The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 503 Lone Wolf Unconscious and the Hughes Family Dinner
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Chapter 503 Lone Wolf Unconscious and the Hughes Family Dinner

“What did they do?”

Jack’s voice was extremely low.

The atmosphere inside the car was very heavy.

Brent and Daisy both looked sullen, especially Brent who was also looking enraged.

Jack could see this from their expressions.

Yael sighed, “Lone Wolf is unconscious in the hospital.”


Jack was taken aback.

Amber and Mr. Ward were also shocked by this.

Mr. Ward then said, “How could they do this? Ever since Lone Wolf has been with Jack, he has always

been working at DT and was put in charge of the security department. Even if Lone Wolf is a close

friend of Jack, then the Hughes Family would do something to Jack or to Jack’s company, but not do

something like this to someone else.”

Yael said slowly, “George opened up a real estate company in the city, and although he doesn’t

personally manage it himself and instead put it under the control of his trusted confidantes, we still

managed to find out about it.”

“When the company had just been set up, that real estate company specially employed people to send

out wreaths and memorial items wishing upon peoples deaths. At that time Lone Wolf had gathered

some people from the security department to deal with these people.”

Once he had said this, Yael then paused.

Brent then took over the conversation, “Among the people who sent the wreaths and the memorial

items, were fighters, but then taking advantage of the chaos, more than a dozen people all attacked

Lone Wolf, they smashed the back of his head and caused him to pass out on the spot, then after this a

few more people continued to beat him.”novelbin

“At the time Daisy and I were in the hospital and therefore had no time to go and help him. When Yael

and Daisy finally arrived to where Lone Wolf was, Lone Wolf was already seriously injured and close to

death. He was then sent to the ICU of the LJ hospital and once it was assured he was out of any

danger he was then transferred to the general ward.”

Jack suddenly began to smile.

Brent and everyone else were shocked by this.

However they then noticed that Jack’s smile grew cold and stern.

His eyes narrowed.

A shiver was then felt up everyone’s spine.

Jack raised his head and rubbed his face with both hands.

How could George have gone this far? To take advantage of him not being around and attack one of

his close confidantes?

Although he was smiling, the more Jack laughed the more frightened everyone became in the car.


Amber was really feeling a little scared.

Jack raised his hands and said, “I’m going to take you home first and then go to the hospital to check

up on Lone Wolf.”

As he said this, he looked at Brent.

He now understood why Brent looked as enraged as he did.

He had first met Lone Wolf when Brent said he wanted to teach Lone Wolf how to fight and bring him

into the underground fighting club.

Once Lone Wolf started working for Jack, he was often asking Brent about how to improve his fighting

techniques, and Brent taught him very carefully.

The two were both teachers and friends to one another, and their emotional bond was definitely even

deeper than that of Yael’s and Daisy’s.

Jack then looked at Yael.

“They’ve already sent all the wreaths and memorial items wishing someone’s death to DT, however

even after what they did to Lone Wolf they still plan to cause more trouble right? The development of

DT won’t be so smooth then?”

The wreaths and memorial items were items that were meant to be given to those who were dead.

The fact that George had gathered people to send out these items made it clear that this was a

declaration of war and wouldn’t end until there was a clear winner.

Yael shook his head and said, “DT has actually made some solid progress and has already acquired

much land and property in the city. However, although the company is being targeted, fortunately Aiden

Lott and the Drago real estate agency have joined forces to help, however that company perhaps will

soon not be able to survive more attacks.”

“What is that company called?”

Yael said, “HT real estate.”

“ What a good HT real estate.”

Jack sneered and said, “Their master had his legs broken by me and was put down. Now they actually

dared to hurt one of my closest confidantes, and think that I was dead and we could do nothing to



“Master Hughes.”

Yael and everyone else’s expression changed.

Everyone knew what Jack meant by what he said.

Jack patted his legs, and then while pretending to be calm smiled and said, “Do they actually think that

even if my legs were crippled, then I automatically become an easy target and I will just suffer


No one knew how to respond to this.

They all knew what when Jack said this, it meant that he had decided already. Nobody could stop him.

Once he had taken Amber back to TM Villa District leaving Daisy to accompany her, Jack and

everyone else hurried to LJ hospital.

When Jack saw Lone Wolf lying on the hospital bed, he became full of anger.

His face was turning pale, and his hands were clenched tight together.

The hospital room was deadly silent.

Only the beeping sound of the hospital equipment was heard.

The Lone Wolf was lying on the hospital bed, motionless and unconscious.

A thick hospital bandage was wrapped around his head and he was wearing an oxygen mask.

His body wasn’t even put into a hospital gown; instead almost his whole body was wrapped in layers of

bandages, showing just a small part of the skin.

If anything he looked just like a mummy.

Jack looking at the state Lone Wolf was in could only guess how serious the situation was.

People could not go that far right ?

How could someone do something like this, how could anyone have the heart to beat someone to

death like this?

Jack sat beside the bed and saw a thick stack of papers on the table.

He picked them up and looked through them; they were all papers regarding his critical condition.

They were all issued during his stay in the ICU, and all of them had been signed by Yael.

Jack’s expression was very cold, flicking through all of the papers.

As he did this, in his mind he was starting to remember his memories with Lone Wolf.

Lone Wolf was his first confidante.

The reason for Lone Wolf choosing to stick with him was simple, because he was part of the

underground world he couldn’t walk outside freely and thus by choosing to follow Jack, he could then

be able to gain an identity and eventually be able to walk out from his shady past.

He had also helped Jack a lot in the early stages.

During the gradual start of his career and when it began to take off, the opponents he had to face were

changing and at this time the Lone Wolf was not able to keep up with this.

However despite this, Jack never marginalized the Lone Wolf and also considered Lone Wolf to be one

of his key confidantes and one of the main core figures that he kept close with him.

This was because, besides Mr. Ward, Lone Wolf was one of the first people to truly accompany and

follow him.

Just this was enough for him to regard Lone Wolf as important!


Jack sneered and shook the critical illness papers in his hands to Mr. Ward and everyone, “18, There

are 18 notices reporting his critical condition!”

As he said this he looked at the Lone Wolf who lay there unconscious, “My friend has fallen to a critical

point 18 times now but still lives, as expected he really is a brother of mine, a real strong man.”

Yael and Brent looked at one another.

The two of them then looked at the table from where Jack had found these papers.

Because they knew that Lone Wolf had in fact had more than 18 moments where he was at a critical

point between life or death.

Inside the table were actually even more of these papers.

In total there were 28.


Jack suddenly threw the papers in the bin, gritted his teeth together and said.

“George, if want to play with fire, then alright, I, Jack will make sure you burn in the fire you have


His words were powerful with a surging murderous intent.

However, at this moment.

Mr. Ward’s phone suddenly rang.

Mr. Ward answered the phone, however just after a few seconds he then hung up.

He then looked at Jack rather solemnly, “Master Hughes, Madam Hughes has ordered that you must

immediately return home and attend the family dinner tonight.”

A family dinner?

Jack’s expression grew colder.

He looked down at his legs and sneered, “So she wants to see if I am actually crippled or not, and

whether or not to take away my chances of becoming the heir to the family or not.”

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