The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 516 I Am The Law!
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Chapter 516 I Am The Law!

They combined their efforts to force the head of the family. At that moment, the atmosphere in the hall

was tensed and could erupt at any moment.

Patrick glared ferociously at everyone present. At that moment, even those who were normally

amicable revealed their true self.

Suddenly Patrick laughed heartily. The laughter was sinister and stunned everyone.

“Alright alright, so all of you had considered for the Hughes family!” Patrick laughed as if he lost his

composure. Everyone was stunned by his sudden change in behavior, including Jack, Mr. Ward, and


The next moment, Patrick turned serious and slapped the table.

Smack! The slap was loud and explosive! “Let me ask what right do you have to force the head of the

family?” Patrick glared at everyone present, “Since all of you are so talented, then why do you want me

as the head of the family? If this leaked out, wouldn’t this also cause the family to become a joke?

Wouldn’t this be a greater joke than my son being disabled?”

Madam Hughes’ pupils constricted and was so angry that her eyes almost rolled over.

Carter and the rest of the people were stunned as the hall become dead silent.

“Speak up! Weren’t all of you so eloquent a moment ago?” Patrick glanced at the entire hall and

continued, “All of you said that the Hughes family will become a joke because of my son. So if what you

are doing now caused the family to be a joke, then would you be able to shoulder this?” Patrick’s words

suppressed everyone present. No one dared to look at each other.

On the other side, Killian lowered his head as he slouched.

As a younger generation, not only was there a gap in the status, there was also a difference in

generations. Any verbal retaliation should be done by the people of Patrick’s generation. People of his

generation should not make a sound. They were unworthy from the standpoint of their background,

status, and age.

But then, there was a flash of impulse in Killian’s eyes. ‘Opportunity, this was an opportunity to force

Jack to fall. If he were to fall, then I wouldn’t have to worry about the competition from the younger

generation!’ Killian thought.

Killian was naturally intelligent and his abilities well surpassed everyone. With his unsurpassed

shrewdness, he had always been outstanding among the younger generation. To him, the so-called

status as a potential heir was immaterial. Even with the number of potential heirs, he reckoned that his

chances of succeeding were more than fifty percent.

Then suddenly Jack appeared from the blue and shocked everyone with his rapid rise. How could this

bastard have this opportunity to inherit the Hughes family? Just because he was the son of the head of

the family?

Each and every one of the elite generation spent years accumulating, training, and grooming before

they are worthy to be named as a potential heir. So how could this unknown bastard swoop in and grab

the position from them?

Jack’s appearance had always bothered Killian, threatening his rise to the position of the head of the

family. He had never felt so threatened before. If he didn’t capitalize on this situation to topple Jack,

then he might never have the chance to rise up again.

In the midst of the uneasy silence, Killian’s gaze focused and made his decision. His shrewdness and

determination culminated in a bold decision!novelbin

Killian stepped forward and immediately attracted everyone’s attention. Patrick’s cold gaze turned

towards Killian.

In full view of everyone, Killian knelt with a thump.

“The head of the family is brilliant. The law had always favored the majority. We decided to revoke the

status of Jack for preventing the family from becoming a joke. If you want to punish us for this decision,

you will have to punish all of us.”

“If we don’t revoke Jack’s status as a potential heir and if he ends up becoming the head of the family,

then Jack will be sitting on the wheelchair as he leads the Hughes family. Wouldn’t everyone laugh at

us for being led by a disabled? Wouldn’t all the people ridicule us for being no better than a disabled

person and being controlled by a disabled?”

Kaboom! Everyone stared at Killian as he said, especially George, Ivy, and the younger generation.

The younger generation had no right to speak during such a power struggle. What Killian was doing

amounted to a great offense. Had this chap… lost his mind?

Every elderly member of the Hughes family looked stunned at Killian. They were the same generation

as Patrick and had broad authority in the family which was why they could form an alliance to rebel

against Patrick. But how did this young fellow find the courage and confidence to do it?

Jack glared coldly at Killian. He grabbed the armrest tightly as the veins on the back of his hands

started to throb. A fury started to rage within him and if it wasn’t for his self-control, he would have

dashed forward and challenge Killian to a deathmatch.

To think that someone could be so unscrupulous to such an extent just because of the position as the

head of the family. Was it necessary for him to grasp this opportunity at the risk to his life?

Only Madam Hughes and Carter looked at Killian gleefully. If someone of the younger generation was

willing to risk it, then to them it was a great turn of events!

Then, just as the mother and son wanted to capitalize on the situation, Patrick suddenly grinned, got

out of his chair, leaned forward, and looked directly at Killian. They were barely a foot apart.

Then Patrick spoke deliberately, “Killian, you are right, but you seem to mistake the meaning of law!”

‘What?’ Killian’s expression was full of surprise.

The next moment, Patrick waved his hand and then smack! A strong slap landed on Killian’s face. The

kneeling Killian was slapped so hard that he flew backward. Half of his face immediately swelled up

and spit out a mouthful of blood. Killian was shocked and he struggled but couldn’t get back onto his


Almost at the same moment, everyone gasped in horror. Madam Hughes and Carter who were secretly

celebrating a moment ago were now pale in their faces.

Then Patrick suddenly laughed, “In the Hughes family, as the head of the family, I am the law!”

“You said that the law would favor the majority but you didn’t ask me if I would favor the majority!”

“As long as I am in this position, I have the final say in the Hughes family. So, I am the law of the

Hughes family!” His voice was thunderous and forcibly hammered his point onto everyone’s ears and

into everyone’s hearts. It caused everyone’s hair to stand, tremor, and tense up.

“There are no family rules on revoking the status of a potential heir due to disability. If you were to use

this as a reason, then it would be the greatest injustice!”

Patrick grabbed the blank memorial tablet and smacked it onto the table and declared, “I know that you

think that I’m doing this to grab onto the authority but let me tell you that the head of the family is based

on abilities. The potential heir to the family is also based on abilities. If he can bring the Hughes family

to greater heights, so what if he is sitting in a wheelchair?

“If an able-bodied head of the family is unable to bring us to greater heights, then what difference is he

to a mediocre person?”

“This memorial tablet is here. If anyone else wants to debate further on this, then tonight I will invite him

to join the ancestors in the ancestral hall and ask them about this logic for himself!”

His statement was blatant, threatening, and direct. It was like a cold wind from the artic, frosty and

chilling to the bone…

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