The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 556 Really Didn’t Take Us As Outsiders
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Chapter 556 Really Didn’t Take Us As Outsiders

Jack was able to get the hint in Ciara’s message. Vinna had been entangled with that brat Yael and

couldn’t straighten out their relationship. She must have gone to look for Yael during this period.

Hana insisted on seeing him and now Ciara didn’t have a choice but to seek his help.

Jack scratched his head and asked, “I really can’t understand why she had to see me. I’m not even in

the entertainment industry.”

“Perhaps someone had taken a liking for you?” Ciara teased, “Your reputation had preceded you.

Everyone knows that you are supporting me from behind the scenes. It’s only expected that Hana

knows this as well and not surprising that she has a crush for you.”

Jack rolled his eyes, “Isn’t she in her thirties?”

“A woman in her thirties will bring you wealth and fortune!” Ciara blinked and grinned, “Don’t think that

she is old. I guarantee that your jaw will drop when you see her later.”

“Okay now. I’ll have to go back to my wife after we discuss the contract.” Jack shrugged his shoulders

and stopped Ciara’s mischief as he said, “Amber is recuperating now and I can’t spend too much time

away from her.”

“Recuperating? What’s wrong with Amber?” Ciara asked.

Jack shook his head and said guiltily, “I have to be blamed for that. Let’s not talk about this and focus

on Hana.”

“A woman in her thirties…” Ciara said.

“Stop!” Jack was frustrated and stopped her, “Woman, this isn’t funny anymore.”

Ciara shrugged her shoulders, “Apart from her being attracted to you, I can’t see any other reason for

her insisting on seeing you.”

Jack was speechless for several seconds before he continued to speak on the subject.

“How is the relationship between Yael and Vinna?” Jack asked.

Ciara shrugged her shoulders, “I’m not sure. But that gal goes to X city to look for Yael every now and

then. Each time her mood will be different when she comes back. At times she would be rejoicing and

on other days she would pull a long face.”

Jack sighed helplessly and looked out the window. Yael… couldn’t he get over it?

Jack was pleased with Vinna for being so good to Yael. Jack would be happy to see them together if

Yael could accept Vinna. But Yael could not get over the past and yet wouldn’t outrightly reject Vinna.

The way they were entangled with each other was starting to worry some people.

Jack and Ciara chatted leisurely along the way. They didn’t go to the check in to the hotel but went

directly to Manhouse Hotel where they planned to meet Hana.

The capital was the powerful, elite, and famous gathered. Five-star hotels were plentiful but Manhouse

was the best among them. It was situated at the luxurious mall of WoodLock and a prime location.

Each day the hotel would have numerous guests checking in and was the favorite of the celebrities.

Everyone knew in the Capital that movie fans need only to camp out at the entrance of Manhouse to

see their favorite movie stars.

At seven in the evening, the Ferrari roared as it drove into the Manhouse carpark. The flashy sports car

together with Ciara’s elegant looks attracted much of the attention around them. Someone even

approached Ciara to ask for her contact number. Ciara rejected the person and then took out the

wheelchair and helped Jack into it. Thereafter she wheeled Jack into the hotel.

The scene stunned everyone.

“Pfft! How could that be? I’m an abled body and she rejected me for a crippled?” The man who was

rejected by Ciara exclaimed and cussed.

The onlookers then started to mumble among them.

“Bro, you’re out of touch. So what if he is a cripple? As long as he is rich, he is equally attractive!”

“Hehe… what a pity for such a beautiful woman to be taken by a disabled.”

“Sigh… money has corrupted the values of the younger generation.”

Jack’s expression darkened when he heard their comments.

Ciara leaned forward to comfort Jack, “Don’t take their comments to heart. They are talking nonsense.”

Jack shrugged his shoulders and smiled, “No worries, it’s already the reality.”

Ciara’s expression immediately turned sorrowful when she saw Jack trying to make light of the matter

and her heart ached. She could recall how dashing Jack was in the past. Now that he was in the

wheelchair, he had to endure the spiteful comments because of her. Ciara could feel how

uncomfortable it was for Jack.

As they entered the large hall of the hotel, Jack and Ciara could feel the numerous stares. A middle-

aged person approached them as they entered the hall and said, “Ms. Wattson, Ms. Hana has been

waiting for you at the suite.”

“Suite?” Ciara’s eyebrows twitched, “Didn’t we agree to meet at the hotel’s restaurant?”

The middle-aged person smiled, “Ms. Hana just came back and was tired. So she changed the venue

to the suite.”

The nerve of that woman! Who did she think she was? Ciara frowned deeply in disapproval. Ciara was

already upset with Hana’s insistence to see Jack. Now she even changed the venue of the meeting at

the last minute without first informing her. Ciara was ready to blacklist Hana.

The middle-aged person led Jack and Ciara to the suite.novelbin

Knock knock knock… the middle-aged person knocked on the door and said softly, “Ms. Powel, the

person you wish to meet is here.”

“A minute please.” A voice could be heard saying from the room.

The door opened soon after. As Jack was in the wheelchair, a pair of long and fair-skinned legs

appeared at his face level as soon as the door opened. The flowing red dress revealed the legs as they

leaned against the door frame. The dress also barely covered a triangular area which heightened the

mystic. This caught Jack’s attention causing him to take a deep breath.

“Ms. Wattson, this must be Mr. Hughes!” She remarked excitedly and extended her slim fair fingers

towards Jack. Jack came to his senses as she thrust her hand towards him, “How do you do, Mr.

Hughes. It’s an honor to finally meet you.”

Jack raised his head to look at Hana. He was stunned by her beauty even when he had seen her on

the television numerous times and after Ciara had prewarned him.

Hana was beautiful. Her features were distinct and her skin was fair, moist, and tender. It was as if

water would ooze out of her cheek if it was pinched. What was more stunning was her poise. She was

matured like a ripe peach and beautiful beyond description. Hana was the most beautiful and elegant

woman that Jack had ever seen.

“How do you do, Ms. Powel. I’ve heard so much about you!” Jack shook the hand of Hana.

Hana seemed very happy and totally disregarded the fact that Jack was in a wheelchair. She didn’t

even show any signs of discomfort with Jack sitting in the wheelchair. She held onto the towel with her

left hand as she waved with her right hand to signal the middle-aged person to leave. Thereafter she

invited Jack and Ciara into the room.

After the door was closed, Hana walked leisurely towards Jack and Ciara and then continued towards

the sitting room.

“Mr. Hughes and Ms. Wattson, please forgive me. I am tired and hungry after coming back from the film

set so I changed the place of meeting to the room. I was just eating after I showered.”

As she said, Hana tossed away a towel which was on her body. In an instant, their heartbeats raced

and Jack and Ciara were stunned. Ciara frowned deeply as she was overwhelmed by the strong

fragrance. Jack took a breath at the same moment and almost choked causing his face to turn red as

he looked at the perfect and unblemished back of Hana.

Jack ground his teeth as he thought to himself, ‘She really didn’t take us as outsiders!’

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