The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 575 Was It Fortunate or Dangerous?
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Chapter 575 Was It Fortunate or Dangerous?

Patrick Hughes finished his words on the phone.

Mr. Ward’s body trembled and his expression changed a lot.

He opened his eyes wide and he looked shocked and terrified.

Even his right hand that was holding the phone trembled. The blue veins could be seen on the back of

his hands.

“No. No!”

Mr. Ward shouted sadly. His eyes looked red.

“Mr. Ward, I didn’t even finish my words. Why are you overreacting?” Patrick’s voice was a little angry

on the phone.

Mr. Ward said with a deep voice, “Old master, the Powell family is like a giant mountain that has

pressured the Hughes family and they have arrived at the Hughes family. If old master doesn’t even

lead the Hughes family to fight against the Powell family and you ask young master to go back to the

Hughes family to face the Powell family, how do we fight against the Powell family with young master

alone? They are a Long Thriving Noble Family. For young master, it was like the sky had fallen.

Furthermore, young master is innocent. He was set up by the others!”

Mr. Ward’s shouts showed the injustice he had in his heart at the moment.

He was ordered to help Jack Hughes. Since the moment he met Jack, he had seen Jack’s

improvement and performance all the time. He was also amazed by his performance again and again.

Mr. Ward had already helped and taught Jack as if he had treated him as his own son.

‘However, the Powell family had come in full fury, and old master asked young master to come back to

the Hughes family…’

Even though Mr. Ward didn’t finish hearing Patrick’s words, he had clearly known what disastrous fate

that Jack would meet once he came back to the Hughes family!

Mr. Ward clenched his left hand and punched on the glass of the window. He clenched his teeth and

said the words through the gaps of his teeth, “Even if old master is going to punish me, I would never

let young master go back to the Hughes family at this moment!”

His words were loud, powerful, and extremely determined.

Even Patrick was shocked and he became silent on the call.

After three seconds.

Patrick sighed and said, “Mr. Ward, I am glad that you have such attitudes towards Jack. However,

there are some matters that Jack has to face personally. Do you think me, as his father, will harm Jack?

I am here, I will keep him safe and sound!”


“Ask him to come back!”

Patrick said the words and hung up the phone.

Mr. Ward was extremely furious. Anger could be seen in his eyes.

Just now he wanted to say that if the Powell family was going to punish Hughes family because of their

anger, even old master couldn’t keep Jack safe and sound.

Unless he let the Hughes family pay a horrendous price.

Patrick would definitely do everything he could for Jack.

But what about the Hughes family?

However, Patrick’s determination had made Mr. Ward feel helpless.

After taking a deep breath.

Mr. Ward turned and ignored the documents on the table. He walked straight and left the office.

Corbin Koch was respectfully waiting for him outside.

When Mr. Ward opened the door, he hurriedly walked towards him.

However, before he spoke, Mr. Ward said with a deep voice, “I don’t have to read the documents

anymore. Every company’s matter recently would be completely handled by you until young master


Corbin stopped his step. His body trembled.

After Mr. Ward said the words, he could clearly feel that a coldness that could penetrate into his bone


He raised his head and looked at Mr. Ward.

Corbin suddenly felt frightened. At the moment, Mr. Ward’s facial expression looked extremely bad.

Corbin had never seen this kind of facial expression from Mr. Ward since he met him!

The Rolls-Royce was slowly driven on the road.

Mr. Ward drove the car and his hands tightly held the steering. Yet, his expression looked extremely


It was like a raging lion that tried to suppress its anger in his heart.

“Keeping young master safe and sound… Old master, do you think young master has only messed with

the Burton family from the capital city or the Quinn family from X City?”

Mr. Ward was angry as he gritted his teeth. He was not willing to reconcile on the matter.

Whether the Burton family from the capital city or the Quinn family from X City was only one of the

wealthy family.

They might have better financial power compared to the Long Thriving Family.

However, when they were compared to the Noble Family or the Long Thriving Noble family, the Burton

family and the Quinn family were not even worth mentioning!

When Mr. Ward rushed to LJ Hospital.

Jack was chatting with Amber Knight.

When Jack saw Mr. Ward’s serious and sullen face, he knew something had happened.

He sat on the wheelchair with Mr. Ward’s help.

Jack followed Mr. Ward to the corridor.

“What happened?” Jack asked.

“Old master asked you to rush back to the Hughes family immediately.” Mr. Ward looked angry.


Jack was frightened, “Dad asked me to go back now. It means he wants me to directly face the Powell


Without waiting for Jack to finish his words.

Mr. Ward said rudely, “It was like pushing young master into the fire pit.”

There was no respect towards Patrick at all within Mr. Ward’s words.

He didn’t hide his unrespectfulness at all to say the words.

After waiting for a while, Mr. Ward said again, “However, old master said that he could keep young

master safe and sound.”

Jack frowned and lowered his head while thinking.

As Mr. Ward said, if he went back to the Hughes family to face the Powell family at the moment, it was

like jumping into the fire pit.

However, if this matter wasn’t solved as soon as possible, the danger would always be around him.

Furthermore, his Dad was still in the Hughes family!

If his Dad was still missing and he asked him to go back to the Hughes family, he definitely wouldn’t

agree with it.

Those people in the Hughes family who were led by Madam Hughes had been hoping for him to die.

However, since his Dad was there and he had made a promise, the situation shouldn’t have been a life

and death situation.

“Let’s go back!”

Jack said the words decisively.

Mr. Ward looked serious and he nodded helplessly.

“Let Daisy come here to take care of Amber. And Brent would not need to follow us. You and I will go

back only.

Mr. Ward’s eyes blinked, “Why don’t we let Brent follow and protect us?”

Jack laughed naturally and he frowned while looking at Mr. Ward, “Do you think that if my Dad couldn’t

even protect me, what’s the point of Brent to follow us?”

Mr. Ward quietly nodded and he felt upset in his heart.

After ten minutes.

Daisy Hill hurriedly came here.

Jack carefully handed over the work to her. Then, he went back to the ward and briefly told Ambernovelbin

about the matter.

Then, he hurriedly left with Mr. Ward.

It was so sudden that they didn’t even have time to pack their luggage.

When two of them reached the airport, the private plane had already stopped at the runway of the


They passed through an exclusive pathway and boarded the plane.

The private plane quickly started to slide.

As the plane slowly flew up.

Looking at the ground that was getting further.

Jack sighed.

When he went to the capital city, he was worried that he would be found and targeted by the Powell


Yet, Hana Powell who was the only person he met fancied him.

He thought everything had been settled. However, he didn’t expect that his father made a phone call to

ask him to go back to the Hughes family in such a short time.

However, he didn’t know… whether this trip was dangerous or fortunate.

When Jack and Mr. Ward left.

In LJ Hospital.

Amber quietly put down the bowl of soup in her hand.

She looked at the window. Tears could be seen in her eyes and her eyes were red.

Her teeth bit her red lips and she murmured softly, “Dear… do you really won't leave me and our baby


These words were clearly heard by Daisy at the side.

She was suddenly shocked and her expression changed a lot.

She was shocked as she looked at Amber who looked lonely, “Amber, what are you talking about? Mr.

Hughes loves you so much. How would he leave you and your baby alone?”

“Daisy, you don’t understand.”

Amber smiled bitterly and lowered her head to drink the soup.

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