The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 514 The Authority of The Old Master
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Chapter 514 The Authority of The Old Master

The domineering threat commanded the whole scene.

With the cold voice reverberating, the hall was filled with sharp killing aura.

Everyone felt the chills and was silent.

The hall that was echoing with approvals just a moment ago was now in dead silence.

They were staring at the blank memorial tablet with terror in their eyes.

No one doubted the credibility of those words.

Because they were from the old master of the Hughes family.

No one has to power to go up against the old master’s words!

From the crowd, Mr. Ward knelt down and yelled with blood-shot eyes, “Welcome back, old master!”

Brent immediately followed suit.

With the thunderous yell from the kneeling duo, everyone’s face turned gloomy.

Their gaze drifted towards outside the hall.

Madam Hughes’ expression was dark as hell. Even with her arms grabbing the armrest of her chair,

she couldn’t help but tremble.

Her inner world was in a chaos even though she looked calm on the outside!

Not to mention all the other members of the Hughes family!

Paralyzed on the ground, Jack’s face was filled with grievance. Tears welled up in his eyes.

Peering at the outside of the hall with vividness, an exhilarated smile appeared on his face.

It was a subtle facial expression change.

It was the expression of someone who managed to grab the life-saving straw at the brink of his death.

No one could tell the subtleties.

Soon, a robust figure appeared in front of everyone.

The vision of him hammered hard onto everyone’s eyeballs.

The fighting jets were still roaring in the sky above them.

Roaring thunderously.

Even so, when the astute figure walked across the hall, everyone heard the steady footsteps clearly.

Who else could pull off this tyranny aura?

No one could bear to omit his presence.


Jack muttered and groaned.

With the groan, the vision of Patrick’s figure gradually grew clearer.

With his hands behind his back, a hint of tyranny ran across his face.

Walking into the hall, he ignored everyone else and stared at Jack.

“Jack, why are you sitting on the ground?”

His tone of voice was stone cold.


Slightly froze, Jack’s face filled with resentment and grievance.

Brent hurriedly walked up to him and supported him, trying to comfort him.

While Mr. Ward gave Jack a long look and turned to Patrick, doing a salute posture, “Old master, both

young master’s legs are now limp because of an accident.”

The short message didn’t imply anything about Jack being set up at all but simply state the cause as an


He handled the situation this way so that tonight’s mess could end as soon as possible.

He believed the young master would be fine tonight with the old master’s presence.

Because… there was a blank memorial tablet on the table at this moment!

That was the old master’s attitude about this mess!


With an extremely cold gaze, Patrick scanned the hall menacingly.

Everyone was stared down and turned away avoiding his gaze.

Patrick reprimanded Jack, “Wipe your tears. Only weaklings cover up their uselessness with tears!”

Jack raised his hand to wipe the tears off. But the resentment and grievance on his face was strong as


With Brent’s help, he sat back into the wheelchair.

At this moment.

Patrick unhurriedly walked up to Madam Hughes.

“Madam Hughes, I’m back!”

It sound like a greeting, but the tone behind the words was stone cold.

“Good to have you back!”

Coming back to her senses, Madam Hughes’ eyes welled up and she reached out to stroke Patrick’s

face with a trembling hand, “Where have you been, Patrick? We have been looking all over for you.

You have grown thinner…”

Before she finished her words.

Everyone in the hall suddenly came back to their senses.

They immediately bowed to pay respect.

“Welcome back, old master!”

Patrick didn’t bother the crowd and simply stared coldly at Madam Hughes.

He said unhurriedly, “Madam Hughes, now that I’m back, this seat should belong to me, right?”

The expression on Madam Hughes’ face froze.

A hint of frustration flashed beneath her gaze.

She smirked, “Carter, help me up.”

With mixed feelings and wicked gaze, Carter lowered his head while helping Madam Hughes to sit in

the seat he was in.

As soon as Patrick be seated.

The atmosphere in the hall turned solemn.

It felt as if the air froze.

Even when he was just sitting there, the aura he gave off was keeping everyone on the edge of their


This was the kind of power accumulated for more than twenty years!

Having managed the Hughes family for so many years, he possessed a bar none domineering


Sitting on the wheelchair, Jack vividly looked at his father with anticipation.

He didn’t expect his father’s return.

But his father returned at the perfect timing when he needed it in this urgent event.

He could now continue to keep his trump card!

Standing on Jack’s both sides respectively, Brent and Mr. Ward were exhilarated.

Who else dared to give young master a hard time now that the old master was here?

In the dead silence.

Patrick scanned through everyone in the hall.

He paused slightly when he looked at Archer and George, who were injured.

Rubbing his nose, he smiled, “It seems I came back just in time tonight. Something big is going on at

home, right?”

The question was met with silence.

A dead silence.

Everyone had on a grave face.

Their attempt to rip the handicapped Jack off his identity as the heir while Patrick was away was like a

direct provocation at him.

They all knew to what extend Patrick had Jack’s back!

When Jack first visited Hughes family and pointed a machete at Madam Hughes, which triggered a

family meeting, Patrick laid his stance of how much he had Jack’s back!

However, knowing the fact, not everyone was afraid of that.

“Patrick, you come back just in time!”

Having a hard time getting up, Archer pressed on his chest, put on a wicked smile and pointed towards

Jack, who was sitting in the wheelchair, “Jack is now crippled due to an accident. We invite him here

tonight to find out the truth.”

“I believe as the head of the family, you’ll look at things in the macro. A heir is someone who has the

right to fight for the position of the head of the family, and we’ll never allow a cripple to be one.

Considering the Hughes family’s pride, your crippled son…”


Before he finished his words, a sharp sound shot across the air.

A cup flew across the hall.novelbin


The cup smashed into Archer’s face. Wine from the cup soaked all over his face.

Archer was stunned for a moment until the sharp pain brought him back to his senses.

“Ah! My nose…”

Holding his nose, Archer squealed while blood dripped down from between his fingers, “My nose is

broken. Patrick, you…”

Everyone shivered at his squeal.

However, before he finished his words.

Patrick’s eyes turned menacing and were shooting daggers at Archer.

“Do you think you imbecile is worthy of calling my name? Have you forgotten the family rules just after

the short while of my absence? Call me old master!”

“You…” In complete rage, the pain made Archer lost his rationality.

Patrick picked up the cup in front of Madam Hughes and said in a cold tone, “My son Jack is now sitting

in the wheelchair because he’s handicapped, what do you mean by crippled? What are you thinking

humiliating my son like that?”

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