The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 643 Summon Head Doctors, Emergency!
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Chapter 643 Summon Head Doctors, Emergency!

The phone only rang once.

Then it was connected.


A strong voice full of attraction.

Jack smiled slightly, "Dad..."novelbin


On the phone, Patrick's voice suddenly rose, and he was very surprised, "Are you back?!"

"I'm back, I'm fine."

Jack's voice was low, without sounding tired, he went straight to the point, "Now I need your help, I

have to save my brother."

"Brother?" Patrick was puzzled. "Yael?"

Jack said, "When I was kidnapped, Amber had an accident. Yael exchanged for Amber with his own

life. Now Yael's life is on the edge of life and death."

He did not mention "George", because after he knew that the death of Yael is hard to avoid, if the

Hughes family was still involved, what came after would be hindered.


Patrick was furious. Even through the phone, Jack still felt a terrifying killing intent, "Who dared to touch

my daughter-in-law and grandchild? Damn!"

"Now it is not the time to investigate this, I need to save Yael! I need a doctor, many, many doctors, the

best doctors in the world!" Jack anxiously said.

"Yael has contributed a lot to the Hughes family, leave this to me, give me some time."


The phone was hung up.

Jack heaved a sigh of relief. With the reputation of the Hughes family and the great doctors gathered,

there should be a chance for Yael to win this battle with the Death God.

However, when he thought of Yael.

Jack still felt unsafe.

He found a business card.

It was a quaint black and gold business card.

"Bastard, I have done everything in my effort, and I don't even care about my own reputation anymore.

You have to survive, damn it!"

After hesitating, Jack's eyes turned sharp, and he dialed Zenith's number.

The call was connected.

"Zenith, this is Jack." Jack spoke first.

On the phone, he pondered for a second, and Zenith said solemnly, "Is this how you as the Chief

Guard of the Dragon Cavalry Twelve Golden Guards talk to your Commander?"

Jack was speechless.

He gritted his teeth, then said, "Commander, please do me a favor."

Entering the Dragon Cavalry was out of expectation within an accident.

It started from a private revenge, but the whole thing turned around.

Even if he knew that it was because of his uncle Brown that he became related, but Jack's feelings

towards Zenith could not be changed for a while.

"You have just became Chief Guard, and you are already asking me for help?" Zenith said.

Jack's eyes were filled with anger, "Then I ask my uncle to talk to you?"

"Just say it!"

Jack said angrily, "I need doctors, the best doctors in the world."

Out of all the doctors in the world, 60% could be summoned under the prestige of the Hughes family,

Jack hoped to rely on Dragon Cavalry to summon the other 40%.

Even fighting a small matter, a powerful person would use all of his strength, not to mention that this

time it was to save Yael and for him to win a battle with the Death God!

Even if 90% of the best doctors were called, Jack would still felt that it was extremely dangerous!

"I don't have any head doctors."

Zenith's swift response made Jack's heart sink to the bottom.

Without waiting for Jack to speak, Zenith's words suddenly changed, "However, I do have military


"Yes!" Jack was surprised.

"Okay, don't worry, military doctors are not inferior to those good doctors. I will summon the top twelve

military doctors at the frontier war zone in our territory. They are all top doctors and second to no one"

Zenith no longer hesitated like he did just then, and simply said, "In my name."

"Thank you." Jack was about to hang up.

Zenith asked, "Why do you want so many top doctors?"

"To save my brother!" Jack's face was turbulent, and his eyes were filled with bitter resentment, "It's all

your fault. After kidnapping me, something happened in my family. My brother tried to save my wife. He

wanted to exchange his life with hers, now...I have to save my brother!"

In the phone, there were a few seconds of silence.

Zenith's voice was low, "This is our fault. I'm sorry. Don't worry, to show the apology, the twelve military

doctors will arrive immediately."

It was hard to imagine that the legendary god of war of the North Territory would actually apologize to


Just this sentence, if it was spread out, would definitely shock all frontier in the territory.

Even ordinary people would be shocked.

After hanging up the phone.

Jack's complexion was condensed, he felt panic.

100% percent of the effort, it should be... able to be enough, right?

Jack was not sure, but in order to save Yael, he would do his best at any cost.

He was irritated, Jack's eyes were a little red.

Subconsciously, he drew out his clothes pocket, but it was empty.

Slowly pushing his wheelchair, he went out of the stairwell, seeing Lyndall not far away, he shouted.

Lyndall pushed his wheelchair over and Jack asked in a low voice, "Do you have any cigs?"

"Yes." Lyndall smiled.

Then him and Jack pushed their wheelchairs into the stairwell, and lit one each.

Jack sucked on his cigarette hard in silence.

Lyndall looked at Jack, smoking his cigarette, his eyes were deep.

"Why are you looking at me?" Jack asked.

Lyndall said, "I think what the mysterious man hinted me before was right. You are loyal enough!"

A chill suddenly appeared on Jack's face when he heard the "mysterious person".

There was no response, he was just smoking silently.

At the same time.

The Hughes family.

After Patrick hung up Jack's call, he didn't hesitate to write a "Head Doctor Summoning Order" and

issued a order in the name of the Hughes family with tens of thousands.

Yael exchanged his life to save Amber.

Not only did Jack try his best to save him, Patrick also made up his mind instantly when he learned

about it.

This was a huge favor for the continuation of his bloodline and protection of the offspring of the Hughes


He as a grandfather would do his best!


He sealed it with the family head's seal, and Patrick immediately called someone to spread this urgent


When his cronies saw the urgent order, they were also dumbfounded.

The seal of the head of the family and the red characters in the golden post, this was a top urgent order

of the Hughes family!

"Go!" Patrick slapped his palm on the table and sternly said, "I want the world's greatest head doctors

to prepare and set off in half an hour and meet there!"

In the Dragon Cavalry barracks.

White snow and ice covered the ground.

The cold wind howled.

In the sky above the barracks, a fighter plane circled uncertainly.

"Commander, we are already here, why don't we land?" A golden guard asked in confusion.

"There is a highly urgent military order!"

Zenith sat on the chair, his expression solemn and in horror, which made the expression of the eight

golden guards and Achilles change drastically.

The next second, Zenith said coldly, "In the name of Zenith, I have passed an urgent military order.

Twelve military doctors from the frontier war zone will leave immediately. As quick as possible. Those

who have missed order, will be punished by military law!"

The sonorous military order blasted like thunder.

The eight golden guards and Achilles were shocked and stunned at the same time, their expression

were full of horror.

"Commander, our military doctors in the Northern Territory can leave immediately, but if the military

doctors at the border areas of other territories will have to be dispatched forcibly with your military

order, it will cross the line and may be a violation."

Facing the golden guards' reminder, Zenith smiled sternly.

At this moment, the majestic coercion of fear swept across.

The expression on everyone's face changed drastically, it was chilling.

Domineering words echoed in the cabin.

"Violation? Then I, Zenith, will go there in person to see if they dare to violate!"

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