The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 624 I Have Failed You, Please… Accept My Kowtow As An Apology
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Chapter 624 I Have Failed You, Please… Accept My Kowtow As An Apology


The autumn breeze was blowing.

Inside the TM villa district, the atmosphere was gloomy.

Yael was sitting on the couch, quietly smoking a cigarette. The ashtray in front of him was already filled

with cigarettes butts.

The air was filled with unpleasant smell of smoke.

Vinna sat aside, there was still fear and panic on her face. Both of her hands clenched together while

fidgeting the corner of her shirt.

She looked at Yael from time to time.

“Are you sure you want to go?”

Vinna gritted her teeth and finally broke the silence in the living room, “Perhaps… we can still discuss

this with Mr.Ward.”

The scene of men charging into the villa and slashing, it was still a nightmare, constantly replaying in

Vinna’s mind.

Ever since she was a child; she had not experienced such horrible and bloody scene.

And the thought of Yael who was going to face those men later had made her even more anxious.

“It’s no use.”

Yael extinguished his cigarette. While taking a new cigarette from the case, he said calmly, “Jack is

missing, George ordered Jack personally to go. If we cancel the mission to assassinate George now,

he will not give up.”

“But would it change anything if you go?”

Vinna suddenly screamed. The feeling that she had been held back finally burst into tears. Her eyes

turned red, “Those men are killers, they don’t care about human lives! You already knew that George

wanted Jack to go. What difference could you possibly make?”


Yael lit his cigarette slowly. In contrast of Vinna’s shrilling voice, Yael was unusually calm.

He took a deep sip and puffed thick smoke.

His gaze became determined.

“It will work!”

He slowly turned his head and looked at Vinna. With a smirk on his face, “I am going to bring Amber

home obviously!”


Vinna was confused while looking at Yael’s calm smirk. But then she was shocked, as she remembered

that Yael went out alone that afternoon.

She felt that there was a determination of death!

Vinna’s heart throbbed, and asked in a trembled voice, “What, what are you planning to do? What did

you do this afternoon?”

The questions stunned Yael.

He subconsciously placed his left hand at his waist.

This tiny movement had been caught by Vinna.

At that instant.

Vinna’s eyes became focusing, as if she was crazy pounced on Yael. As she tried to lift Yael’s clothes.

Yael was caught off guard. The two of them got entangled.

“What are you hiding?”

“Yael you madman, what exactly do you plan to do?”

“Let me see, Yael, let me see!”

Vinna let out shrilling growl as she desperately tried to lift Yael’s clothes.

But Yael held it tightly while entangled with Vinna.

Suddenly, Yael became ruthless.


He slapped Vinna in her face.

The pain made Vinna let out a miserable cry as she stumbled onto the couch.

For a while, Vinna’s eyes were filled with tears. The scorching pain on her face made her stagger on

the couch. She didn’t move and was lost in a trance.

“It’s none of your business!”

Yael glared at Vinna coldly and threw his cigarette on the floor, turned around and walked away.

As Yael turned around, Vinna snapped out of what had happened.

She sat up and looked at Yael that was determined to leave. She wailed heart brokenly, “You don’t

even care about me for the sake of your friend. Are you going to leave me a widow?”

The word “Widow” made Yael stop in his track of leaving the villa.

Inside the villa, there was a moment of silence.

There was finally a change in Yael’s stone-cold face. There was a mix and complex emotion as tears

started to build up in his eyes.


With a snicker from Yael, the dead silence in the villa was broken.

“I am just a patricide, how could I ever mess with someone like you?”

In no time, Yael turned around suddenly and knelt.


His knees hit the floor with heavy thud.

At the same time, the heavy thud made Vinna throbbed, as if something was hammering her heart.

Vinna’s eyes was filled with tears again. She raised her hand to cover her mouth. At that very moment,

her heart was aching as tears streamed down her face.

“I haven’t even married you, and we don’t share the same last name. Why do you call yourself a widow


Yael knelt on the floor with red veins in his eyes looking at Vinna. His smile grew even wider, with

determination, “It is me who have failed you. Please… accept my kowtow as an apology.”

These words overwhelmed Vinna.

Her eyes widened as she looked at Yael incredulously.

The sound of laughter echoes.

Yael was smiling, but at the same time, without hesitation, heavily kowtowing on the floor.




Every time Yael’s head bangs on the floor, it was like a sledgehammer banging on her heart.

She was already crying and her body trembling.novelbin

Yael’s words and acts were like a burning knife slicing her.

How could he… be so heartless?

Vinna suppressed her weeping sound forcefully by covering her mouth.

Her eyes were blurred by her tears, as she gazed upon the figure in front of the door.

But her tears kept flowing, making the figure even more blurry.

Vaguely, she saw the figure got up, turned around and left hastily without hesitation.

When Vinna panicked and raised her hands to wipe off her tears, Yael was already gone from her sight.

While in the garden, there was the sound of the engine roared.


In the villa, Vinna’s scream echoed.

And eventually, the villa was quiet.

Vinna sat on the couch miserably, her teeth biting her lips. No matter how hard she tried to endure, the

tears couldn’t stop flowing down.

Yael’s desperation was devastating to her.

But after Yael left, Vinna gradually calmed down.

Her mind recalled the scene just then when she struggled to lift his shirt off. But was stopped by his

slap. When she fell, she still saw an object underneath his shirt.

That object gave her a feeling of déjà vu.

“What was it? What was it?”

Vinna was so anxious, her teeth bit through her lips, blood started seeping out.


Vinna was stood rooted as it finally rang a bell.

She figured out what it was!

She had less experience, but she had seen some movies.

The scene of a movie and the stuff that was strapped on Yael’s waist was the same.

“A Bomb!”

At that moment, Vinna panicked and her eyes widened, “Damn it, damn it, that bastard! He didn’t want

to save anyone. He was going for a life exchanging!”

With fear and anxiety filling her, Vinna indignantly smashed the couch.

After realizing it, she no longer cared how heartless Yael was.

Vinna quickly took out her cell phone terrified and panicked, with trembling hands and dialed Mr.Ward.

As soon as the phone was answered.

Vinna cried out loud, “Mr. Ward, Amber has been taken away by others. And Yael… he, he is going for

a life exchanging.”

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