The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 523 Humble Jack
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Chapter 523 Humble Jack

The voice of determination was like a thunder.

There was a boom blasting in Mr. Ward's ears.

Mr. Ward's expression suddenly condensed, and he fell into a dullness.

Facing Jack's desolate expression, Mr. Ward's heart contracted for a moment.

After a long while.

Mr. Ward smiled bitterly, got up slowly, and leaned on the corridor wall.

It was just that his right hand fell on Brent's shoulder.

Brent's expression changed, he clearly felt the tremendous power of Mr. Ward's right hand, as if the

weight of the whole person was on his right hand.

Was he... unsteady on his feet?

Brent hurriedly moved closer to Mr. Ward and held him.

Time passed slowly.

Finally, the door of the emergency room opened.

Director Lansing came out first.

"Director Lansing!"

Jack's sullen expression finally showed a hint of panic.

He hurriedly rolled the wheelchair with both hands, greeted Director Lansing, grabbed his hand, and

asked with a trembling voice, "How are my wife and child?"

"They were delivered in time, fortunately they are safe and sound."

Director Lansing took off his mask off and said relievedly.

When they heard the words.

Jack, Mr. Ward and the others also breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Next second.


Director Lansing suddenly slapped Jack's face.

The crisp slap on the face echoed in the corridor.

Mr. Ward, Brent and Daisy's face changed suddenly.

Jack also looked at Director Lansing blankly.

Director Lansing glared with anger, his raging anger seemed to turn into flames in his eyes.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Jack, this slap was for Amber!"


Before he finished speaking, Director Lansing raised his hand again.

"This slap is on behalf of Amber's parents!"

Jack didn't move, half of his face quickly became red and swollen.

He felt deep guilt like a wave coming over him.

Mr. Ward whispered and was about to dissuade him.


Director Lansing raised his hands again and slapped him.

"This third slap was for myself as Amber's uncle!"

Three slaps fell, and half of Jack's face clearly showed palm prints.

"Sorry, Director Lansing."

Jack lowered his head guiltily, without the slightest irritation.

Because he knew that Director Lansing felt sorry for Amber.

That's why he was so angry that he was so furious in the hospital regardless of his identity as the head

of the hospital.

Director Lansing stomped angrily and sighed, "Do you know how dangerous it was for Amber and the

child? Tell me, during Amber's pregnancy, were there periods of extreme emotional fluctuations? Were

the nutrition not keeping up?"

Jack thought of the time on the other side of the ocean.

Gritting his teeth, he nodded tearfully.

Director Lansing's eyes widened out of anger, and raised his hand to hit again.

Then he saw Jack lowering his head, and his hand raised in the air fell heavily again.

His voice trembled, and he said distressedly.

"Jack, Jack, I thought you were the child of the haed of the Hughes family, with an outstanding status,

like a dragon among people. Amber will definitely be happy if she married you, but you... you

disappointed me too much!"

"With your financial resources, how did you manage for Amber to be malnourished? Why did you make

Amber to what she is now? Do you know how dangerous it is?"

"Do you know that if she was brought to us just a litte later, not only would the child be hard to keep,

but even Amber would have to see the God?"

A series of heartbroken questioning.

Based on the friendship between Director Lansing and Steve, although the two were not brothers, their

relationship was far better than of brothers.

Amber was his niece, and the scene in the emergency room just now was still vivid.

Director Lansing pointed to Jack and cursed, "Even if Amber marries a pauper, it would definitely safer

than marrying you."

Facing the reprimand of Director Lansing, Jack didn't refute, let alone get angry.

He knew that Amber's current danger was caused by the time when they wee on the other side of the

ocean, and the cause was a misunderstanding between him and Rena.

"I'm sorry, Director Lansing, I'm sorry Director Lansing, I was wrong, I was wrong."

Jack's voice was trembling, tears were flowing, his words were no longer as usual, he was so humble

that he seemed to fall into the dust.

This scene made Mr. Ward, Brent and Daisy's expression complicated.

Ever since they knew Jack, he has never been so humble.

"You shouldn't apologize to me, it's Amber you should be saying sorry to!"

Director Lansing said fiercely, "She was saved, and the child was saved, but I will say this today. If you

dare to let Amber be in such danger as today, don't tell me you are the child of the Hughes family. Even

if it is the God, I will kill you with her father and the other friends!"

After speaking, he angrily threw his arms and left.

Jack sat in the wheelchair, tears rolling quietly.novelbin

Everything that happened on the other side of the ocean continued to surface, guilt was surging like a

sharp knife slamming on him.

Mr. Ward stepped forward and comforted him, "It's okay, Young Master, the Young Lady and the child

are fine, they will soon come out, if you look like this, the young lady will be worried when she sees


"Yes, I can't let Amber worry, I, I'm fine, I'm fine."

Jack's eyes flashed with sadness, and he hurriedly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

He took a deep breath and forced a very bitter smile.

Soon, Amber was pushed out of the emergency room by the doctors and nurses.

After the surgery, Amber was still unconscious.

Jack followed closely behind the hospital bed and entered the ward with her.

After everything was settled down.

Jack directed the Mr. Ward and the others out.

In the ward, only Jack and Amber were left.

Sitting in a wheelchair, looking at Amber, who was unconscious on the hospital bed, Jack's trembling

right hand was gently holding Amber's hand.

Slowly, he placed Amber's hand on his lips.

"Sorry, it's my fault..."

Before he finished speaking, Jack's body trembled, and the tears that had been held back, came out


Drops of tears fell on the back of Amber's hand.

Jack cried like a child and couldn't control himself.

His eyesight was dim, but it still couldn't blur his eyes from looking at Amber.

Lying on the hospital bed, Amber's face was pale and bloodless, and he was in a very tired and weak


This scene made Jack feel extremely hurtful.

He vowed to make Amber the happiest woman.

However, Amber went through hard times step by step, and even took a turn at heaven's gate.

The vows he once made blasted on Jack fiercely like a thunder.


Suddenly, Amber let out a cry, frowning slightly.

Then, she slowly opened her eyes.

Jack panicked, and hurriedly turned his head to wipe away his tears.

"Big dummy... are you crying?"

Amber looked at Jack weakly.

Jack wiped the corners of his eyes and said, "No, sand got in my eyes."

"Then why are my hands wet?"

Amber smiled sadly, pursing her pale lips, her eyes filled with tears, "Yes, I'm sorry, I'm useless, our


"The child is still there, you and the child are fine!"

Jack interrupted Amber.

Amber's eyes suddenly flashed, and he said happily, "Our baby is still there, I'm relieved..."

Just then.

There was noise from the corridor.

There was also a rapid running sound.

Jack's brows wrinkled tightly, an evil fire arose.

He turned his head and said sharply, "Brent, Amber needs it to be quiet now!"

Just as he said that.

The door of the ward was pushed open by Mr. Ward.

Mr. Ward glanced at the awakened Amber, hesitated, and said, "The people from HT real estate

agency have come to the hospital. They are at Lone Wolf's ward, Brent and Daisy are going over


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