The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 650 Act Quick
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Chapter 650 Act Quick

The sandalwood was smothering inside the hall as Carter was sleeping peacefully within.

Bang! Suddenly Killian violently pushed open the doors to the hall and Carter was shocked from his

slumber. Carter looked at the frantic Killian and started to frown in frustration as he reprimanded,

“Killian, what’s wrong with you?”

“Uncle Carter, something bad has happened.” Killian slumped in front of Carter. His trembling left hand

grabbed Carter’s hand, he looked at Carter with his bloodshot eyes and said, “He isn’t dead, isn’t dead,

he isn’t dead!”

Carter’s body shuddered and his eyes opened wide in surprise and asked, “Who isn’t dead?”

“Jack, Jack!” Killian turned around to ensure that no one else was around as he said softly.

Kaboom! It was as if a thunder clapped in Carter’s head. He sobered up and was wide awake instantly.novelbin

Carter glared with his eyes wide open and asked Killian in disbelief, “How could that be? The head of

the family had issued a summon for specialist doctors to go for Jack. This was even confirmed by my


Though he was terrified, he still forcibly suppressed his voice. He wouldn’t be this terrified had it been

any of the other Hughes family members. He could even handle it if it had been a potential heir of the

Hughes family. But now this involved Jack! This was the son of the head of the family! Although

everyone in the Hughes family had regarded Jack as a bastard, Patrick had protected Jack against all

odds. Now, they had even tried to kill Jack!

Killian’s right hand was trembling as he adjusted his eyeglasses and said, “He really isn’t dead!

George, George is back. He confirmed it!”

Regardless of how crafty he was, how much he plotted, he had always been able to maintain his

composure. But now Killian was unable to suppress his emotions.

The celebrations that they had and the wine that they drank were still fresh in his memory including his

dream of glory and taste of success that he had before he saw George. But now what George said had

ruthlessly shattered his dreams.

They celebrated too early and his dreams went up in smoke. It was as if their celebrations last night

were a total joke.

“Why is he back? Why isn’t he dead?” Carter yelled as his veins throbbed.

The next moment, Carter rose, grabbed Killian and dragged him towards Madam Hughes’ room,

“Come with me to inform my mother.”

Under the current circumstances, Carter didn’t have the mood to pursue why George was back. The

most critical matter now was that Jack wasn’t dead!

Bang! Carter opened the door without knocking.

Inside the traditionally decorated room, Madam Hughes opened her eyes and was immediately furious

as she glared at Carter and Killian, “Where’s your manners? Don’t you know how to knock? What do

you want?”

She was old and weak and could not stay up too late into the night. Furthermore, last night she drank a

lot of wine as she celebrated happily. Now she was furious for being awaken so suddenly from her


“Mom! Something bad had happened!” Carter said frantically as he suppressed his voice, “Jack… isn’t


What?! Madam Hughes turned from being furious to being shocked. Her old and frail body suddenly

sprung upright and sat on her bed. Her tired eyes were glaring at Carter and Killian as her eyelids

trembled. Her eyes radiated her intense desire to kill as she demanded, “What happened? Clarify

yourself. Why isn’t that bastard dead?”

“George is back and he personally told Killian!” Carter said as his veins throbbed.

“Come, come with me to see George!” Madam Hughes got off the bed and she was energized in her

fury. In her anxiousness, Carter and Killian actually found it hard to keep up with her as she walked

briskly to look for George.

The three of them walked hurriedly into George’s courtyard.

Madam Hughes immediately frowned and raged as soon as she saw George.

“Grandma!” George’s cold expression turned into a smile as he saw Madam Hughes.

Madam Hughes walked with the dragon head walking cane towards George.

Slap! She slapped George across his face and asked, “You scoundrel, why are you back?”

George was immediately stunned by her fury. Ivy was also terrified as she stood to one side. She was

previously pampered by Madam Hughes and was the closest to her among the younger Hughes

generation. This was the first time she had seen Madam Hughes so angry!

“Grandma… I…” George held onto his swollen face as he wanted to explain.

But Madam Hughes said sternly, “Why are you back when I sent you to kill Jack? Do you know how

great of a danger you are in, now that you’re back?”

George was dumbfounded. He had felt disheartened because of the slap but now he felt encouraged

by what Madam Hughes said. Was Grandma so angry because she was worried about my safety?

Madam Hughes continued to ask, “Tell me, what the hell is going on with Jack?”

George hastily answered, “It was unexpected. Jack had disappeared when we went. That’s why I

captured Amber to force Jack to reveal himself. But Jack didn’t turn up. Instead, that Quinn guy who

murdered his father turned up and saved Amber!”

“He’s not dead? He’s really not dead? That bastard is alive and well?” Madam Hughes clenched her

teeth and struck the ground with the dragon head walking cane.

“No, that summon for specialist doctors was for that father murderer!”

Kaboom! Madam Hughes was so furious that she looked like she was ready to devour someone.

Suddenly, her body shuddered, she staggered several steps backward and collapsed.



Killian and Carter rushed forward to grab Madam Hughes.

Madam Hughes felt like the sky was spinning and her left hand held onto her forehead as she frowned

furiously. The celebrations that they had last night was now a great joke!

George’s return was like a huge slap on her face. They should have investigated! They should have

done an investigation to ascertain Jack’s death before they celebrated! Now they had celebrated too

early and was a huge embarrassment!

Madam Hughes’s entire body was trembling and she was burning up from rage. She then realized one

critical issue as she looked at George. This matter… had become a huge problem!

“Carter, come with me to see the head of the family! Killian, stay in this courtyard and gather the men to

protect George from any assassination attempts. George, you are not to leave this courtyard!”

After Madam Hughes’ orders, she left the courtyard together with Carter.

After leaving the courtyard, Carter asked, “Mom, is it wise to see the head of the family now?”

“What do you know?” Madam Hughes was full of anger as she narrowed her eyes and continued, “We

need to act quickly. That fool George is useless. If we don’t go to see Patrick now, we’ll be implicated

by them and be punished along with them!”

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