The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter608 Living Like a Dog
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Chapter608 Living Like a Dog


The water dripped onto the ground and reverberated in the darkness.

Darkness, narrowness, depression.

Those were Jack Hughes’s feeling about surroundings.

He just woke up, he could still feel the pain in the back of his neck, which was extremely


But at this moment, he gritted his teeth and resisted fear to force himself to calm down.

It was just that ticking noise made him cannot be completely peaceful.

When a person was in the dark, all senses would be amplified and became sensitive and suspicious.

The only thing Jack could do at this time was to restrain the expansion of fear in his heart, to try not to

make a sound and to force himself to sort his mind.

He could feel that he was lying on the ground, the floor was freezing cold even with several streams of

water right beneath him, which made his body even more sticky and uncomfortable.

His hands were tied backwards. It would cause a sharp pain even with the slightest wrists twisting so

that Jack knew they did not use a hemp rope, but something like a hard steel wire to tie him up.

He was curled up on the ground like dried shrimps with his hands tied behind his back. He was unable

to move.

Only with one doubt...Where was he now?

In the darkness, Jack's eye-sight flickered, and he kept adjusting his breathing, trying to sweep the

messy thoughts and fears in his heart.

Brent had told him that only in calmness could you find the flaws and come back to life in desperate


So he kept still, even when he adjusted his breathing. He could only dare to make his breathe nice and

soft without a gasp.

The only thing he could do now was to wait!

Waiting for the flaws to show up.

"Fortunately, they thought I was disabled, so they didn't tie my legs. This gave me the advantage to


This was what Jack thought.

It was also the only thing he could rely on at this time.

The long-term and unremitting super-intensity physical training allowed his physical capability to reach

a level that even Brent could be amazed.

It was not difficult for Jack to control the enemy with his legs!

In the darkness, the sound of "tick...tick..." was never cutting off from beginning.

Just being in the darkness made Jack feel that time flied so slowly.

Even...under the disturbance of the dripping water, it was hard for him to calculate the time accurately,

by which the concept of time became a blur.

He didn't know how much time past.

Jack kept his hands behind and curled up on the ground, like he was dead already.

The dripping water flowed on the icy ground, which made the ground even colder. It was like he was

immersed in the icy water.

When a chill swept through, making Jack's body felt stiff and numb.

His lips started being trembled and his breathing became unsteady.

The sense of hunger that gradually appeared let Jack know he would have been here for a long time.

Jack stuck out his tongue to reach the ground and licked the moist ground.

Dipping the tip of his tongue to wet ground, so he could keep moist of mouth and throat.

It was just that the water on the ground always has an extremely disgusting smell.

It was like the smell of a large amount of disinfectant also mixed with some other unidentified smells.

But Jack resisted the feeling of nausea and licked the water on the ground "pleasantly".

As long as he could be alive, he would even be part of the mud.

Only staying alive so he could take a revenge. Even if they wanted him to be a dog, as long as he

could survive, he would be it.

Once he died, he lose all the jetton to stay in the game.

Since childhood, Jack had experienced this situation more than once.

The childhood experience made him even feel more unbearable than his current situation.

If he could beat that, there was nothing to stop Jack.

While licking the wet ground, Jack's mind was also rapidly spinning.

Even though the sound of dripping water annoyed him so much, he still kept thinking hard.

No matter how messy the environment was, as long as he think, he would always get a tiny bit clue.

The only thing he could be sure right now was that the mysterious man had sent a message to remind

him twice. All the reminders were about the situation he was in right now.


Jack's body took a tremor, and his heart was pumping to extreme level in an instant.

The mysterious man reminded him twice, and all the information referred directly to the present scene.

But when the message came in for the second time, Amber Knight was also there!


Jack murmured.


Someone made a loud noise as soon as he spoke.

The dazzling light instantly shone into the darkness where Jack was.

The bright light stimulated Jack's eyes and he couldn’t see anything.

"Shit! So you have already awake!" Someone was swearing.

Jack was in a trance.

This means... this bastard had always been outside?

I was licking the water stains on the floor like a god damn dog. In order to linger and wait until the

opportunity to see flaws, but all I need to do was... to make a sound so someone would notice me?

What the fuck…

Jack blinked vigorously for several times to allow his eyes quickly adapt to the bright light.

He tried hard to raise his sight and looked at the person in front of him.

This man stood at the door and shrouded in light, so Jack was not able to see his face, but he could tell

that he was very tall.

"You worked hard manage all this things and what was the purpose of kidnapping me?" Jack curled up

on the ground and asked coldly.

"Ah! You offended someone you shouldn’t have to. So sad you didn't even notice it at all."

The person in front of him sneered.

Jack frowned and he felt uncertainty.

Who did I messed up with… anyway?

Before he could figure out, the person in front of him leaned over to him.

"Since you are awake, how about let’s go out to settle the shit."

By speaking to Jack, the man reached his big hand over.

With no time to take reactions.

Jack’s sight suddenly sharpened.

This was the flaw!

Now or never!

In an instant, Jack twisted his body abruptly and his legs were like two giant pythons, with a whistling

sound, directly wrapped around the neck of the person in front of him.


The man yelled in terror.

Immediately, his legs exerted all the force he could possibility use then he twisted his whole body to

one side.

With his legs wrapping around the man's neck and all power he used, he flew the man out. After

hearing a bang, the man fainted.

What an assault.

The opportunity was at the corner!

Jack got up in a hurry. He even had no time to take care of his wrapped hands. He stepped his legs

and rushed towards the bright outside.

Ran away!

Just ran!

Everything still had a chance to maneuver only if he could escape!

He was locked in this dark house for such a long time so he had no concept of time.

He didn’t even know how long he was in detention. If he didn't escape as soon as possible, the whole

world outside may be changed.

All his concern came from his wife, Amber.novelbin

And George Hughes's Dark Net Assassin Squad.

The former one was his life, but the latter one could take away his life!

He strode to get out of here.

At this moment, Jack tried his best to burst the speed to the limit his physical body could reach.

But when he was about to rush out of the darkness and showered his body with light.


Unprepared, a big foot kicked right into Jack's chest.

His throat let out a dull sound then he felt like he was hit by a high-speed car.

On the spot, he flew back to the dark house, hit the wall with a bang and fell heavily onto the ground.

Jack coughed out a mouthful of blood, sank down on the ground for a long time.

At the same time, a cold and disdainful voice exploded beside his ears.

"No one can run away in front of my eyes..."

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