The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 562 Because of You, I Want to be Someone Cheap
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Chapter 562 Because of You, I Want to be Someone Cheap


Vinna was terrified to the point that she had lost all life on her face. She rushed towards him while


With a crunching sound, her knees and palms went through those shards of glass, and in an instant

countless sensation of piercing pain shot through her, slicing her skin and causing her blood to flow.

Vinna had a pained expression on her face as her body trembled.

However, she didn’t stop in her tracks.

With tears blurring her vision, she focused her eyes on Yael and created a path of blood. She threw

herself at Yael who was now bloodied all over.


Vinna was crying profusely, and her shivering hands wanted to tear off the countless shards sticking on

Yael’s body. As if she didn’t want those on her palms creating more hurt on him, she vehemently wiped

her hand against her shirt.

Then, she carefully removed the shards on Yael’s face and body.


Yael’s gaze was vicious, and his pale face showed a sense of anger. He gritted his teeth and uttered

one word.

“I won’t go, I won’t go anywhere. I will be with you wherever you are.”

Vinna once again launched into another parade of crying in his arms.

The rain continued to dribble on their bodies, and the sight of them on the road made them look

extremely pitiful.novelbin

At the same time, the celebratory roar all around them was a stark contrast of emotions.

Yael stood up with his whole body shaking, and his eyes continued to flash a murderous intent.

With the multitude of glass bottles hurled at his body, he was completely devastated, and his breathing

was very weak now.

However, when he heard Vinna’s cries in front of him, he gnashed his teeth, lifted his lethargic arms

and pushed her away mercilessly.

“I said, go! You cheap woman!”

His cracked voice called out desperately as the words reverberated in the rainy night.

Vinna was stupefied after hearing his words. She kneeled on the shards of glass with a dumbfounded

expression on her face, and she allowed her tears to mix with the rain water as they trickled down her


The roars around her seemed to lessen as everyone gradually focused on what was unfolding around


Chattis held his bat with a tight grip and he had a solemn expression on his face. He looked arrogant

too at the same time.

His followers around him started to laugh mockingly.

“Beauty, this bastard is staying true to his attitude like that. Don’t you want to leave him?”

“Listen to us and be with Chattis. We won’t let you suffer like this. This bastard could even bring himself

to kill his own dad, so do you think he would treasure you?”

“Tsk tsk tsk… I am really impressed by this animal. Even after killing his own father, his life is still all

roses. There is even such a beauty pledging her loyalty to him…”

After hearing someone claiming that he was impressed by Yael, Chattis’ chilly gaze immediately shot

over at him.

That person immediately felt himself besieged by a nasty aura. He shrunk back his neck with terror as

he retreated to the back.

At the same time, a girl emerged from Chattis’ gang.

She stared at Vinna who was in a stupor on the road and shook her head in resignation. She tried to

persuade Vinna, “Vinna, you are still the young lady of the Vaughn family. Is it worth it to act like this for

that barbarian? If your family were to learn what happened here tonight, I figure they would feel

completely embarrassed by you. You should silently wait on one side and not disturb Chattis’


“Do you know her?”

Chattis hung his arm around that girl’s shoulders.

That girl cut straight to the point, “She is the young lady of the Vaughn family of the capital city, which

makes her a well-known socialite. I might know her, but I don’t think the reverse is true.”

After hearing that, there were sounds of gasps from the crowd.

It seemed that everyone was shocked by what they had just heard.

The ones frequenting this streets lined with bars included noble and affluent families. However,

amongst the crowd, how could there really be that many nobles?

Although the Vaughn family was not at the apex in terms of positions in the capital city, they were great

enough that people would gaze at them admiringly.

On the other hand, the young lady of the Vaughn family was always a figure shrouded in mystery and

she was someone out of reach. They could only imagine what it was like to be near her.

However, what was happening now?

