The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 639 A Stubborn Vinna Vaughn In Madness
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Chapter 639 A Stubborn Vinna Vaughn In Madness

“It’s not enough! The blood supply is still not enough!”

Director Lansing went mad and shouted frantically, “Get some more supply! Yael can’t hold on without



The door to the emergency room was shut closed once again.

On the corridor.

Mr. Ward, Amber and Lyndall were accompanying Vinna.

On the other hand, Lone Wolf and Daisy were conducting blood tests for the people.

It was impossible to maintain the blood supply with just the contribution from Vinna alone.

That was why Mr. Ward made a decision a while ago. He made a call to Corbin, instructing him to

gather all the employees of DT Real Estate Agency, as well as the people who were working for the

Quinn Family to come here as soon as they can.

Surely, they would be rewarded.

It didn’t matter to Mr. Ward at all. Even if the blood supply cost him a fortune, he had to give it a shot

and bring Yael back to life.

However, it was out of his expectation that the blood supply would still be insufficient even after so

many people had donated their blood.

“Mr. Ward, the people here are all the employees from the local company. The ones under Quinn

Family are probably not here yet since they are quite far away.” Lyndall was one of the more rationalnovelbin

ones left here now.

Mr. Ward was exhausted. He held his hands together, “But I’m afraid that…”

He paused abruptly amidst his sentence.

Because it suddenly struck him that Vinna was still here.

Sure enough, her voice sounded.

“I…I…I can still donate some.”

Vinna had her right arm placed on the bench’s armrest as she struggled to stand on her feet weakly.

But as soon as she moved, a wave of dizziness hit her.

She fell back onto the bench again.


The expressions on Amber, Mr. Ward and Lyndall’s face changed drastically at this scene.

Right now, Vinna was as pale as a ghost. It wouldn’t be exaggerating to say that she looked lifeless

too. She was weak, and would often enter into a trance.

When they first started to draw blood for Yael, they depended solely on Vinna’s blood to support him.

Even if the nurses had tried their best to control the amount of blood drawn, its high frequency still

made Vinna very weak.

“Vinna, calm down. You’re at your maximum. You’re going to die if you were to get your blood drawn


Mr. Ward said in a low voice seriously.

“But I…I want to save him. I don’t want him to…”

In Vinna’s bloodshot eyes, tears were starting to form and it was blurring her vision. Her eyes sparkled

with tears as she lifted her head and looked at Mr. Ward.

At this moment, she was hopeless. Perhaps she was in despair, or even agony too…

It stunned Mr. Ward and Lyndall.

Amber, upon seeing Vinna’s state, felt heartbroken as well.

She hurriedly hugged her, “Vinna, everything is going to be okay. We will definitely find a way to save

Yael. You must take care of yourself too and not act rashly.”

“Amber, I’m scared…I’m so scared…”

Vinna’s tears streamed down her cheeks as she sobbed. Her features were scrunched together in

sadness, and she was on the verge of breaking down, “I want him to live. I’m afraid that…that Idiot.

He’s an idiot! Boohoo…I can exchange my life for his. I can do that.”

As soon as she spoke, the emergency room door was pushed open again, revealing a nurse who

hurried out and urged without any emotions.

“Where’s the blood supply? The patient needs a lot of it! You guys quickly figure out a way!”


After she spoke, she shut the door again.

“Yes, we still have some blood here.”

Vinna tried to suppress her emotions, and forced herself to stand up despite her weak state. Amber

and the rest wanted to stop her.

But Vinna was determined, “Please let them draw my blood again. I want to save that fool! Even if it’s

just another 100 milliliters, it is still better than none.”

Vinna’s heart was aching terribly.

Mr. Ward and Lyndall exchanged gazes.

Mr. Ward then said, “50.”


Vinna raised her hand and wiped her tears away. There was strong determination in her eyes.

When the nurse stuck the needle into her veins once again, Vinna looked as if she did not feel any pain

at all.

While looking at the blood which was flowing from her veins to the blood packet, Vinna showed a smile

on her pale face, “Idiot, you will get better. I’m here for you…”

In the end, her voice was already inaudible.

