The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 553 Who is That Person?
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Chapter 553 Who is That Person?

Inside him was harbouring a vicious murderous intent.

However it then disappeared in an instant after Lyndall’s pledge.

Brent helped Lyndall up again and put him down onto the hospital bed.

“Just lie down and I’ll go get a nurse and doctor to attend to your wounds.”

The series of movements he had made just now caused the many wounds on Lyndall’s body to open

up again and bleed, especially the gunshot wound. People could see his gauzes were smeared with


Even as he lay on the bed, Lyndall’s body was still aching terribly causing him to grit his teeth and suck

in air as his body trembled.

“If you survive then you will be able to have a life.”

Mr. Ward said sympathetically as he watched Lyndall who was in a lot of pain on the bed.

“Yes, you’ll be given a life.”

Jack rubbed his nose and said meaningfully.

Mr. Ward’s hands were trembling as he gripped the wheelchair.

Jack noticed his trembling clearly.

He raised his head and glanced at the rather unusual Mr. Ward as he smiled and said, “This is just like

the time when that person was trying to kill me by the ocean, and in order to survive I jumped into the

ocean and was then saved.”

Mr. Ward’s face was very red, but he pretended to be calm as he said, “Yes in comparison to Lyndall’s

situation now, Master Hughes in the past was also in a similar situation, however at the time Master

Hughes’s situation was more serious than Lyndall’s, and in fact even more dangerous.”

As he heard this, Lyndall who was trying hard to bear the pain, looked at Jack in amazement and tried

his hardest to squeeze out a smile.

Shortly after, the doctor and nurse followed Brent into the ward.

The doctor and nurse were shocked when they saw Lyndall’s injuries.

The young female nurse even said rather coldly to everyone, “What were you all doing just now? How

did the stitches all come undone? Don’t you know this could kill him?”

Jack gave a bitter smile.

He then glanced at Lyndall who was in agony.

If he didn’t lose so much blood it would still be life threatening, so what would the doctors do in that


Mr. Ward then spoke to the doctor and nurse to calm them down finally.

They then began to stitch the wounds back up and once they were done they prepared to leave.

However before the nurse left, she didn’t forget tell the three of them to take care of the patient.novelbin

Then when the doctor and nurse were finally gone, Jack then waved his hand and said, “Mr. Ward,

Brent would you both mind leaving, I would like to stay here alone with him for a while.”

After Mr. Ward and Brent had left, Jack then pushed his wheelchair over to the hospital bed, looked at

Lyndall who was still trembling in pain and said helplessly.

“If you want to work with me then you can, why do you have to kneel on the ground and cause such

pain and suffering to yourself?”

“I, Lyndall have never served, obeyed or knelt down to anyone in my life.”

Lyndall tried hard to put on a smile and then continued to say as he stared at Jack, “You Jack however

are the first person I’ve done this to, what is the problem with this?”

Jack shrugged and said, “You should have talked to me about this, because I don’t wish to see you

suffer like this.”


Lyndall laughed, and even though this made his wounds hurt even more he continued to grin.

But as the pain finally subsided, he suddenly burst into tears and said, “That person was right, you

really are a very loyal and kind person.”

“Who said that?”

Jack frowned and asked.

Lyndall was looking up at the ceiling but the tears in his eyes were sliding down his face uncontrollably.

“Did you know? Did you know how upset I was when Willy Parker betrayed me? I had been together

with him for so many years and even regarded him as a close partner, but in the end he still betrayed


“And even though you and me are so different and we even have some bad conflicts, it was you who

saved me.”

“And then when you said that if I live you live and that if I die you die, I knew then from that moment

that you were worthy of me to follow you.”

Jack chuckled slightly when he saw Lyndall full of tears.

Was this so called ‘people will get a help after he or she gives a help to others’?

If I had not said what I had said at that time then perhaps Lyndall wouldn’t have made this pledge, and

therefore wouldn’t be so dead set on following under me.

Now that they had reached this step, Jack was even clearer now just how arrogant and supercilious

this man was.

He was able to endure such pain, kneel down and make an oath, just how determined was he?

Jack felt as if he had tamed a lion king in the wilderness.

Even Mr. Ward and Brent had already made their choice whether Lyndall would live or die.

Since it seemed that in end, Lyndall vowing to follow Jack was just to save his own life.

Despite this though, Jack still felt moved by what Lyndall had decided.

Jack drew two tissues and originally planned to pass them to Lyndall, but when he saw again the

physical condition that Lyndall was in he sighed helplessly and decided to just wipe away the tears

from Lyndall’s eyes himself.

He then asked, “By the way, who is that person you mentioned earlier?”

“I don’t know.”

Lyndall then said with a smile, “You may not believe me but I met that person while eating breakfast at

the hotel. He then lured me to the hotel rooftop and it was there that he told me you are a good and

loyal man.”

“However I could never tell who he was since he seemed to have had a very good disguise. Even If I

hadn’t been wandering from place to place for so many years and was able to see many different

disguises, I still wouldn’t have figured out who this person was.”

After saying this all in one breath, Lyndall grinned again in pain and was out of breath.

Jack then hurriedly put the oxygen mask onto Lyndall’s mouth and nose, and Lyndall took a deep

breath immediately.

He then motioned Jack to remove the oxygen mask.

Lyndall then smiled strangely, “When he said that to me I didn’t really think much of it, but when I was in

the forest last night, I finally realized just how much what he said was true.”

Jack’s expression was blank.

But when he heard what Lyndall said, his thoughts began to race.

Was the person who had told Lyndall this, the same person who killed the person from Powell family

and rescued him?

If all the things that had happened previously were linked together, then the possibility was very high.

But Jack was still a little hesitant at this time.

As Brent had said.

The master from the forest who killed the person from Powell family, although had temporarily saved

his life; it could now provoke the Powell family to retaliate. Whether this was helpful to him or not was

still unclear.

But now with Lyndall’s clue here, if the mysterious man and the master from the forest were the same

person then what the mysterious man said to Lyndall was clearly to Jack’s benefit, he was bringing

Lyndall to Jack.

But what did this man gain by doing this?

To gain some sort of benefit by doing a good deed?

Or to try and make two powerful enemies fight against one another?

As he thought about this latter option, Jack felt amused.

He was doing this to get two powerful enemies to fight one another?

Too funny!

At most he could be considered a wolf, however the Powell family was not just tigers, but were real

giant monsters.

When he saw Lyndall still in pain, Jack put these thoughts into the back of his mind.

“Take a good rest now, what you said just now, you don’t need to take it serious, I am not that kind of

great person, but I won’t use my friend when something bad happens.”

After he said this, Jack turned his wheelchair around and left the room.

Once he had closed the door.

Lyndall who was left on the hospital bed began to cry once more.

He then whispered softly, “What if I am happy to be used by you?”

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