The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 582 Hana’s Intentions
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Chapter 582 Hana’s Intentions

At that moment, the small courtyard was in total upheaval. Wailing and yelling could be heard. When

Killian and Carter rushed into the prayer hall, Madam Hughes had already been overcome with anger,

vomited blood, and fainted.

Both of them turned pale from the fright and their lips quivered. They were stunned for several seconds

before coming to their senses. The same scene happened in each of the Hughes family courtyards.

In the dark of the night, the Hughes family’s celebrations had turned into grief. Except that these were

hidden in the silence of the night.

Jack and Mr. Ward did not stay at the Hughes residence for long. They walked out of the living room

and left. Jack didn’t bother to find out what happened to the Hughes family and neither was it

necessary because he knew that it was enough that he was alive!

As the helicopter rotors whirled, Mr. Ward looked at Jack and almost spoke several times but he didn’t.

In the end, he simply heaved a deep sigh.

Jack sat quietly in the wheelchair and his gaze revealed his anger and hate.

What Hana did ripped open his deep hidden wounds and turned him into the type of person like his

father. She had framed him and plotted against him. There was no way that he could tolerate this. But

in Jack’s resentment and anger, he was puzzled and could not understand something. How was he so

attractive for Hana to plot so deeply to get to him.

Lust was a powerful motivator, regardless of men or women.

But what Hana did was indeed impressive and even unbelievable.

On the other end, they were on the way back to the hotel. The atmosphere in the luxury car was


Hana drooped her head and sat like a kid who had done something wrong. Although she had tried to

remain low-key, she was the cause of this issue and could not evade the stern glare of Kerry and the


“Hana, aren’t you going to explain yourself?” Kerry asked solemnly. The other two middle-aged Powell

family members also looked sternly waiting for her explanation. They were not dumb. As the Power

family’s first- and second-generation authority holders, they were all extremely intelligent and could

easily read someone’s intentions. It was clear from what had happened that Jack had the moral high


With their understanding of Hana, she would have stomped her feet in fury before they spoke out for


Kerry stood up to reprimand Jack because he was trying to protect the Powell family’s reputation.

Regardless of the misgivings of his family member, it was only appropriate that the punishment be

carried out within the Powell family. How could he stand by when an outsider criticized and slandered

his family member’s character?

He could not allow that even if it was the head of the Hughes family’s son! He had to protect the dignity

of the family! The reputation of the Powell family could never be attacked!

But now there weren’t any outsiders and they should ask and find out the truth. Kerry and the others

would not simply let this rest.

“Master Kerry, I… I…” Hana was so embarrassed that she blushed in red. She bit her lip tightly and

couldn’t say a thing. Her usual A-list celebrity loftiness was nowhere to be seen. She acted like an

embarrassed little girl.

“Speak!” Kerry’s expression darkened.

Hana was extremely embarrassed and her entire body shuddered when she saw the stern looks of the

three of them. But how… how could she explain herself?

She stomped her feet and said coyly, “Master Kerry, can you all don’t ask? I beg of you.”

“This concerns the Powell and Hughes family. I must find out the truth behind this matter when my

granddaughter was slandered in front of me to this extent. Otherwise, I do not fit to be the head of the

Powell family.”

Kerry was very firm and didn’t allow Hana to wriggle herself out of this and declared, “This must be

handled appropriately. If what happened tonight leaked out, then what harm will it bring to the Powell

family? If you are right, I will make sure that you get the justice you deserve and make sure that

Hughes brat pays for it. But if you are in the wrong, then I need to know the truth. I can’t be kept in the

dark after supporting you unconditionally.”

“But… I…” Hana grasped her hands as her palms sweated.

She looked up and saw Kerry’s stern expression and then he demanded, “Hmm?”

Hana was startled, lowered her head, and blushed as she muttered, “I, I want Jack.”

What?! As soon as she said, Kerry and the other two were shocked. The three of them were the

authority holders of the Powell family and had seen all kinds of crises and alarming situations. But at

this moment, all of them were shocked speechless.

“Hana, that Jack is younger than you by several years!” One of the middle-aged men said in surprise.

“I don’t mind if he is younger than me!” Hana said.

The middle-aged man was speechless.

‘Haven’t you considered that he may mind that you are older than him?’ The middle-aged man thought

to himself.

Then the other middle-aged man said, “Jack is married. If you do this, then you are a home wrecker!”

Hana shrugged, “I wanted to make him divorce his wife and then marry me and join our Powell family.

At the most, I’ll let him have his ex-wife as his mistress. I’m very liberal.”

The middle-aged man was flabbergasted and started to murmur to himself.

It was Kerry who was furious but forcibly suppressed his anger and said solemnly, “Hana, you are

thirty-something and never had the thought of starting a relationship. Not only is that Jack married, but

he is also a cripple. What do you see in him?”

Hana raised her head and her beautiful eyes glimmered. She drooped her head again before saying,

“Master Kerry, can you all not ask anymore? I’m in the wrong for this issue and that was why Jack was

so angry. Can you all don’t pursue this matter?”

Kerry held his breath and his face was red from anger. The two middle-aged Powell family men were

also extremely upset. This… how could they continue to pursue?

Their own family member was so bold in her thoughts and only God knew how extreme her actions

were in reality! If this were to be leaked, the Powell family would become the joke of the land!

After a deep breath, Kerry said solemnly, “Hana, regardless of how you think about this, I warn you to

stop this right now. You must not have those extreme thoughts!”

Hana shuddered as she looked stunned at Kerry and replied, “But, but… it can’t be stopped. I’ve

already arranged for it and it’s being executed now!”

Kaboom! Kerry and the other two middle-aged men’s expressions changed dramatically.

It was already dawn when the aircraft landed at suburb airport. This trip was out of Jack and Mr. Ward’s

expectations. The expected heavy punishment did not materialize but it was Patrick and the Powell

family who wanted to find out the killer of one of the Powell family members.

They had been unnecessarily frightened. Both Jack and Mr. Ward felt that it was rather absurd.

But at the same time, not only Jack’s doubts were not clarified, but it had also become more

complicated. Jack’s expression remained cold and distant from the moment they left the Hughesnovelbin

residence to when they were making their way to LJ Hospital. The fury in his eyes and the coldness

that he radiated unsettled Mr. Ward.

Mr. Ward yawned when they were in the car. Then he couldn’t endure any further and asked, “Master,

can’t you forgive Old Master Hughes?”

“I already did!” Jack smiled through the cold expression. But the smile stunned Mr. Ward.

Then Jack turned to look outside the window. The sun continued to rise but the city remained shrouded

in darkness. Jack looked at the greenery along the road and noticed a dog.

Its white fur was entangled and covered with mud and dirt. It was very thin and frail. But the dog’s eyes

were bright as he continued to chew on a bare bone. It looked like a teenage dog.

Jack pointed at the dog, “Look at that dog which is living so courageously. If one day it is on the brink of

death and the person who abandoned it was to take him back again, do you think that it will love or

hate that person?”

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