

How many years had it been?

I, Archer, had been living ignobly in the shadow of Patrick for so many years, I even had to listen to you

no matter what.

Now that your son committed such a heinous crime, which endangers the reputation and foundation of

Hughes family, I had to stand up and speak bluntly for everyone in the Hughes family!


"Haha! That makes a lot of sense!"

Zenith put his hands behind him and suddenly laughed.

With this agreement, no matter Patrick or Madam Hughes and others were all taken aback.

Only Archer was very proud of himself.

Jack looked at Zenith with deeply.

Based on his understanding of Zenith, this guy had a high self-esteem, shouldn't he agree with

comments against him so easily?

Just like he thought.

Zenith stepped forward suddenly, as if he was strolling in a leisurely courtyard.

He walked towards Archer slowly with smile at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked different.

Some were in deep thoughts, some were shocked, and some were worried.

"So, what do you think?"

Zenith walked in front of Archer and asked with a smile.

Archer was in domineering and unrelenting.

"A murder pays his life, one life for one life!"

As soon as the words were spoken, in the meeting hall, it was extremely quiet.

Zenith smiled.

He raised his eyebrows and asked, "I think you didn't understand, I don't care about your family's

affairs, but do I have to manage the internal affairs of Dragon Cavalry."

"But Jack is not the Chief Guard of the Dragon Cavalry at all!" Archer said solemnly.

Next second.


Archer's figure bowed sharply and his smashed on the round table.

With enormous strength, his head was like a boulder falling to the ground.

Where his head was hit on, the round table instantly burst into pieces, and his blood spattered, and

some even splashed onto the faces of the people beside him.

And Archer fainted without even a screaming.

If Zenith didn’t pull his hair, he would have fallen to the ground.

Next second.

Zenith said indifferently, "No one can question me. I, Zenith Harol, send out the order was like a law

you must follow. If I say he is the Chief Guard, then he is. If you want to kill my Chief Guard, that is to

declare a war to the Dragon Cavalry! "

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