The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 497 Rena’s Dream?
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Chapter 497 Rena’s Dream?

In the hospital, Jack sat quietly by the bedside.

He looked quietly at the unconscious Rena. They arrived at the hospital just in time to save Rena and

her condition has stabilized. Jack’s heart ached as he looked at the pale and beautiful face and said

bitterly, “Am I worth it?”

The door to the patient’s room was opened and Mr. Ward walked in. He looked at the unconscious

Rena and then shifted his gaze at Jack’s legs and paused.

Jack raised his eyebrows, “Don’t you already know the truth about my legs? Why are you still so


Mr. Ward chuckled. The last time at the SH guildhall, when Jack scratched his palm, he had already

realized it. Mr. Ward who was no stranger to the nightclub scene understood the deeper meanings

when the palm was scratched.

When a man scratches a woman’s palm, it definitely meant something.

When a man scratches a man’s palm, perhaps it meant something.

But when a man scratches a servants’ palm, then there was definitely a deeper meaning to it.

Because of their situation, when Jack scratched Mr. Ward’s palm, he immediately realized the deeper

meaning of the action. That was why he made the subsequent plans.

But… Mr. Ward lowered his head in despair, “I’m so sorry Young Master, that I came late.”

“Where are Carlos Juan and Isaac?” Jack asked.

Today’s plan could not be successfully executed without the help of Carlos Juan and Isaac leading the

Grand Freemasons team. Furthermore, Jack could not have that unexpected opportunity to deal

directly with Felix and would have surely died in the slums.

Carlos Juan, Isaac and a group of Grand Freemasons had risked their lives to aid their escape.

“Both of them are alright. Isaac was shot several times and is currently being treated at the hospital.

That old chap Carlos Juan was shot once at his lower leg and is also being treated now.” Mr. Ward

replied and then his expression darkened, “But the members of the Grand Freemasons suffered severe

injuries and losses. When I arrived in a helicopter with the men, we found that those who went with you

into the slums were practically decimated.”

“Okay.” Jack’s gaze turned gloomy, looked at the closed door, and said, “Go and get a wheelchair for


“You still want to keep pretending to be a cripple?” Mr. Ward asked in surprise, “Although the plan had

failed, when you sent Rena to the hospital, the mastermind would have found out that you are not a


“Who said that I didn’t find out who the mastermind is?” Jack scoffed, “Felix had died under my hands.

He was directed by Madam Hughes.”

Kaboom! His calm tone was thunderous to Mr. Ward like a clear day thunderbolt.

Mr. Ward tensed up immediately and was in a daze. Jack’s voice continued to reverberate in his ears.

“Felix? Madam Hughes…” Mr. Ward mumbled in disbelief and said, “So it was actually the Hughes

family? Haven’t they been cracking their brains to look for the head of the family?”

“Eh…” Jack scratched his head, changed the topic, pointed to his legs, and asked, “So do you think

that there is a need for me to sit on the wheelchair?”

Mr. Ward frowned deeply and looked down in deep thoughts. A few seconds later, he suddenly turned

and left the room.

Jack rubbed his nose and then narrowed his eyes as he scoffed, “Madam Hughes, it looks like you

don’t want to die peacefully…”

Since he now knew that Madam Hughes was the mastermind, then it would be a waste not to continue

to act that he was a cripple.

Felix was Madam Hughes’ hitman. Now that he was dead, all the information that they had was what

Felix knew before his death. In other words, Madam Hughes and the rest still believed that Jack had

lost the use of both his legs.

Even if he appeared in front of Madam Hughes in a wheelchair, she would not be suspicious of his

condition. With the death of Felix, Jack had all the ways of keeping it from Madam Hughes.

“With father’s disappearance and now that Madam Hughes still believed that I’m a cripple, she would

let her guard down and not make things difficult for me. This time and space would be sufficient for me

to expand.”

Jack’s right hand gently felt the trousers and smiled, “I’m sure it would be very interesting when Madam

sees me standing in front of her.”

Mr. Ward returned with an empty wheelchair and said regretfully, “Young master is so detailed in your

considerations unlike me. I’m sorry that you have to subject yourself to sitting on the wheelchair for a

while more.”

Jack smiled and calmly sat on the wheelchair. He stretched his back and said, “It’s tiring pretending to

be a cripple for more than a month. If it wasn’t for trying to get some more time, I wouldn’t sit on this

contraption for a moment longer.”

“Young Master Hughes, so you did not lose any feeling to your legs at all?” Mr. Ward looked at Jack in


Jack thought for a moment and then slowly said, “No. My legs could not feel anything when I regained

consciousness. But then they recovered fully after a short while.”

Mr. Ward continued to ask, “Then how did you fool the doctor who examined you and let them make a

wrong diagnosis?”

Jack rubbed his nose and sneered, “Endure!”

Endure?! Mr. Ward sucked in a breath. How could one word ‘endure’ describe the way he fooled a

highly experienced doctor? All the blood tests showed that Jack was fine and he didn’t suffer from any

long-term effects of the poison. But what about the natural reflexes of the knee? It was a simple and

effective examination.

Once the right position of the knee was tapped, the nervous reaction was a natural reflex action. How

could he endure to override a natural reflex action of the nervous system? If even Jack could overcome

his nervous system, then where were the limits of his endurance?

Mr. Ward looked at Jack like he was a strange and unbelievable being. How terrifying was it if Jack

could even overcome his basic reflexes?

“Don’t be so stunned. I just used some underhanded means and endurance to fool them. It was rather

easy actually.” Jack felt amused as he looked at Mr. Ward’s expression and continued, “To think that

you really believe what I say. I’m human after all and not a deity. How could I fool them simply by


Mr. Ward suddenly smiled, “In my eyes, Young Master, you are an extraordinary person. Even when

you fell into the sea and the poison permeated deep into your bloodstream, the doctors were still able

to resuscitate and treat you. That made me look at you in a totally different light.”

This was not exaggerated by Mr. Ward. Jack was injured, poisoned, and fell into the sea. When the

poison coursed through his bloodstream, not only did he survive after the treatment, but there were no

permanent side effects.

Not only was this shocking to anyone, but as Carlos Juan said, it was a great fortune. But now this

fortune was greater than what Carlos Juan had witnessed.

Then, Jack noticed that Rena’s eyelids trembled. His heart tensed and immediately leaned closer to the

bed and said softly, “Rena…”

Rena slowly opened her eyes and looked blankly at the ceiling. She could smell the pungent odor of

the disinfectant and her eyes slowly focused and remarked, “I’m not dead?”

“I sent you to the hospital. Thankfully we made it in time.” Jack said softly.

“You?” Rena looked at Jack doubtfully, “I already lost consciousness when we were on the road. How

did you send me to the hospital?”

Jack smiled and then under Rena’s gaze, he gently raised both of his legs and said, “I said that I could

save you…”

Rena was stunned. She immediately snapped to her senses although she just regained her


“You, your legs…” Rena gasped.

Jacked placed a finger to his lips signaling that it was a secret, “It’s a secret!”

Rena was stunned, shocked, and laid on the bed feeling that it was all surreal. Wasn’t Jack a cripple?

How did his legs recover?

Rena smiled bitterly as she mumbled to herself, “Rena, you must be dead and this must be the final

dream before your death!”novelbin

Jack was shocked and quickly assured her, “You’re alive, this is not a dream!”

Rena’s eyes turned red and welled up with tears as she asked, “Then tell me, have you… ever loved


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