The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 600 A Family Meeting
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Chapter 600 A Family Meeting

A war of gunshots disrupted the entire Hughes Family.

The gloomy skies that had been looming over the family for the past two days from the assassination

seemed to have gotten darker when George was shot.

At the courtyard of George’s villa.novelbin

The number of his servants and guards had been increased to 500 people. It wouldn’t be exaggerating

to say that the place was fully packed.

The members of the Hughes Family were standing in the house.

Some looked gloomy, some sullen, while some looked calm as usual…

The Hughes Family was one that stood high above as they looked down on all the other wealthy

families from the top of the pyramid.

It was deadly enough that people barged into the Hughes Family’s territory and ran wild around here.

What more to say assassinating the heir to the head of the Hughes Family here!

This was not only a provocation to them, but it had disrespected the Hughes Family. It was as if they

had been dragged down from their throne into the mud! And even stepped on for that matter!

Everyone was suppressing their anger and trying to keep their rationality.

The room was so silent that one could hear a pin drop.

All of their gazes were fixed on the doctor who was treating George before his bed.

There were three doctors and nine nurses, whom all were the experts comparable to the best in the


In a short time, the medical team had managed to turn George’s bedroom into a surgery room, and

they were ready to perform an operation to save him.

However, under the intense stares of the Hughes’, all the doctors and nurses were nervous. It was

evident from the beads of sweat on their foreheads.

Finally, with the heave of a sigh from one of the doctors, the silence in the room was broken.

Slowly, the doctor removed his gloves, then his mask before sighing in relief, “Thank god that the bullet

did not hit any vital organs or his heart when it went through his chest. Young Master George is safe


At the sound of that, the other members of the Hughes Family loosened up too.

Some were even letting out the breath they had been holding in for too long.

“Doctor, when can he regain consciousness?” Ivy asked.

“As the bullet did not cause any serious injuries, Young Master George should be able to wake up in

one or two days.” The doctor replied.

“Thank you, doctor.”

Killian, who was by the side pushed his spectacles up the bridge of his nose before instructing the

servants behind him, “Prepare some reward for the medical team.”

All the three doctors and nine nurses widened their eyes in surprise.

Anyone who treated any member of the Hughes Family would be nicely rewarded.

What more to say if it was the heir to the head of the family who they saved this time around!

When the medical team left.

A voice travelled from outside all of a sudden.

“Madam Hughes has arrived!”

In an instant, everyone’s expression became serious as they stood up and prepared to welcome her.

“Welcome, Madam Hughes!”

All of them greeted loudly towards the outside of the villa.

Madam Hughes was the eldest in the family and had everyone’s respect.

Her position was a lot higher than the rest, and even the family head had to respect her well.

As Carter supported Madam Hughes, she walked into George’s room slowly.

When she saw George lying on his bed, lifeless and conscious, her walking stick fell to the floor.


Madam Hughes stepped on her walking stick angrily and scolded, “Bastard, they’re such bastards! No

one dared to humiliate us like this before!”

Her voice was thunderous.

It was loud enough to induce fear in everyone present.

Everyone could feel the fury through her words.

The next second.

Madam Hughes turned around in determination. In an instant, she changed into another persona

completely, as if the person who was hurrying earlier wasn’t her. She didn’t even seem tired anymore.

Everyone could notice the authoritative look on her face. It was like she was the head of this family.

Slowly, she spoke in a stern tone, “Where is Patrick Hughes? Where is he when something this serious

has happened in our family? Does he remember that he is the head of the Hughes Family? George is

one of the heirs, so is Patrick still going to sit idly by after something this serious has happened? Does

he not care about us being humiliated at all?”

All of her words were questioning and sharp.

It made everyone’s expressions change instantly.

Suddenly, amidst the crowd.

A stern voice erupted, “Madam Hughes is right. It has been two days since the incident. We, as the

elders of this family, kept quiet on the matter because we trust that the head would take charge since

this is about our reputation. But Patrick still doesn’t care even when George had been shot! We cannot

sit and wait around anymore! It’s time for us to have a family meeting and discuss it!”

Surprised gazes were shot in the direction of the man who spoke.

Archer stood amidst the crowd, tall and with his back straight.

When he felt that everyone was looking at him, he even lifted his chin a little proudly.

Usually, Archer had a high status in the family because of Patrick.

However, everyone knew that Archer, though he had a high status, was just a good-for-nothing.

This put him in an awkward position in the family.

Now that something so serious had happened, it was a good chance for him to shine!

How could he possibly let go of such a perfect chance to show off his status?

“I agree with Archer!” Madam Hughes stomped her walking stick and ordered, “Go and invite the Old

Master to the meeting hall. It’s time to call for a family meeting!”


Ten minutes later.

At the Hughes Family’s meeting hall.

It was silent.

Once Madam Hughes sat down next to the seat at the head of the table, everyone else took their seats

as well.

Carter and Archer were here too.

There were even more people compared to the time when they had a dinner with Jack!

Everyone had a stern expression on their faces while waiting for what was about to happen.

The intense oppression which came from everyone sunk the room into a dead silence.


A voice came from outside the meeting hall.

“The Old Master has arrived!”

All of them finally had some emotions in their eyes.

They averted the gaze to the door of the hall.

However…no one stood up!

When Patrick Hughes entered the hall, his gaze was cold at he stared at everyone else indifferently.

He did not move forward immediately.

Instead, he stood at the door, and soon after, his stern voice echoed throughout the hall, “All of you are

leaders in the Hughes Family. Even if there’s an emergency, you shouldn’t forget your manners, should


It was silent.

No one was saying anything in the hall.

All of them stood still, then slowly averted their gazes to Madam Hughes.

Madam Hughes, who was sitting down exuded an oppressing aura that seemed to prevent the rest

from moving.

“Old Master, George was shot. We cannot sit idly by anymore, and that is why we called for this

meeting. It is an emergency, indeed.”

Archer sat down while lifting his chin high, trying to immerse himself in this so-called glorious moment

of his.

“Once again, another family meeting which was called without any authorization.”

Patrick let out a strange laugh and walked towards his seat. However, he did not sit down, “I’m

becoming more powerless as the Old Master.”

Madam Hughes frowned slightly.

Everyone could hear how much Patrick was loathing this from his tone.

But Archer only continued, “Old Master, it’s not that we are not respecting you, but this is about the

reputation of our family. It’s truly an emergency, so we had no choice but to call for a family meeting.”


Patrick tugged at the corner of his lips.

The next second, he was already in front of Archer. He moved as fast as the lightning.

With his big hand, he slammed it on Archer’s head and held it forcibly.


Archer’s head was slammed hard to the table, and it made everyone’s expression changed drastically.

“Ignoring the fact that you don’t respect me as the Old Master, but how dare you, a useless piece of

shit provoke me?”

Patrick held tightly onto Archer’s head and pressed it to the table as he sneered, “The assassination of

an heir was enough to make you guys disregard the rules and force me to hold a family meeting. But…

when I was assassinated, why didn’t you guys panic like this?”

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