The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 518 Both Are Struggling
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Chapter 518 Both Are Struggling

The room was brightly lit.

Patrick pushed Jack’s wheelchair into his bedroom with a desolate expression on his face.

Even though he had not lived with the Hughes family for a long time, his bedroom was still well

organized and clean.

“Mr. Ward, Brent, please stand guard outside.”

Jack gestured at them.

A trace of astonishment flashed in Patrick’s eyes.

But instead of stopping, he pushed Jack to the desk and sat down on the chair behind the desk.

He took out a cigarette from the drawer and lit it silently.

His expressions were of melancholy, making him look lonely, sad and guilty.

With smoke coming out of his mouth in spirals, his mood remained unchanged.

He just sat at the desk, smoking a cigarette in a daze.

In the current situation, if he still hadn’t retreated, he would have definitely attracted Madam Hughes’s


The Hughes family’s factions were inherently intricate, and if one side counterattacked strongly, there

was no guarantee that others won’t add fuel to the fire.

Just like Jack had said, the fastest way to solve the problem was to take a step forward and to take one

step backwards, but even this was his helpless action.

“Sophie, I am not qualified to be a father.”

Patrick’s eyes were a little red as he murmured guiltily.


Jack looked calmly at Patrick and comforted him, “It’s alright. Don’t feel guilty, you are good enough for


He knew that his father wanted to give him the best, but he also knew how to judge the time and take

decisions according to the situation.

What’s more, the results that his father had fought for him to get were already the best.

And it was also what… he wanted the most!

Patrick shuddered and faint mist appeared in his red eyes as he looked at Jack.

The more Jack looked his usual calm and comforting self, the more Patrick felt guilty.

For the past twenty years, he had lost his son’s company because of his position as the head of the


Now that he confronted the Hughes family, he still had to retreat down to his level. Patrick could never

forgive himself.

He walked up to Jack and squatted in front of him, putting a hand on his thigh. Then, he said solemnly

and firmly, “Don’t worry, Jack. I will search for all the famous doctors in the world, no matter what it

costs. I will make sure that you are able to stand again and make them, good for nothing swarm of

garbage flies, see a real miracle!”

Jack smiled suddenly.

He slowly leaned forwards, approaching Patrick’s ear.

He lowered his voice and whispered in the lowest voice that Patrick could hear.

“Actually, Dad, what you helped me win over is what I wanted the most.”


Patrick was taken aback for a moment.

The time limit was less than one year and he was not sure that Jack would be able to stand up in that


The firmness in his tone as if he was taking an oath was also because he felt guilty and was unwilling

to give up even the smallest chance.

But Jack’s words clearly meant something else.

Next second.

Patrick, who held Jack’s right thigh, felt it move under his hand.

Was he… imagining things?

Patrick was at a loss for a moment, he looked dazed.

He widened his eyes and look at Jack’s thigh subconsciously.

Did he… feel something wrong?

Doubts rose up in his mind.

Patrick’s body began to tremble again suddenly.

It wasn’t his imagination!

He wasn’t feeling something wrong!

Almost at the same time, Jack leaned towards Patrick’s ear and joked, “The miracle has already



His words struck Patrick like lightening, turning all his guilt and grief into pleasant surprise.

He couldn’t stop himself from trembling with excitement at this moment.

He understood in an instant.

But just as he was about to ask, Jack silenced him with a gesture.

Patrick suddenly realized but he still couldn’t restrain the corners of his lips from turning upwards in a

smile. He rubbed his hands together fiercely to suppress the excitement and ecstasy in his heart.

Looking at Jack, his gaze changed to be full of praise and surprise, even of admiration.

Jack lightly pursed his lips and smiled lightly.

His eyes twinkled brightly and fiercely.

‘One year!’

‘What I am waiting for is one year to end!’

‘Dad’s return will allow me to keep this trump card hidden.’

Everyone thought that Jack was now disabled and that no miracle could occur.

‘I really want to see what would happen in one year at dad’s birthday banquet, how would Madam

Hughes and that group of beasts in human skin react when they see me stand up with my own legs?

How wonderful would that be?’

Thinking of this, Jack clasped his hands together excitedly.

The humiliation and targeting he had suffered tonight were going to be returned ten-times when the

position of the head of the family was going to be determined at his father’s birthday feast!

Dealing his final blow, he was going to leave the Hughes family a powerless disastrous mess, unable to


At that moment, the winner was going to be the king.

Meanwhile, in Madam Hughes’s Buddhist temple.

The sound of chanting the sutras echoed.

Madam Hughes knelt calmly on the praying mat in front of the Buddha with her eyes closed, slowly

twirling the chain of prayer beads in her hand along with the chanting.

She looked calm and composed, like a steady river.

She looked totally different compared to herself in the hall just now.

Carter stood by her side looking uncomfortable, his eyes erratic.

On the other side, Killian also stood silently.

But compared to Carter’s anxiety, Killian’s eyes were full of joy and excitement under his glasses.

In the past, only a few people could enter the restricted area of the temple.

Madam Hughes was a Buddhist and excluded most people from coming in.

However, everyone in the Hughes family knew that only those who were valued by Madam Hughes

were the allowed in the temple.

The former Killian did not have the qualifications to enter.

After leaving the hall just now, Madam Hughes had indicated for him to follow along with her into the

restricted area of the temple.

This meant… he, Killian, had truly walked into Madam Hughes heart and had become a person that

she valued!

‘With the banner of Madam Hughes’s power standing behind my back, I have a clear chance of winning

in the competition for the head of the family!’

These were the thoughts going through Killian’s mind.

At the same time, he scorned George, Ivy and others.

‘Among the younger generation, everyone just now had unsuccessfully tried but only I was able to

speak out at the right time and grab the key point. Otherwise, how would Madam Hughes have valued


‘That is the difference between them and me!’

‘George, Ivy, you guys lost to me. Now you should accept it!’


Carter couldn’t help it anymore and said, “Do you really want Patrick to postpone it until his birthday?”

Madam Hughes frowned slightly and slowly opened her eyes.

She smiled, put down her prayer beads. Then she turned around and sat on the mat and said

helplessly, “A stalemate between fire and water will inevitably hurt both sides. One step forward and

one step back is the only way to win. This one year shall soon pass.”

“But there is still so much time left in this year. If Patrick is really determined to help Jack, then with the

help of the Hughes family’s power, he will hire a world-renowned doctor. What if Jack gets cured?”

Carter’s expressions were extremely grave.

Jack was in a wheelchair right now, and was still able to manage everything under his command. The

only thing that determined his identity as the heir and the head of the family was whether he was to

stay disable or not.

If Patrick was to cure Jack within a short amount of time, then it was really checkmate in one move!

Killian, who had been inwardly delighted also stared at him for a moment.

Even if one in a million, as long as a possibility existed, the results could vary!

“It would be a miracle if he can stand!”

Madam Hughes sneered and pointed to a wooden cabinet at the corner of the temple, “Patrick and that

illegitimate son of his, both are struggling in the face of death. The thing in the wooden cabinet will give

you the answer.”

Hearing her words, Carter and Killian were startled at the same time.

Both of them looked at Madam Hughes, who looked calm and collected.

They were both shocked.

Could it be that… Madam Hughes already had a card up her sleeve that was going to ensure hernovelbin


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