The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 495 The Mastermind
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Chapter 495 The Mastermind

The violent collision threw Jack Hughes completely out of the Hummer.

Jack landed face-down on the ground. The pain was so severe, he felt as if his body was breaking into


Fresh blood was trickling from the corners of his mouth.

There was also blood gurgling in his nostrils.

However, Jack was completely unconcerned about his own injuries. Braced by his consciousness, he

crawled slowly towards the Hummer.

Thanks to the sitting position, Rena was not thrown out of the car after the collision. She was still inside

the Hummer.

“Rena … Rena …”

Jack’s face was bleeding profusely. As he crawled slowly across the road by pushing his body with his

hands, his body left a crimson trail of blood on the ground.

Having lost all sensations in his legs, his movements were propelled solely by his hands. This short five

meters’ distance away from the car seemed like a never-ending road.

On the other side of the road, after the collision.

The black SUV also came to a standstill. The front of the car was completely crushed beyond

recognition, the bonnet was bumped wide open, whirling black smoke was rising out of the engine like

a chimney.

In the car compartment, all airbags were activated and blown up.

That was visual proof of the sheer violence of the impact.


The somewhat distorted car door was forcefully kicked open.

A pair of shiny and polished black boots slowly landed on the ground.

Tap … tap …

The pair of black boots were approaching Jack, the pace was neither too fast nor too slow, causing the

neatly pressed trousers to sway gently.

The driver was calm and collected. As he approached, there was an accompanying “click” sound,

which echoed through the silent alleyway.

Jack, who finally crawled next to the Hummer, was gripped by terror.

He heard a "click" very clearly, it was, beyond a doubt, the sound of a ... pistol being cocked.

"Have you also planned and set everything up, up to this moment?"

Jack’s eyes were red. Despite his weakness and his rationality making him try his best to suppress his

fears, he still could not hide the look of panic in his eyes.

“To be precise, I have not counted on it.”

The voice rang out suddenly, the speaker said with a teasing smile, “Rather, before killing a dog, I had

to anticipate and plan the energy I require, to deal with the possibility of the dog escaping. You thought

you were safe after you ran away. Yet I could come after you without knowing and then nudge you into

hell …”

That voice …

Jack’s body trembled, he looked up in horror.

Even though they had only met once, the face that caught his eye still caused an uncontrollable surge

of disgust and hatred.

And it sent a vicious chill down his spine.

Jack cried in astonishment, "Felix Hughes?!"

He recalled the first time he went to the Hughes family.

He had wielded his sword angrily, threatening to kill Madam Hughes, and it was this person who had

stopped him with a gunshot.

This person left Jack a very deep impression!

"What has it got to do with you?" Jack’s face showed utter disbelief.

At this moment, Felix was looking down on Jack, from his more superior position.

His eyes betrayed his smug and gleeful feelings.

And even more so, his smile displayed his deep sense of cruel tease, as if he was a cat playing with a


“When I see how pathetic you look now, I cannot describe the joy I feel.”

Felix pretended to sigh, " I can’t even imagine how powerful and prestige you were when you were in

the Hughes’ family, even Madam Hughes was suppressed by you, but look at you now, you can’t even

stand up, just like a dying dog!

Jack's expression was dark, and his eyes flashed with anger and defiance.

Instinctively he grabbed his right leg and asked through gritted teeth, “So you caused all this too?”

“Oh, you are quite clever. I hid it so well but you realized in the end.”

Felix’s expression radiated smugness, he started shaking the gun in his hand. Then he shook his head

in fake sympathy, “What a pity though, you found it out too late. When you and this woman in the car

are dead, then no one will find out that it was I who killed you."


Jack’s face changed dramatically in a flash. He looked fierce as he snarled, "You must have been

assigned by the Hughes family. Your main aim is my death, please, I beg you, let her go. Take my life

as you please, she is innocent!"

"Are you begging me?"

Felix looked surprised, and his majestic stature and posture slowly came down to a squat.

Felix placed the gun under Jack’s chin, using the gun to force Jack to look up.

"Who would have thought, someone powerful like you, Jack, would need to beg me. On account of you

being such a pathetic lowlife, I might as well tell you that it was Madam Hughes, who wanted you dead.

Why else do you think I could go such great lengths to make this happen?"

Felix nonchalantly related the truth; he was unconcerned about telling Jack the story.

Because Jack would be a corpse very soon.

And a dead man could never talk!

So, what if Jack found out the whole truth, the truth would evaporate along with the death of Jack.

"You are breaking the Hughes’ Family's ironclad rule!" Jack was lying on the ground, his chin propped

up by the gun, completely defenceless, his bloodshot eyes stared at Felix with deep angry hatred.


Felix slapped Jack across his face.

“What a joke, after killing you here across the ocean and extinguishing the traces, do you really believe

the Hughes family can move heaven and earth, and find out the truth? This so-called ironclad rule is a

mere fart in the face of real power. Too bad for you that your father has disappeared, otherwise you

might still have a chance!"

A gamut of mixed emotions, rage, defiance, resentment surged through Jack, and they showed in his

eyes and face.

He gritted his teeth, his breathing was heavy, like a wild animal panting in fury.

Jack and Felix were glaring at each other.

The fierce and hateful look in his eyes even caused Felix, who had experience in battle, to start to feel

his hair stand on his back.novelbin

After a few silent seconds.


Felix snorted a laugh, breaking the silence.

He removed the gun from below Jack’s chin, allowing Jack’s head to drop to the ground like a broken


Then, slowly, he stood up.

With a bloodthirsty smile on his face, he held a gun in his right hand and slowly approached Rena, gun

pointing at her temple.

At the same time, he spoke in a cold and murderous tone.

"From what I see, you seemed to care very much for this girl? So much so that you would stoop to a

such low level to beg me. If I kill this girl first, then you; you should be ... very uncomfortable, right?"

"Felix! Be a fucking man, come at me if you want. She's innocent, she's from the Grand Freemasons!"

Jack roared his guts out, he yelled like he was crazy.

"Tsk tsk ... it seems like you have true feelings for this girl. Killing her will make you suffer, that’s great

with me! As long as you suffer, I am happy."

Felix sneered, "Moreover, please put away your last shred of stupidity before you die. So, what if she’s

from the Grand Freemasons? It took you guys a month, yet no one found out that it was me who was

manipulating everything. And once you are dead, you think those fools from Grand Freemasons would

still be able to find out?"

“No, don't, please don't shoot ...”

Looking up at Felix, who was looking down from standing position, at this point, Jack had not half his

glory of the past. In contrast, he was begging pitifully, miserable like a dying dog, bitterly pleading for its


“She is innocent, I have absolutely no relations with her. Please let her go, she is the granddaughter of

the premiere ancestral elder of the Grand Freemasons.”

"Hm hm hm ..."

Felix looked down at Jack. That miserable, piteous, and horrified expression gave him a great sense of

pleasure. Reflexively his body quivered and he let out a cold smile.

Yet with his right hand, slowly, very slowly ... he began pulling down the trigger.

At this juncture, everything seemed to slow down.

"She. Shall. Die. Soon.”

The smirk on Felix’s face was extremely glorious, "Have you ever seen a watermelon burst open?"


Right at this moment.

The smile on Felix’s face froze in a flash and showed extreme panic.

"The Grand Freemasons may not be able to find out about you, even I did not believe this plan could

succeed. Luckily finally revealed yourself."

A burst of ice-cold laughter suddenly echoed in the alleyway.

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