The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 510 You can’t be a Youngster if You are not Overbearing
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Chapter 510 You can’t be a Youngster if You are not Overbearing


Everyone shuddered, and all were frightened.

They stared at Jack completely terrified.

This bastard…was he crazy? How could he dare to act in such a wild way in the Hughes family?

Was he trying to rebel?novelbin

“But…Jack, I’m your uncle!” Archer Hughes said.

His face turned pale, he subconsciously wanted to step back, but after running into the chair behind

him, he stopped suddenly, “You let Brent beat me, I’m your elder, you are so rebellious and unfilial, you

will be punished by God!”

Jack smiled proudly, his eyes were shining, and he said, “The virtuous old people is the elder deserving

respect! Should I, Jack Hughes, respect you, who are an old arrogant idiot with no virtue, and how dare

you take yourself as my respectful elder?”


He hardly finished speaking!

Brent brazenly launched his towering figure violently and set off a blast of wind making all the people

there squint their eyes.


There was a loud noise as if a punch hit a sandbag.

When the people who were with Archer made a scream “Ah!” similar to pig killing, he directly flew out

just like a broken bag.


Archer fell on a small table that were the young members of the family were gathering round and

smashed it in small pieces.


The sound of a cold breath suddenly echoed in the hall.

One after another, they looked frightened at Brent, who was standing rock-firm, and then slowly moved

to Jack, who was sitting on a wheelchair.

The strong fear and the unbearable cold swept everyone like falling into an ice cave.

This bastard…he was really an idiot who was not even afraid of death!


Archer, who fell on the ground, struggled to stand up. A mouthful of blood spurted out and at the same

time he knocked his two teeth out.

The punch of Brent was strong enough to break gold and smash stones: even if he deliberately

suppressed its strength, it was still powerful.

However Archer, who was still struggling to get up, seemed to fall into a violent state.

His scarlet eyes and the blood-stained face gave a sense of madness.

He didn’t notice at all that everybody was staring at Brent with a scared expression.

He pointed at Brent and cursed him, “Brent, you are a damned son of bitch! You dared to disrespect

and beat your master! Someone comes here! Come here!”

Brent’s expression was full of hatred.

Standing lofty and rock-firm, he quietly clenched his hands into fists, making a crackling sound of


A playful laughter unexpectedly sounded again.

“Brent, it wasn’t enough for him to lose two teeth, such a rude person like him deserves to get beaten

up badly!” Jack said, with keen, sparkling eyes and a playful smile on his face.

Although his voice was soft, it actually sounded like a thunder when it reached people’s ears.

So arrogant and domineering!

Was he crazy or did he just want to die?

This was Hughes’ family. All the people who were present there were top members of Hughes’ family.

How was possible he didn’t care about us?

A group of junior members looked terrified, like if they were dreaming.

Even George and Ivy Hughes as well as the others, looking at Jack’s expression, became very scared,

as if they had seen a ghost.

Obviously, no one of the younger members could dare to have such a kind of domineering manner like

that of Jack.

Even Killian Hughes, who has always remained calm, that time was inwardly stunned with fear. His

eyes’ corners squinted, and they were twitching constantly.

That guy was provoking the whole family!

If the news spread out, it would be enough to alarm all the big shots of the world!

Killian, in all his memories and records of events, had never seen someone who dared to treat Hughes’

family in that way!


Without waiting for Brent to move, a table clacking sounded like a thunder.

Everyone was frightened and shivered.

“Jack, don’t you think this kind of behavior is a little bit too overbearing?” Madam Hughes said with an

extremely low voice, as the deep and quiet blowing of the cold wind of winter.

“You are making such a big fuss today, have you ever thought about the consequences? Do you think

the whole Hughes family is afraid of such a rude bastard like you?”

“You can’t be a youngster if you are not overbearing!”

With an icy stare, Jack was looking straight at Madam Hughes. “Do you really think that Jack Hughes

was weak and can be bullied easily? Did they really think that everyone could poop and pee on me? I

dared to come tonight holding my head up, that’s it. There are a lot of ignorant people who don’t know

the truth. Madam Hughes, do you still want to pretend claiming righteousness in front of me while

behaving immorally?”


Her faced turned pale, and she remained speechless for a while.

She knew that he was talking about the fact of the crippled legs and Felix Hughes, so she didn’t dare to

refute for a while.

Moreover, the silence of Madam Hughes made all the people there change their expression.

Whether they were the seniors currently in power or the young successors.

Those who attended that family reunion feast that night were all thoughtful people.

The arrogance of Jack and the silence of Madam Hughes made everyone realize something between


“Brent, why you still don’t move?”.

Jack was overwhelming and domineering.

At that moment, his sharp eyes were full of confidence and proudness.

He knew that was a visible conspiracy, as Madam Hughes stated clearly that she would use the “two

legs affair” as a weapon to wipe out his status of heir.

But he also knew very well that that game couldn’t be ignored or avoided.

If he didn’t meet head- on that challenge with force and determination, he would have been reduced to

a stubborn dog waiting for death.

The Ways of acting like a King, being domineering and being benevolent, no matter uncle Brown or his

father, both of them had taught him about this.

If he couldn’t use these, if he only gave up and retreated and he will be killed by these beasts in human


If they were given face, but they ignored it, then the only way was to tear the face up.

“How did you dare? How did you dare?”

Archer shouted, he was completely petrified. He ran out from a pile of dishes staggering and escaped


“Someone Comes here, come here!”



The wind blew up suddenly and made everyone’s heart race.

One second after

Archer, who was running, was shrouded by a towering figure.

Brent had an icy expression and a murderous look.

With one hand, he grabbed Archer’s whist belt and lifted him in the air, while Archer was crying out in


Seeing that scene, everyone was shocked and frightened.

“Jack, how did you dare? This is Hughes family!”

George shouted, and exploded with anger.

Jack, sitting on the wheelchair, looked disdainfully out of the corner of his eye.

“You hurt my friend, I will make you pay for it later!”.

George’s body shook for an instant, and he kept silent out of fear.

In the hall, everybody was gazing at Brent lifting Archer with one hand.

In their eyes there were mixed feelings, fear, panic, shock and so on.

Anyway, the faction of Hughes family was particularly complex and intricate.

There were Madam Hughes group, the Patrick group as well as another group made of other people

gathering together.

At that moment, nobody opened the mouth to rescue Archer.

“Mr. Ward, do you really want to keep staring blankly at this bastard who wants to look for death?”.

In that critical moment, Carter Hughes, who never spoke before, got up angrily and glared at Mr. Ward

who was behind Jack.

Mr. Ward expression changed.

The he stood up suddenly and resolutely, facing Carter’s glaze.

“I…am ready to die with Young Master!”


Carter shouted with a ferocious look, he was about to rebuke angrily.

“Brent, what are you waiting for?”.

Jack was magnificent and fierce.

Just after, Brent roared like a beast.

Archer, who was lifted up in the air, was slammed violently to the ground in an instant with a “bang”

sound, similar to that of a broken sandbag.


Blood bubbled out from his mouth.

That muffled noise on the ground made everybody’s expression change greatly.

After that, Jack’s cold and arrogant voice echoed in everyone’s ears.

“Today… I, Jack Hughes, I am going to be overbearing, who else wants to stand up?”

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