The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 615 An Attack Shocked Golden Guard
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Chapter 615 An Attack Shocked Golden Guard

"Achilles, stop!"

The Golden Guard stepped forward and shouted at the same time.

For those who were generals, what they spoke were the laws that everyone had to follow.

This was the glory of the soldiers, and it was also an inexorable law!

It was said in 30 moves they must finish it within 30 moves!

Now the amount of moves were over, what Achilles was doing violated the military order.

Among the Twelve Golden Guards, Achilles was the Chief Guard.

Actually, everyone was of equal rank, maybe he was one level up than others sometimes. But when it

came to the glory of the military, the Eight Golden Guards already had have made their decisions.

"Ah! Don't come by, you all stand still at where you are!"

Achilles noticed that Eight Golden Guards were approaching from the side, he then shouted at them

like he got a thunderstrike.

Just within this roar.

His hands, feet, and moves suddenly became messy.

All the moves and tactics suddenly became like random shots. we were!

With a teasing and contemptuous smile, Jack Hughes’s sight suddenly turned as sharp as a sword at

the moment.novelbin

The murderous intent came crushingly.

Mad Achilles felt enveloped by the killing intent and his mind was shocked immediately.

Was Jack... deliberately irritated me, so to lead me to reveal a flaw?

Damn it!

Achilles realized his intention instantly, but it was too late to calm down.

He saw Jack, who was close by him, looked like a god of death, with a tremendous killing intent,

directly rushed over to him.

"Break it for me!"

In a panic, Achilles bowed his body, reached out his fists as quick as a dragon’s move and blasted

towards Jack.

"Dragon Suppressing Palm!"

All of the sudden, Jack's hands were like snakes, instantly became very soft as boneless. They directly

clung onto Achilles’ strong arms. Without any break, his hands attempted to attack Achilles’ head.


Achilles was shocked and two of his arms were twisted together and were tightly wrapped by Jack so

that he couldn’t get rid of Jack no matter how hard he tried.

And the Eight Golden Guards who were approaching to them also felt shocked and panicked when

they saw the scene.

How could... could he move this fast?

Even though they had had more than enough combat experience before, they still felt mind blowing

after they witnessed this scene.

Jack, who had been suppressed by Achilles all the time, unexpectedly found a flaw in the

counterattack, and he was able to use the killer move!

Time seemed to be slowed at this moment.

Everything was slowed down.

Achilles' ferocious and crazy face gradually revealed a rarely seen panic.

However, Jack looked solemn and stern, as if god of death without any emotion. His arms pierced

toward Achilles' throat at a great speed.

This trick was enough to kill Achilles!

Unexpectedly, when Jack's right hand was about to hit Achilles’ throat.

Achilles had a sudden move!


Frightened Achilles suddenly let out a roar.

At the moment his life was hang by a hair, he took waist bent over like a big tree and instantly fell

backwards. Achilles brushed against the god of death.

"Mountain Knock!"

Almost at the same time Achilles lowered his waist, a cold voice roar blasted like thunder beside his




At this moment, not only was Achilles shocked, but also were Eight Golden Guards panic stricken.

Next second.

Achilles felt that his body was hit hard by a speeding truck.

Even with his strong and muscular body, he couldn't resist Jack's full strength of strick. Accompanied

by a painful roar, he flew out upside down like a human-shaped sandbag.

After landing, he even rolled over a few rounds.

When he stopped, before getting himself up, his pale face suddenly twisted together. Only hearing a

sound of "poof", a mouthful of blood spewed from his mouth.

Time, at this moment, seemed to be frozen.

The Eight Golden Guards, who originally wanted to step forward to stop them, stood still on the spot at

where they at and had horror on their faces.

"How the hell you can do the Mountain Knock?" One of the Golden Guards blurted out in horror.

Jack wiped the blood stains at the corners of his mouth, took at a glance to the Golden Guard with his

red eyes. He smiled awe-inspiringly, "Is it that difficult to do Mountain Knock? I just learnt how to do it."


His word was like a thunder, which blew everyone’s mind.

Either Achilles or the Eight Golden Guards, who had in bloody fight for countless times and they had

been used to see gory things.

They had trained their character to keep clam even in the brutal war.

But this time, they were stunned at the same time.

Everyone had different opinions.

"You just learnt it? When Achilles only used the move once, and you learnt it?"

"You got be kidding! Only by seeing its once so you could do it? It's impossible!"

"Damn, what the fuck! If Achilles’ Mountain Knock was that easy to learn, we would have learned it a

long time ago, how are we supposed to give you the chance ?"

The Golden Guards exclaimed one after another.

Some of them couldn't believe it, some fell into suspicion, and some even directly ignored the occasion

and started cursing.

Jack felt extremely exhausted.

Seizing Achilles' flaw just now and then he did the counterattack. It was a now or over moment.

So, he summoned all his strength in one shot.

But after the failed counterattack, it still made him exhausted.

Staggeringly back one step, Jack shrugged and smiled tiredly, "How hard it would be? It was just about

surprising your enemy? Achilles was disturbed by my Dragon Suppressing Palm, so I seized the rare


Achilles was so speechless.

The Eight Golden Guards were so speechless.

This was freaking depressing...

They were not stupid. On the contrary, the reason why they could become masters, not only rely on

their combat ability, but also their wit.

Jack was not wrong on the theory for the Mountain Knock.

But saying and doing were totally different things.

Surprising your enemy, the key was how to create unexpected opportunities, how to look at the timing,

how to...

It was really easy for people who know how to use Mountain Knock. But it was derived from thousands

of times practicing.

Beginners, who had only seen it for the first time, could actually achieve the point of mastery!

If it was really that easy to learn,Achilles’ "Mountain Knock" would have been already spread over

300,000 Dragon Cavalry soldiers.

If everything was that easy, they wouldn’t be in this dilemma, which even Golden Guards couldn't learn

how to master the move.

Jack spit out a mouthful of blood foam on the ground fiercely and felt the horrified gaze from Achilles

and others, his mouth corner turned up slightly.


I also sneakingly learnt my Dragon Suppressing Palm. After seeing it once, I learned it.

However, Jack clearly knew that it was impossible to reverse the current situation.

Simply, he thought he had nothing to lose.

Moving his painful arms, he stared coldly at Achilles who was still on the ground.

Even though the operation of "Mountain Knock" made Achilles threw up some blood, with the

difference in body shape, this counterattack wasn’t a fatal attack to Achilles, but only minor injuries.

Jack smiled contemptuously, "You are so weak to be the leader of the whole Dragon Cavalry. Since you

want to play it dirty, get up, I will beat you to the death!"

Achilles' muscular body took a twitch.

All the shock expression on his face suddenly turned into endless rage.

Crossing the battlefield with countless bloodbaths, what Jack said aroused Achilles’ intent of killing.

Even did not the Eight Golden Guards see him like this. All their expressions changed drastically.

Almost at the same time.

The Eight Golden Guards rushed towards Achilles all together.

Facing the Eight Golden Guards who were coming toward him, Achilles could control his rage.

At this moment, he was like a god of death.

"Who blocks me will die!"

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