The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 481 A Kiss, and She Lost Weight
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Chapter 481 A Kiss, and She Lost Weight

With much efforts, Jack straightened his body, and he pretended to “stand” behind Rena.

He also worked very hard on his emotions, attempting to keep calm. Nevertheless, all his eyes could

focus on was just the silhouette of Amber.

It cut his heart like a knife to see her usually pretty face looking so fatigued, pale, and weak.

He dared not imagine how much suffering he had caused her all this while.

Still, he could not show any trace of his true emotions because he was aware that his little dummy was

going to approach him.

And he … did not want his little dummy to approach.

Next second.

His eyes sprang wide open, he felt as if a thunder rumbled through his brain.

That was when he saw Amber suddenly broke free from Mr. Ward, running exactly towards him.

‘Don’t come over!’

As if by instinct, the corners of Jack’s lips quivered, he felt a roar surging from his mouth.

But he eventually suppressed his instincts.

Right at that instant, he panicked and was at a complete loss.

‘Do not come over, if you do that, it will attract attention!’

Jack, as he was holding Rena’s shoulders, subconsciously tightened his grip on her shoulders, it hurt

her so much that she knitted her brows and groaned in pain.

In moments like that, it was not at all clear who the mastermind behind the murder was.

It was inevitable that Amber was attracting attention when she ran towards Jack.

Amongst the watchful eyes surrounding them, as long as there was someone with the backing of a

powerful mastermind, it was enough to bring a catastrophe to Amber, to the Knight family.

Within view.

Amber had already dashed out of the crowd, she stuck out like a sore thumb.

Mr. Ward ran after her, he was just as shell-shocked, he looked frightened and helpless.


You must stop!

Suddenly, an idea sparked in Jack’s head and his expression changed from fear to sheer


He broke into a smile.

An evil grin of decisiveness to resort to some extreme measures.

Slowly, he leaned close to Rena’s ears, then whispered, “Could you please help me one more time?”

His warm breath stimulated her senses, with a moment, her soft pale skin on the ears swiftly turned


The redness quickly spread to her face.

“Yes.” Rena’s agreement was practically beyond her conscious control.

Not only did Jack’s question had the effect of causing her body to shudder, any remaining bit of

rationality in her mind was also dispersed into thin air.

Jack asked, “Can I kiss you?”

Rena completely lost her wits, her ability to think also completely vanished.

Sensing the warm breath on her ears, it sent shivers, like electricity, up and down her entire body.

His words pounded right into her heart.

In the moment of passion, her senses were running wild and she could not think clearly.


Rena slowly turned around.

Once he had her consent, Jack closed his eyes and bent down to kiss her.

Their lips locked.

The moment seemed frozen in time.

Rena’s eyes were closed, and her eyelashes fluttered.

Her body was shivering, she felt an intense warmth in her body.

While her lips perceived the tenderness, her mind was lost in a complete blank.novelbin


This entire scene took place so quickly that Carlos Juan Yales, who was very nearby, barely had time

to stop them.

Carlos was furious, he glared with wide-opened eyes at the inseparable couple locking lips.

At the same time.

Amber was running towards SH guildhall, she suddenly stopped.

She saw Jack was kissing Rena, the scene was like a thunder, she missed him son much, and she was

full of excitement, but now, everything was gone.

Amber came to a standstill, she was dazed.

Under the scorching hot sun.

She could not feel any warmth. On the contrary, she felt as if she was standing in an ice cave.

The sky seemed to have darkened completely.

She recognized Rena Yales, she was the one who caused the misunderstanding between Amber and

Jack, and hence their separation. Amber would never forget Rena’s face, so gorgeous that even she

was no match with.

However … this scene before her eyes …

“Young madam, please stop dashing forward.”

Mr. Ward was panting as he finally caught up with Amber, then he grabbed her arm.

By this time, they had already caught the attention of many people.

If she were to really dash across, it would be too dangerous!

“Mr. Ward, didn’t you say, it was a misunderstanding?”

Amber looked mournfully at Mr. Ward, her tears rolling her face, “Is … is this a misunderstanding?”

Mr. Ward shuddered, he was perplexed why she said that.

He had only one thought and that was to retrieve Amber, he had not noticed the scene in front of SH


Her words prompted him to turn around to look.

The scene he saw caused his pupils to contract to a slit.

‘Young master, why are you kissing this woman for real?’

“False, young madam, it really is a false impression!”

Nervous, anxious, and clueless, Mr. Ward still made a desperate attempt to explain the situation.

Amber vigorously wiped her tears from the corners of her eyes, then smiled decisively, “I’m not stupid,

you know …”


She shook off Mr. Ward’s hold on her arm, turned around defiantly, and ran back towards the crowd.

“Young madam …”

Mr. Ward panicked, he glanced back at the kissing scene in front of SH guildhall, then he stomped his

feet in frustration before he turned around and broke into a run.

SH guildhall.

The kiss between Jack and Rena seemed to be frozen in time.

Carlos’ eyes were still wide opened. When he saw the departure of Mr. Ward and Amber, he

pronounced sternly, “They’ve left.”

Only then they released each other’s lips.

Jack’s eyes searched amidst the crowd that was not too distant, he could no longer find Amber.

Immediately, he felt a sense of relief.

However, Rena’s eyes were still shut tight, her cheeks were flushing red.

Right after their lips parted, her body shuddered a little and her eyelashes fluttered lightly, before she

finally slowly opened her eyes.

From the depth of her eyes, there was a sense of disappointment.

“Let me come down now, thank you.” Jack said calmly.

Really … was this only just for show?

Rena pressed her lips together, thereupon she nodded absent-mindedly.

Once Jack was released, a line of people returned directly to the SH guildhall.

Carlos dismissed the members of the Grand Freemasons.

He was still fuming over the incident earlier; his expression was severe and he even clenched his fists.

He was the Grandmaster of the Premier Generation.

Rena was his only granddaughter, since young, she had always been pampered and indulged. She

was the one and only treasured gem in the Grand Freemasons.

To witness with his own eyes how his treasured granddaughter was reduced to such a humiliating

state, it was difficult to calm his turmoiled emotions, despite being an usually calm and stable person.

“Grandpa, why don’t you go back first? Let me bring Jack to his new residence.”

Rena suddenly said, recalling that Isaac had previously arranged for Jack a new residence, exactly

right next to himself.

“Rena …”

Carlos did not finish what he wanted to say, he just sighed, turned around and left.

Rena pushed the wheelchair, feeling a sense of loss, she headed towards the new residence.

Whereas Jack sat silently in his wheelchair, he seemed lost in thoughts.


Rena broke the silence.

“This kiss, don’t you feel you are very heartless to her?”

She knew that Jack had travelled a long distance across the ocean, his sole aim was to reconcile with

Amber, clear up the misunderstanding and to seek her forgiveness.

But, due to the kiss, the “misunderstanding” obviously took a firm hold in Amber’s mind.

“She lost weight.”

Jack did not answer the question. His heartache was displayed in his eyes.

He rubbed his nose and talked to himself, “Her face was emaciated, she looked ill. She did not eat

properly, this little dummy doesn’t even know how to care for the baby.”

Rena’s slender body shook, tears welled up in her beautiful eyes instantly, she was feeling extremely


Her lips quivered, “Jack, did you even hear my question?”

Jack smiled, his eyes glinted with determination and decisiveness.

“Instead of putting her and her family in danger of death, I would rather let her misunderstand me, even

go separate ways with me, what would that matter?”

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