The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 489 One Shot!
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Chapter 489 One Shot!

The car troop advanced.

As Jack predicted, another four waves of assassins assaulted consecutively.

But they were not the real threat, and were soon dealt with by the Grand Freemasons members who

were lurking nearby.

Isaac was looking at the map the whole time, gauging the estimated time they would reach the slum.

His face tensed up as they approached the slum.

foresee the aggressive assassinations that were about to unfold in the slum, which would be so much

more intense than the current assassinations they were dealing with.

Even when he was the Mafia Boss of the Grand Freemasons, who had seen almost everything in the

field, cold sweat dripped down from his forehead.

Looking outside the window, Jack looked calm and silent.

But his right hand grabbed the revolver tightly and placed it carefully behind his waist.

All of a sudden, the sound of an engine’s roar sounded behind them.

A yellow McLaren caught up with them and was driving side by side with Jack’s car.

Jack narrowed his eyes.novelbin

There was an obvious dent at the front of the yellow McLaren.

He frowned, “Is this the car that was tailgating our car troop?”

Isaac, who was staring at the map, trembled a little and raised his head to look outside the window. He

nodded, “It seems so.”

“It’s moving fast, it catches up with us even after the accident.”

Jack’s brows slowly furrowed, “But now it slows down to drive by our side.”

With that said, Jack suddenly turned to Isaac and their gaze met.

Isaac’s face froze.

They simultaneously became frantic.


Isaac roared.

At the same time, they both ducked under the seat.


With a gunshot sounded, a bullet hit the bullet-proof window.

The impact was so huge the crack on the window immediately spread throughout the window glass.

With the sudden gunshot.

The Grand Freemasons member who was driving was caught off guard and lost control of the wheel for

some distance.

Right after that.

Bang! Bang! Bang!


What sounded like the strafe of an AK47 burst into everyone’s ears.

The journey that was calm just a second ago had now turned tense, which created a sudden

messiness in the car troop.

And the car Jack was in took all the bullets from the rifle poking out of the McLaren.

The car was full of bullet holes.

Everyone in the car would’ve been dead by this point if it wasn’t for the fact that the car was modified

with bullet-proof system.

Jack and Isaac lied on the ground at the backseat, trying to avoid the shots as much as possible.

Listening to the strafe of the rifle, Isaac cursed while covering Jack’s body, “Damn, that wasn’t an

accident at all. They broke in the troop and made us drop our guard so they could find out which car

we’re in!”

“Mafia Boss, they’re tailgating us!”

The member who was driving the car screamed frantically.

With a wicked expression, Isaac looked outside through the cracked window.

The McLaren was like a yellow lightning, keeping a close distance of about two meters from their car.

And the rifle poking out of its window was breathing fire.

“Hold it, hold it down!”

Isaac roared into the walkie-talkie.

The next second, a car moved out from the front and rear troop respectively towards the McLaren’s

lane, blocking its mobility completely.

But before the troop could react, the McLaren suddenly went wicked and drifted, crashing into Jack’s



The car trembled at the forceful impact.

Roaring like a beast, the McLaren pushed Jack’s car sideways forcefully with its beast-like horsepower.

The front of the car sparkled furiously.

“They want to crash us?”

A hint of cold smirk emerged at the corner of Jack’s lips.

A normal McLaren was no match for a specially modified bullet-proof car in terms of robustness.

“Damn it, crash them back!”

Isaac had on a menacing expression. It was humiliating to him that a McLaren broke into their robust

car troop.

The driving member immediately turned the wheel and crashed the car against the McLaren.



Almost simultaneously, the two cars that were sandwiching the McLaren crashed into it at the same


The McLaren immediately deformed.

But its engine was still roaring like a beast, with no sign of holding back.

“Allow me,” Jack suddenly said.

Grabbing the edge of the seat, he slowly supported his torso upright.

Then, under Isaac’s horrified gaze, he unhurriedly opened the side window.

The strafe from the McLaren couldn’t reach into their car because of the angle factor.

Terrified, Isaac berated, “What are you doing?”

Jack didn’t answer him but said to the driving member, “Dude, do you know how to drift? If you do, do it



The next moment, the car made a squealing sound.

With the member turning the wheel ferociously, the car swung sideways and smoke risen from the tires

which were chafing against the ground.

As the car was drifting, Jack’s side of the car was immediately facing the rifle from the McLaren.

In that moment, it felt as if time froze.

Isaac’s face was filled with horrification.

While Jack curled up his lips with a hint of blood-thirst.

The next second.

With the revolver in his left hand, Jack flung his arm and fired at the McLaren.


A gunshot sounded.

The bullet went right through the skull of the shooter in the McLaren’s passenger seat, his head burst

like a crushed watermelon.

The aggressive strafing gunshot sound immediately halted.

Jack closed the window unhurriedly.

Leaning on the seat indifferently, he said, “You guys can take care of the rest now, right?”

With the horrification still on his face, Isaac was agape.

To Isaac, a deformed McLaren which lost its shooter was nothing but a dead meat.

But just now…

“Are you nuts?!”

Trembling, Isaac finally came back to his senses and glared at Jack, “You would’ve been dead by a

thousand cuts now if you didn’t hit the target with that one shot!”

“But I hit it.”

Jack shrugged, “We won’t be able to reach the objective of this trip if we don’t get this over with as

soon as possible.”

Isaac was stunned.

Indeed, if the McLaren dragged this assault on for too long and their car got severely damaged, they

would’ve no choice but to end the trip.

Then it would be impossible to lure out the real enemy.

Jack’s decisive kill sent Isaac’s heart racing.

Isaac grabbed the walkie-talkie.

“Destroy that car!”

Boom, boom!

The two cars sandwiching the McLaren crashed it ferociously.

While the McLaren which lost its shooter could no longer held its ground.

They left the McLaren in the hands of the two cars.

The car troop continued to advance.

After what had happened.

The car troop was even more cautious at this moment. They compacted their formation so that they

could react immediately should any accidents happen again.

Instead of taking a long time to react and support like what happened a while ago.

Isaac took a look at the map.

He looked at the front with a solemn gaze, “We’re reaching the slum.”

Jack lifted his head to look at the front and rubbed his nose while smiling, “The real assassinations…

are about to begin.”

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