The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 659 Ruthlessly Eliminate
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Chapter 659 Ruthlessly Eliminate

The time had finally arrived…

On hearing, Patrick stopped fiddling with the cigarette in his fingers. He had been waiting for this

moment. As the head of the family, he could not reveal his intentions to the rest of the power holders of

the Hughes family before Jack arrived. Things would start to get dicey as soon as he expressed his

thoughts. If he had expressed his intentions before Jack came, the rest of them would be prepared and

gang up to act against them!

Madam Hughes and Carter grinned and their eyes lit up at the same time.

In the meeting hall, Archer and the rest of them exchanged looks. They didn’t know the deeper reasons

for Jack’s arrival other than this event was rather abrupt. Why did this bastard… come so suddenly?

“Where is he?” Patrick asked.novelbin

The servant answered respectfully, “Young master Jack had gone to look for master George.”

Kaboom! It was as if a loud boom rocked Patrick’s mind blank. But it lasted barely a second.

Then he immediately came to his senses and then demanded sternly, “Why didn’t he come directly to

see me now that he is here?” His voice was thunderous.

Archer and the rest exchanged looks in surprise and none of them knew why Patrick was so furious.

Even Madam Hughes and Carter looked curiously at each other. At this moment, their happiness at

what was happening was written all over their faces.

Jack… had done marvelously!

“Madam Hughes will take over this meeting. I’ll go and see what my son is up to!” Patrick flicked off his

cigarette and stormed out of the meeting hall, leaving the rest guessing.

After he walked out of the meeting hall, Patrick increased his pace and then broke out into a run

towards where George was. His anxiety stunned all the servants who saw him. The head of the family

had always been steady as a rock and had never displayed any of such emotions.

Patrick didn’t care about these and just continued to run as he started to perspire.

‘Jack, why don’t you give your dad a chance to eliminate your foes?’ Patrick thought.

He knew that Jack was determined to kill George. Jack’s wife and close friend had almost died in

George’s hands. This was enough to cause any man to rage violently.

There was nothing that Patrick could do with Jack’s arrival but Patrick hoped that when Jack came

back to the Hughes residence, he would at look for him first. At least in this manner, they would have a

chance to work things out.

In addition, if Jack went to see Patrick first, Patrick was able to guarantee that he could protect Jack

even if Jack was to kill George.

But now all these were too sudden! It was so sudden that Patrick’s heart almost jumped out of him.

The “Kill Declaration” was delivered and now death was heading towards George. There was no fear of

the Hughes family. He did not even consider seeing his father first.

Ruthlessly eliminate… and it was time to kill.

‘Jack, wait for me. Wait for dad, don’t be impulsive…’ Patrick ran frantically as he clenched his teeth.

He was in deep thoughts as he focused intently. He clenched his fists until they crackled.

Patrick had never been so anxious even when he dealt with the Powell family. But Jack was his son

and when Sophie died, he promised her that he would protect Jack. Patrick felt that he had

accumulated twenty over years of guilt when he left Jack and Sophie. He had failed as a husband and

a father!

This was also why he was willing to go against the entire Hughes family and forced them to accept

Jack’s status as one of the potential heirs.

He wanted to use his status as a father to make up to Jack and Sophie for all the misgivings

accumulated over the twenty-plus years. Additionally, as the head of the Hughes family, he wanted to

bestow the honor and glory on Jack and Sophie.

But now that Sophie was dead, he would not be worthy of being a father if he could not even protect

Jack. It would be a fate worse than death if he could not make up for the accumulated guilt. Patrick

dashed frantically towards the courtyard where George was living.

The courtyard which George was living in had already been surrounded by guards armed with swords

and guns. They were all ready to kill anyone who dared to enter. Everyone present was on guard for

anything dangers that may come their way.

The “Kill Declaration” had surpassed the hit order issued by the dark net assassin squad! If the killer

who issued the “Kill Declaration” succeeded, then even the Hughes family would lose their reputation.

Additionally, all those who failed to protect George would have to be buried together with him! Just

imagine how alert all of them were around the courtyard.

But it was a different matter inside the courtyard.

Killian sat quietly as he raised the teacup to sniff the fragrance of the tea. George sat in his wheelchair

and was calm, peaceful, and relaxed. He would even fill up Killian’s teacup occasionally. Both of them

waited patiently for what was to come.

“Brother, when do you think that bastard Jack would come?” George placed the teapot down and

adjusted his shirt, “Damn it, when I was targeted by the dark net assassin squad, I didn’t even have the

same level of protection as I have now. Jack that bastard issued a “Kill Declaration” and now I’m

enjoying these privileges. This time he will be dead for sure!”

George had sleepless nights when he was targeted by the dark net assassin squad. But now George

adopted a devil may care attitude. With the current levels of protection, it would practically be an

impossible task for the assassin squad to kill him.

He was daydreaming of whether Jack would be torn from limb to limb or reduced into minced meat.

“He should be here when it is dark.” Killian pushed his eyeglasses and smiled confidently, “He isn’t

stupid. The Kill Declaration was already a huge statement. He would be walking into a firestorm if he

came straight after issuing that.”

“Furthermore, only a few of us know that it was he who issued the Kill Declaration. Most of the Hughes

family do not know that. The level of alertness and protection at night would not be as strong as during

the day.”

“Even I would pick a time late in the night to attack. Perhaps the most ideal time would be three to four

in the morning.” Killian analyzed thoughtfully as George nodded in agreement. George now looked at

Killian with admiration. It was indeed true that it would be ideal to launch an attack between three and

four in the morning. That was the time when most people would feel the most tired.


It was autumn and the morning breeze was cold. The breeze scattered the fallen leaves all over the


George tightened his clothes around him and then muttered, “In that case, then we’d better prepare

ourselves. We’ll capitalize the opportunity to slaughter that bastard.”


The morning breeze was cold outside the courtyard and fallen leaves scattered around the compound.

Normally, the servants would start to sweep the compound before daybreak. But this morning no one

was sweeping the grounds!

It was gloomy as the breeze continued to blow. The leaves continued to fall and scatter about in the

wind. The servants were all focused on protecting the place when they heard, “Crackle… crackle…”

The wheelchair rolled over the fallen leaves and sounds of the dry leaves being crushed could be

heard. Jack sat on the wheelchair as he wheeled himself amidst the falling leaves. His eyes were fierce

as they fixated on the courtyard surrounded by guards.

He raised his head to look at the falling leaves and smiled. The autumn wind was killing so many

leaves… and lives!

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