The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 594 Be Careful!
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Chapter 594 Be Careful!

Jack did not reveal his speculations publicly.

Gilbert quickly found a few of his cronies and had Jeweshine’s dead body disposed.

Once the most popular candidate for the patriarch, but now he was buried in such a quiet and sorrowful


Afterwards, Jack, Mr. Ward and Brent returned to the bedroom.

None of the three was sleepy.

Brent’s injuries had already been bandaged and there was no major problem.

Mr. Ward had also sobered up a lot.

Both of them frowned thoughtfully as they looked at Jack.

“Young Master, have you already guessed it in your mind?” Mr. Ward asked in a deep voice. After

following Jack for so long, he understood Jack’s attitude and demeanor.

Jack raised his head and looked outside the window.

Understanding his meaning tactfully, Brent got up and walked out.

Two minutes later, Brent returned to the room.

Only then did Jack’s expressions eased and he said in a low voice, “Mystery man.”

“Is it him again?!”

Mr. Ward and Brent were both startled.

Ever since Lyndall had been assassinated, the mystery man had appeared abruptly and had been

following everything that Jack had experienced, consistently hiding himself.

Just one person, but with extreme power, enough power to be able to lead even the Powell family to

come to the Hughes family…

Mr. Ward who was accustomed to seeing storms and typhoons, still couldn’t stop himself fromnovelbin

trembling in fear in front of such a person.

More importantly, they still didn’t know anything about the mystery man until now.

Only Jack and Lyndall alone had met him once.

And even then, he was under full body disguise.

Jack rubbed his face with his hands. He looked up at the ceiling and said helplessly, “Who the hell is


“Our whereabouts are exposed. Should we just terminate the plan?” Mr. Ward quickly grasped the main


This trip to the North was originally meant to let the Hunter family to take the bullet.

But now the sudden appearance of the mystery man signified that their whereabouts were exposed. In

case the mystery man decided to disclose the matter of George’s assassination then the whole

meaning behind taking the bullet was lost.


Jack shook his head and sneered, “Even the God of Death can’t save the person I decide to kill. You

want me to give it up just because of a mere mystery man?”

His words were full of contempt, his tone was domineering.

Mr. Ward and Brent looked at each other and said no more.

Brent said, “We should return tomorrow immediately. What if we hit a snag because we are not on our

own turf? I am worried.”

Jack and Mr. Ward looked at Brent at the same time.

The three words ‘I am worried’ rarely came out of Brent’s mouth.

And to be said in so bluntly and firmly.

Looked like Brent was really afraid of the consequences.

The night was spent in quiet.

When the day came.

The Hunter family, which had been silent for a whole night became vivacious again.

The only difference was perhaps that the Hunter family was missing a person.

Jack didn’t pay anymore attention. Gilbert knew how to handle this matter, so he didn’t need to worry

about it.

Early in the morning.

Jack and the other two bid farewell to Gilbert and Jeweline, and began their return journey.

The Mercedes-Benz G Wagon traveled along on the deserted highway all alone.

The cold night’s wind had swept a lot of grit and dust on the highway.

The car speeded along the road setting off a storm of dust behind it.

In the car.

Brent was driving.

Jack and Mr. Ward sat in the backseat.

A laptop was placed in front of Mr. Ward. After he did some work on it, his grave expression relaxed.

“Young Master, the Assassin Squad has already released a mission to kill George, offering a reward of

one billion US dollars.”

Jack nodded, his eyes narrowing and revealing the endless chill in them.

‘George… you are next. Now, even if you regret it, it’s too late.’

As soon as the mission of the Assassin Squad was released on the Dark Net, George was going to be

dominated by the fear of death.

Having personally experienced the assassination mission of Dark Net Assassin Squad once.

Jack knew perfectly well how the fear of death dominated every emotion.

The huge reward was enough to make the killers ignore the identity of George as the successor of the

Hughes family. They were soon going to come swarming, desperately rushing forward regardless of


Because in the eyes of the killers, George was already a walking treasure-trove.

“Young Master, I feel like it is necessary to investigate the mystery man with all of our strength.”

Mr. Ward said as he closed the laptop. His voice was low and his expressions serious.

The mystery man had appeared again and again. Ever since Lyndall’s assassination, the mystery

man’s shadow could be detected in almost everything.

This was by no means a good sign!

“Investigate it thoroughly.” Jack took a deep breath and said with awe-inspiring expressions, “He is like

the dragon, people can barely see find his head, it is time to pull out its head. Let us see who the hell

he is.”

He had been continuously suspecting on which side the mystery man stood.

But now Jack was almost sure that the mystery man’s real purpose was to point a sword at him.

Not knowing his position, Jack also could have just ignored it.

But after determining his position, if he still didn’t take actions, it would have been like lying with the

tiger and sleeping soundly.

This sharp sword that was hidden in the dark.

It was enough to assassinate him, and to kill him with just one blow!

Even Brent’s protection would not have been able to stop it.



A big hole burst into the front wind screen of the G Wagon.

The cracks spread through the glass like a rippling spider web instantly.


Sudden attack.

Brent looked terrified and immediately stepped on the brakes to stop the car.

In an instant, the relaxed atmosphere inside the car turned tensed with attention.

Jack looked cold and stern, staring sharply at the stone on the front wind screen.

Even though the car belonged to the Hunter family and had not been modified in any special way.

The strength of the wind screen should have been enough!

Yet, a stone, not only cracked the glass but also… completely penetrated through it.

It was completely embedded in the front wind screen.

“This is not an accident. It was thrown by someone!”

Brent said in a deep voice and immediately got out of the car to check.

Jack and Mr. Ward looked at each other at the same time, seeing horror in each other’s eyes.

Fortunately, nothing happened after Brent got out of the car.

After pulling the stone out of the wind screen, Brent returned to the car.

This took only a few seconds.

But Jack and Mr. Ward had already accumulated a lot of greasy sweat on their palms.

“Young Master, there is a note stuck to the stone.”

After getting back into the car, Brent handed the stone back to Jack.

“Mystery man…”

Jack’s expressions changed drastically as his heart sank horribly.

This strategy was not used by him for the first time.

Last time at the Capital City Hospital, the mystery man had used the same strategy to drive a wedge

between him and Amber.

Thinking of that, Jack hurriedly unfolded the note.

His pupils shrank to the extreme as soon as he saw the content.

Besides him, Mr. Ward was also dumbfounded and he exclaimed in alarm, “What does he mean by


The content of the note was extremely simple.

Merely two words. However, it left both Jack and Mr. Ward extremely puzzled.

The content was: Be careful!

Careful about what?

What should they have been careful about in this vast barren land?

Wasn’t mystery man the one who should be most careful?

How come he was throwing stones and passing notes to them?

As Brent started the car again.

Jack slowly folded the note, frowning at it.

It was Mr. Ward, whose eyes suddenly flashed as if he had just realized something.

“Young Master… is he provoking?”

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