The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 568 There’s Always Someone Out There More Powerful
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Chapter 568 There’s Always Someone Out There More Powerful


As the Ferrari deviated its direction, everyone screamed simultaneously.

Some girls who were timid closed their eyes and couldn’t bear to watch anymore.

Driving in such a high speed, even the slightest friction was enough to cause a hazardous disaster.


In the Lamborghini, Chattis was shocked and immediately went for the brake.


The squealing sound of the brake lingered on the road.

But under the extreme speed, Chattis dared not to pressed the brake all the way down and could only

control the brake by pressing rapidly.


The next second.

Huge sparkles ignited the moment the right rear side of the Ferrari adhered to the left front side of the


The slight bump made the race come to the verge of an accident. Fortunately, it didn’t bring forward to

any further bumping!


The Ferrari dashed into the crowd and halted.

Jack sat back to his seat. He was soaked in sweat.

If he were to be a bit more aggressive on the wheel during the slight bump just now, the two cars would

be out of service today, and whether any of them could survive that would be a question of fate.

Exhaling, Jack smiled and patted Yael on the shoulder, “We win.”


Yael twitched the corner of his lips and muttered. He then passed out.

With the thrilling ending.

The whole road dropped into dead silence.

Rain was drizzling.

Everyone was stunned.

They were all agape.

Did this guy…not care about his own life anymore?

Because of the bumping and braking, the Lamborghini didn’t cross the finish line and halted a few

dozen meters away from the finish line.

Drained in sweat, Chattis’ face was pale.

If it wasn’t that he reacted quick enough to the sudden event, the two sports cars would now be two

balls of fires on the road.

Lifting his head slowly, he looked at the Ferrari sinisterly.

“Mad dog!”

Furious, Chattis opened the door and got out.

He walked up to the Ferrari in long strides. But after what just happened, he felt weak in his legs and

his strides were fumbling.


Being the first person to come back to her senses, Vinna exclaimed.

She ran towards the Ferrari.

But she stumbled and fell to the ground because of the wound in her knee.

Ciara hurriedly walked up to help her up. They then ran to the Ferrari.

Opening the car window, Jack popped his head out, “He fainted.”

Vinna immediately teared up and stumbled towards the driver’s seat while sobbing.

Ciara took a glimpse at the blood stain in the wind shield in front of Yael and taken aback, “Did you

guys do that just now because you didn’t have vision?”

Jack nodded in acknowledgement.

The blood Yael spat onto the wind shield just happened to cover up the truth that Jack was the one

who drove the distance before the finish line.

“Damn it. Get the hell out, you mad dog. That wasn’t racing at all, you were trying to kill us all!”

Chattis walked up to the Ferrari furiously and slammed his palm into the car door, making a dent.

At this moment.

The young underlings finally came back to their senses and approached speedily with menacing looks.

“Damn, that was madness, these two killers!”

“Chattis, are you okay? That was close.”

“Even if you don’t want to live, don’t drag Chattis along with you, you father-killing bastard!”


A series of curses echoed.

Chattis and his underlings were agitated and their faces filled with rage.

And the onlookers had on all kinds of different expressions.

Some were still in a trance, some were in fright, while was raging like Chattis and his underlings…

Everyone saw what just happened clearly!

It was so close!

The two cars and the people inside were almost goners!

The rear of the Ferrari and the front of the Lamborghini were deformed immensely just by the mere

slight bump. This was proof how hazardous the situation was.

If the Ferrari moved even just a centimeter more to the right, there would be a disaster at the scene

right now.

“He fainted by the end of it. What else do you expect?”

Sitting in the passenger’s seat, he signaled Ciara to move away from the scene while staring coldly into

Chattis’ eyes, which were filled with rage, “We won the race, are you going to deny that?”

Chattis was not dumb. He immediately understood what happened when he saw the blood stain on the

wind shield.

And he looked at Yael with a complicated gaze.

This bastard who killed his own father, was risking his life for a woman?

“It would be a disgrace for Dragon Cavalry if the Dragon Cavalry’s Cavalry Lieutenant goes back on a

bet and even want to bully his opponents with his power, right?”

With a sharp gaze, Jack’s domineering aura came at Chattis like a tsunami.

He used the pride of Dragon Cavalry as his point of argument, which should had made them stop

pressuring him.


“Fuck! You almost killed Chattis. This bet is off!”

A young one yelled.

He was about to go up on Jack when Chattis yanked him back, “You guys win. You can leave!”

“Chattis…” The young underling was shocked.

The rest of the underlings had on a puzzled look.

“I freaking let them leave!” Chattis growled.

He was the Cavalry Lieutenant, the future star everyone put on the pedestal.

With an army of three hundred thousand headcount behind him, he had what it took to be rampant.

But there was a limit to it!

After what Jack had said, if he continued to pressure them and disgraced Dragon Cavalry, it would be

him who would be punished.

He bore being roasted by a young guy before to protect the Dragon Cavalry’s pride.


Jack smirked and glared at the young underling coldly, “I will remember you. After tonight, you and your

family will pay for what you did just now.”

“Who, who do you think you are?” the young underling was flustered, but he had to fight back since

everyone was watching.

Jack rubbed his nose, “I’m nobody. And you don’t deserve to know my name.”

With that said, he looked at Ciara, “Ciara, get a car and send Yael and Vinna to the hospital. You’ll still

be using this car.”

Soon, Ciara got a car and got both Yael and Vinna into the car. She only got into the Ferrari after

watching the car leave.

Chattis and his men stood by the side throughout the process.

Not even one onlooker left the scene.

The moment the Ferrari started again.

Jack leaned on the car door, stared at Chattis and smirked, “My brother told me you’re the one who

started the fight. You had fun smashing that bottle and calling my friend a father-killer huh?”

Upon hearing that.

Chattis was shook.

The next second.


Something slashed across the air.

Chattis was alerted and swung his fist towards the object.

But that was too late!



A wine bottle smashed hard onto Chattis’ abdomen.

It was quick!

Chattis was horrified and dumbfounded.

“What the hell, everyone, charge at him!”

The young underling put on a menacing look and was about to storm towards Jack.

“Stop, all of you!”

Chattis roared.

“Let’s go.” Jack sat back and closed the window.

The Ferrari then stormed away.

“Chattis, the imbecile hit you and you let him off?”

The young underling looked at Chattis with grievance, “You’re the Cavalry Lieutenant of the Dragon

Cavalry. You shouldn’t be treated like that!”

The rest also looked at Chattis with puzzled faces.


With his body trembling, Chattis’ throat rumbled and blood dripped down from the corner of his mouth.

His expression turned into one of terror, “There’s always someone out there more powerful that we


The underlings all froze at the sight of this. Chills ran to their crowns from the bottom of their feet.

Even the onlookers were at this moment shocked and gasped.

The next second.

Closing his eyes, Chattis fell to the ground with a loud thud.

On the road under the rain.

There was a huge crowd, but no one make a sound. Only the drizzling of the rain was heard.

Everyone was in silent…

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