The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 565 The Real Reason
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Chapter 565 The Real Reason


With Ciara's support, Yael got into the Ferrari with difficulty.

"I'm going with Yael."

Jack said to Ciara.

Ciara was taken aback.

"Mr. Hughes, you..."

Before she finished speaking, Jack waved his hand and interrupted her, "It's okay, don't worry."

But Yael looked at Jack in amazement with muddy eyes.

"Jack, you don't need to come with me. This is a competition between me and Chattis."

"I gave you the opportunity, can't you let me go with you?"

Jack rubbed his nose and smiled freely, "There is an old saying that brothers always go into a battle

together, the father and the son always fight the enemy together, anyway, I won't get off the car. If you

don't treat me as a brother, then you can call me Dad."

"Oh shit!"

Yael cursed with a laughter, endured the pain all over his body, fastened his seat belt and started the


With a kick on the gas pedal, the engine burst out with a beast like roar.

In an instant, everyone on the street in this rainy night screamed.

Yael stepped on the gas pedal and kept the Ferrari engine roaring.

Seemingly staring at the front intently, but in fact, his gaze was slanting towards Vinna who was not far

away, desperate and embarrassed.

"Why do you do this?"

Jack noticed Yael's strangeness and sighed with emotion.

"A father murderer like you is not good enough for her."

Yael tugged at the corner of his bloody mouth, retracted his gaze, and looked forward firmly.

At the same time.

The crowd was cheering so loud, it sounded like mountain whistling and tsunami.

Chattis drove a yellow Lamborghini, slowly to the side of the Ferrari, and stopped at the same height.

The window slowly dropped down.

Chattis looked at Jack, then finally his eyes fell on Yael.

With a sneer he said, "This father killing beast, having a car racing is indeed an advantage for you, but

don't be happy too early, because even if it is a car racing, you will lose against me!"

Jack was indifferent as usual.

But Yael slowly turned his head, staring at Chattis like a bloodthirsty beast.

Facing Yael's glare, Chattis put on his shades calmly and smiled proudly, "One year ago, there was a

case of a high speed incident in the capital city. At that time, I happened to be on vacation in the capital


After speaking, the window slowly closed.

But the meaning of his words was like a thunder in the blue sky.

Jack's indifferent face was covered with a layer of haze.

On the side, many of Chattis' followers heard his words clearly.

The young man was the first to exclaim, "My God! He is the person of this incident from a year ago?

Hahaha... we have already won!"

"The person from this super speed incident a year ago, it only took him 13 minutes to finish one lap of

the second ring around the city. When the news came out that year, it shocked the entire racing circle

of the capital city!"

"Oh my god, I heard about this a year ago. At that time, many people wanted to challenge him, butnovelbin

after the first battle, he disappeared immediately, and I didn't expect him to be by our side!"


As Chattis' fans screamed in exclamation, everyone around that were just watching were even more


A year ago, this racing prince stirred up the entire speeding circle of the capital city with only one battle.

Even if people weren't in the circle, they heard about it at that time!

On the other side.

Ciara's face was condensed, her eyebrows twisted tightly.

The tearful Vinna was even more panicked now, and subconsciously grasped Ciara's arm tightly, "Yael

will win, right?"

Ciara glanced at Vinna indifferently, and was just about to say in the usual tone.

But looking at Vinna's pitiful appearance, she finally relented. She put a hand on her back and calmed

her down softly, "Don't worry, Yael will not lose with Mr. Hughes by his side."

The Ferrari windows closed.

Jack looked at Yael solemnly, "It only takes 13 minutes to finish the second ring. If you lose, Vinna will

be in his arms tonight."

"Do you think I will lose?" Yael slowly raised his hand, wiped the blood from his face, turned his head

and looked at Jack with a grin.

Jack was silent.

He slowly fastened his seat belt.

The ability to finish the second ring of the capital city in 13 minutes was enough to prove that Chattis'

driving skills were definitely the best among people.

But Yael's words raised Jack's heart.

He knew Yael's character, so he understood the meaning of this rhetorical question.

Subconsciously, Jack leaned back into the seat, trying to cling to the seat.

With the roar of the Ferrari and Lamborghini engines like rolling thunder, it bombed through the bar

street in this rainy night.

Even if the game had not yet started.

But the roaring of the engines of the two sports cars also ignited the madness of everyone, causing the

crowd to scream.

The girl who had discouraged Vinna before, walked slowly between the two cars.

With no excessive performance.

She raised her right hand, showing three fingers, and bend her fingers in turn as a count down.

When the last finger was bent.



The Ferrari and Lamborghini shot out instantly.

It was like two red and yellow lightnings, very fast.

The sight outside the window began to blur.

The strong feeling of being pushed back made Jack's brows tightened instantly.

He squinted towards Yael.

At this time, Yael was sitting upright, with blood still slowly flowing down his forehead, sliding across his


But his hands, always holding the Ferrari steering wheel tightly, while he quickly shifted gears with his

right hand.

And from the beginning to the end, instead of slackening his right foot at all, on the contrary... he

stepped it to the limits!

Jack turned his head and looked out the window. In Yael's near suicidal racing, he went hand in hand

with Chattis' Lamborghini .

However, this state only lasted for five seconds.

With a roar like a wild beast from the Lamborghini, it was as if flames faintly exploded from the back.

The Lamborghini blasted like a yellow lightning, directly surpassing the Ferrari and galloping away.

Was this how the were overtaken?

Jack was shocked.

He knew Yael's driving skills. At least he had many sports cars before. Although his skills are not as

good as a professional driver, he was still much better than ordinary people.

How long has it been since they started?

Less than a minute!

Just when Jack was shocked.

Yael, who was driving, suddenly let out a muffled snort, blood flowed down the corners of his mouth.


Jack's face changed drastically, when he took a closer look, he suddenly realized.

Yael not only vomited blood, but the blood flowing from the top of his head went directly into his right

eye. The blood entered his eyes and blurred his vision, making Yael blink nonstop.

His sight was blocked, it would have been strange if his speed was fast!


Just as Jack looked at him, Yael raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, then

wiped the blood from his eyes fiercely.

While blinking, he opened his mouth in pain and took a deep breath. Then he said grimly, "I saw him a

while ago, but I didn't want to provoke him. I just wanted to have a drink with Vinna. It was him, he just

smashed a bottle and called me the beast of the dead mother who killed my father!"

His dead Mom killed his father?!

A cold light flashed in Jack's eyes, and his anger arose in an instant.

In sight, Yael blinked and squeezed the blood out from his eyeballs. He didn't know whether he was

stimulated by the blood or was angry and sorrowful, but his eyes were filled with tears.

All this time he thought that Yael and Vinna provoke Chattis first.

But he didn't expect this option to exist.

Dead mother killed his father? These words were like a knife, stabbing Yael's heart, uncovering his

wounds, and sprinkling a handful of salt on it.

Why did Yael kill his father?

Wasn't it that his father hooked up with another woman, killed his mother in his drunkenness and tok

out the child in his mother's belly?

Yael never cared about killing his father.

But the word "dead mother" was Yael's forbidden lamella!


Yael slowly turned his head, looked at Jack frantically, and laughed, "If I die, you have to help me take

that slut Vinna."

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