The esteemed young lady of the Vaughn family could even sacrifice her own body for this man who

could kill even his own father. She appeared to be very loyal and stubborn towards him. Wasn’t she

being too shameless?

Was the noble families now no longer appreciating dignity?

In an instant, a discussion broke out amongst the crowd.

Countless criticisms and mockery were thrown at Vinna like waves.

At that moment, Vinna seemed to be oblivious towards the words of hate thrown at her. With her teary

eyes, she continued to stare at Yael, and she even forgot that she was on top of countless shards of

glass. She appeared to be immune to the pain stabbing at her skin.

Yael who was on the ground was shivering, and the wound on his head couldn’t stop its bleeding,

which dyed his face in a bloody red, giving him the grotesque look.

While he took in the mockery and sarcastic remarks thrown at him, there was a murderous gaze in

Yael’s eyes, which all the more amplified his body’s shivering.

“Get lost, you cheap woman. Don’t you think you are already way too shameless?” Yael roared at


His words hurt like knifes, and the finality of his tone was heartbreaking.

However, Vinna lifted her bloodied hand and wiped away some tears on her face before saying with

conviction, “Because of you, I want to be shameless, I want to be a cheap person. What’s wrong with


Yael felt something caught in his gaze.

And then, under his scrutiny, Vinna bit her red lips and moved her knees around in obvious grimace to

position herself towards Chattis and his gang.

She started to beg while sobbing, “Chattis, I am really sorry, we are in the wrong this time. I beg you to

let go of Yael, he is simply too reckless. The Vaughn family would make compensation this time until

you’re satisfied.”

Under the gaze of everyone, as soon as Vinna said that, a finality settled on her face. She bent her

body downwards and kowtowed non-stop.

“No… Don’t do that…”

Yael who was lying on the ground had a very convoluted expression.

At that moment, in his eyes, he suddenly felt that time had slowed down.

Vinna was knocking her head on the road in slow motion.

However, there were shards of glass on the ground… If she carried on like this, her face would be

ruined in no time!

“You cheap woman, go! I don’t need you to beg for my sake. I am not wrong at all, and even if my life

ends here today, I don’t need you to save me either. Don’t you think you have made yourself beyond


In Yael’s bloodshot eyes, there were suddenly flashes of tears, and he somehow felt that his nose was

dipped in lemon.

He wanted to stop her, but he was too weak now. He couldn’t even get up.

The surrounding onlookers had a frozen expression on their faces as they watched Vinna. Some of

them even gasped loudly, and some of them had their eyes shut.

Everyone could guess that Vinna’s face would be full of blood soon if she continued to do that!

In the heat of the moment, there was a roar of a sports car coming from somewhere nearby.

Then, an impatient honking followed.

The sudden change in the air diverted the attention of the crowd as they reacted to the noise.

Vinna’s movements froze for one second too.

As the sound of a car engine approached swiftly, some people in the crowd broke into shrilling

screams. They then shoved themselves into two sides to give way to a red Ferrari which was careening

towards the center of the action.

With a screech, the Ferrari stopped just short of where Yael and Vinna were.

“Damn it, is someone who wants to court death appears again?”

Behind Chattis, the young man who handed him beer bottles tried to step forward with a vehemence

and defiant look.

However, he was halted by Chattis.

Silence simply floated in the air.

The initial noisy atmosphere suddenly got swallowed up by the appearance of that red Ferrari.

Everyone shot curious glances at the Ferrari.

Then, the car window slowly dribbled down.

A very familiar voice broke the silence, “Vinna, do you think it is worth it to hurt yourself like that just for

that bastard’s sake?”

The familiar voice made both Yael and Vinna trembled with shock.

“Mr. Hughes!”

Yael’s eyes lit up.

At the same time, Vinna who was kowtowing on countless glass shards also looked upwards in delight.

Jack was leaning against the car window, and as he watched the completely injured Yale lying on the

road, he twitched his lips and let out a weird laugh, “Someone who killed his own father shouldn’t be

acting like this.”

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