After her blood was drawn, Amber and Mr. Ward brought her back to the corridor of the emergency

room to wait.

Even 50 milliliters of blood was too much of a burden for Vinna at this point.

Right now, she was leaning on the bench weakly. There was not a bit of strength left in her. Her

complexion was so pallid that it scared the rest.

However, she still had her gaze fixed on the red lights that were turned on above the emergency room


Both her hands were clasped tightly together.

But then, the nurse came out, “Not enough! It’s still not enough!”

She spoke coldly and urged again, “Quickly think of a way. If the blood supply isn’t sufficient, there’s no

chance to save him at all.”


The sound of the door which was shut once again was like a hit of hammer which smashed on

everybody’s hearts.

Even Mr. Ward and Lyndall were panicking at this moment.

Not enough!

The blood supply was still not enough!

Where the fuck can they find blood now?

All the employees of DT Real Estate Agency had rushed over, and those with matching blood types

had their blood drawn earlier. It was impossible to force them to give what was more than appropriate,

wasn’t it?

The Quinn Family was still on their way here.

It was a race against time. A second was enough to dictate Yael’s life or death!

“I…I still can do it…”

A weak, soft voice traveled into everyone’s ears.

Mr. Ward and Lyndall’s expression changed.

Amber just hugged Vinna right away as she cried, “Vinna, calm down! Calm down, please!”

“Let me go, let go! I still can do it!”

Vinna struggled to break free weakly, but she, who was extremely weak at this point, could do nothing

to Amber, who was just equally as weak as her.

At this time.

Mr. Ward’s phone rang all of a sudden.

In a troubled state, he took out his phone and saw that it was a call from an unknown number.

He wanted to hang up, but still pressed the answer button in the end.

“Mr. Ward, come and pick me up.”

As soon as he answered the call, a familiar voice rang in his ears. Instantly, it made Mr. Ward’s eyes

shine with excitement and strength again.

“Young Master, where are you?”


Amber and Lyndall were shocked to their cores.

Then, the both of them became emotional too.

But not Vinna, who was focusing solely on saving Yael. When she was unable to break free from

Amber, she wailed in hopelessness.

“Who’s crying?” Jack asked.

Mr. Ward froze for a moment before he replied, “It’s Vinna. Something has happened to Yael. We are at

LJ Hospital now and are trying to find ways to save him.”

“Save him? What’s happening?”

“We need a lot of blood supply for his blood transfusion. The blood bank in the hospital has already

been emptied, and we are looking for ways to find more blood now.” Mr. Ward explained.

The next second.

Jack said in a low voice, “I know what to do. Come pick me up now, and leave the rest to me!”


The call ended.

Soon, Mr. Ward had a new friend request on WeChat. Once he accepted it, a location was sent to him.

“I’m going to pick up the Young Master!”

Mr. Ward rushed out of the hospital after leaving those words behind.

40 minutes later.

A Rolls Royce drove into an abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city.

When Mr. Ward saw Jack who was covered in blood, it shocked him.

In bewilderment, he approached Jack.

And Jack too, placed the phone down. When Zenith and the rest left, they gave Jack the phone.

After getting in the car, Mr. Ward immediately started the engine of the car and sped out of the factory

as he rushed to LJ Hospital.

The atmosphere was gloomy in the car.

Mr. Ward spoke first, “Young Master, I can’t explain the whole situation to you now. But this time, Yael

used his life to protect Madam Amber’s.”

“It’s okay.”

Jack shook his head, “I have the same blood type as Yael.”

It was usual for Jack and Yael to get injured and bleed, so they had long known about each other’s

blood type.

Mr. Ward glanced at Jack weirdly, pursed his lips and said worriedly, “Young Master, it is not suitable for

you to have your blood drawn when you are injured. It’s not even enough with all the employees I have

called forth here. And the Quinn Family is still on their way.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Jack raised his hand and rubbed his nose. He then displayed a proud


“Oh? I have lots of it, so much that it’s enough to fill up the blood bank of the hospital.”

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