The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 476 Who’s the Lackey?
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Chapter 476 Who’s the Lackey?

The atmosphere was getting tense with everyone struck dumb.

Especially Rena, who was so shocked that she couldn’t help covering her mouth with her hand.

She nearly screamed out.

'What?A playboy?'

Jack Hughes looked troubled and puzzled while staring at Carlos who was dead drunk in front of him.

What Carlos had said completely went against his longstanding image in Jack’s mind. However, Carlos

seemed to have no idea of it. He held Jack’s shoulder and began grumbling, “Look at that old guy! He

always looks as if butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth. But such a yes-man turns out to be so wild with


“Burp.” Carlos belched towards Jack, which was such a nuisance to him that he almost threw out.

After a content burp, Carlos continued to grumble, “It’s okay that he, a lackey, is so wild. But he dared

to mock at me and called me an old fogy. Huh! What the hell was he talking about? Did he really think

that I, the Mr. Yales of the Grand Freemasons, was a behaved boy when I was young? If I bring my A-

game, even 10 lackeys are no match to me. He can have fun at such an old age. How come I can’t?

Nowadays, who can’t have fun at an old age?”

Words failed Jack. He subconsciously glanced at the people at the door including Isaac and Rena.

It was interesting to see how the people looked like at that time.

Isaac had a long face while Renawas terrified.

Behind them were the people from the Grand Freemasons, whose faces were red with awkwardness.

Finally earth to her, Rena stomped her feet and stopped Carlos when he was about to talk again,

“Grandpa, you are drunk. Let me take you to your house.”

Almost at the same time, Isaac turned around to the people behind him with a long face and said, “Go

help Mr. Yales go to his house. If anyone dares to talk anything of what happened today, he is so


“Yes, sir!” answered the people with terror.

“I... I’m not drunk. I can keep drinking as long as there are women to keep me company.” Carlos roared

while being held by others.

Rena’s face was red with rage and quickly covered Carlos’s mouth with her hand. When all the people

left, Isaac, with a long face, managed to smile at Jack awkwardly, “I’m sorry for what happened.”

Jack shrugged and said, “I didn’t expect Carlos to be so wild.”

Isaac was so awkward that he turned around and left Jack alone in the room.

While chilling out on his bed, he frowned at the thought of what happened.

Carlos’s behavior after he was drunk really went against his public image in Jack’s mind, just like what

it was long before when...

Suddenly Jack’s eyes gleamed and then he sat straight terrified.

After a few seconds, he rubbed his nose and smiled profoundly, murmuring, “Maybe, it’s starting to

change. Those who want to kill me might be taking actions soon.”


For the following three days, Carlos seemed to have disappeared into nowhere in the SH guildhall.

Jack learned from Rena that when Carlos woke up, he happened to see the video of him being drunk

and silly, which was shot by a junior.

He was so ashamed of himself that he locked himself up in his room. Jack felt sympathy for him.

Being drunk was not the end of the world. What was worse was that there was always someone to help

you recall it after you woke up. Carlos had such a bad luck to have experienced it.

Carlos was the only elder of his generation left in the Grand Freemasons which boasted with thirty-six

thousand followers through its development till then.

Frankly speaking, Carlos had been fantastically admired by the followers. However, he screwed it up

himself. How could anybody stand such a misfortune?

At the same time, there had been six assassinations taken place in SH guildhall in the past three days.

Even SH guildhall was heavily fortified, they had to deal with the assassination as frequent as twice a


Luckily, Jack and Isaac had foreseen all these. Under the strict security, four assassinations had been

tackled by the the Grand Freemasons members even before being carried out.

And the rest of two were also put to an end in the east yard by Isaac and Rena.

It was early in the morning that day when Rena came with Isaac, bringing breakfast to Jack.

Isaac looked tired but his image of being a tough man never changed.

He sat on the side and lit a cigarette to enjoy his smoking. Rena placed the food on a small desk andnovelbin

brought it to Jack’s bed.

While eating the breakfast, Jack looked at Isaac and said gratefully, “Thank you so much for what you

have done these days.”

As the leader of the Grand Freemasons, Isaac enjoyed no less authority than Jack’s father as the

master of the Hughes Family, although he might be no match to Jack’s father in terms of wealth.

Yet, he had completely become Jack’s bodyguard while running off his shoes attending to the affairs of

the 3600 branches in the Grand Freemasons.

“It’s okay! Just a few more to take. It won’t be long before the moving finger pops up.”

Isaac shook his hand and said while managing to smile, “It’s my job to protect you, my distinguished

guest. I just didn’t see it coming so early that I got to protect you. Alas!”

Jack also smiled awkwardly.

Not only was Isaac depressed but also Jack was depressed.

He was originally made to join in the Grand Freemasons by Carlos and Rena who threatened him with

Yael Quinn.

But now he had to rely his safety on the Grand Freemasons. The world was so unpredictable with

changes which made Jack have mixed feelings.

He took a deep breath and turned to Rena, “Your grandpa is still locking himself up?”

Rena nodded helplessly.

“He must have suffered quite a lot from the video shot by the junior.”

Isaac tittered while smoking on his chair. He shrugged and said, “Frankly speaking, I’ve never seen

grandpa behaving like that before. Indeed, he really knows how to live it up.”

“Isaac...” Rena said angrily stomping her feet and frowned at Isaac.

Isaac pursed his lips and continued with his smoking.

Having finished his breakfast, Jack wiped his lips and said, “Take me to see your grandpa.”

“What?” Rena was surprised and said awkwardly, “Well, I guess you’d better not see him now. Grandpa

looks awkward even at the sight of me, let alone you. You were the one whom grandpa held while

saying those words.”

“It’s fine.” Jack shrugged and said with a profound smile, “I happen to have something to ask him.”

Rena finally agreed to take Jack to see her grandpa.

Jack sat on the wheelchair with Isaac’s help. Then the three of them set out to Carlos’s house.

It was silent in the house with the door closed tight. Rena opened the door carefully and they came

directly to the bedroom.

As soon as they came into the house, they heard Carlos shouting from his room angrily, “Get out!

Leave me alone.”

“Hi, grandpa...” said Rena.

Carlos said sorrowfully, “Alas! Rena, look at me. Half of my body is already in the grave. Yet, I couldn’t

manage to keep my integrity to the end of my life.”

Jack rubbed his nose and tittered, “Mr. Yales. I’m Jack. May I come in?”

It was silent for three seconds before Carlos cried out suddenly, “Rena, send Jack away. I don’t want to

see him.”

The atmosphere was getting tense. Jack stopped tittering and said seriously, “I just want to ask you

who’s the lackey?”

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