The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 471: The Attacker... Really Came
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Chapter 471: The Attacker... Really Came

After Rena left, Jack just rubbed his nose with profound resignation.

Tiana was here for Jack, but it made the Grand Freemasons alert unexpectedly.

Jack permitted himself a wry smile, but did not intend to tell Carlos and Isaac the truth.

One reason was that he did not want Tiana to go to SH guildhall for her investigation.

Because if Tiana really found the truth and returned the Knight Family, which would make every one of

the Knight Family be in danger.

The other reason was that he did not think that there was any harm in doing so.

Since that force failed once and Tiana could find out the abnormal behavior of the Grand Freemasons,

that force must be aware of it.

It would come sooner or later that the force would launch the second assassination.

The Grand Freemasons elevated the safeguard system to the top level to prevent possible

assassinations subsequently.

Besides, Isaac was guarding the guildhall, so he may catch a trace of the assassination.

Only by finding out and exposing the hidden forces behind the scenes could they change from the

passive side to the positive one completely.

Outside Chinatown, the crowds were surging and bustling.novelbin

At an unremarkable corner outside the SH guildhall, a man in a loose gray windbreaker stopped on his

way and were reading the newspaper.

After a while, he asked with doubts,

“What happened? Why is it under martial law?”

Putting away the newspaper, the man lowered his hat and turned away.

Everything seemed usual and did not draw any attention among the crowds.

At the villa of the Knight Family.

Mr. Ward finally finished reading all the information.

He was exhausted, but he was still listening to the narration of Tiana.

He wanted to clear the whole story, and he did not want to miss anything.

Since it mattered the life of Master Hughes.

It was also about how he should deal with it subsequently.

Steve and Rosie also accompanied Amber.

Amber was still weak and haggard, but she was much better than before.

And there was some light in her eyes.

This was the first time that she really understood the whole thing.

“That’s what happened.”

After finished, Tiana shrugged and looked at Mr. Ward.

What she had said was the same as what she had told Steve before.

She still did not mention the Grand Freemasons’s action.

After hearing this, Mr. Ward frowned and pondered.

And the three of the Knight Family were looking at Mr. Ward expectantly.

They had no idea about it.

Since the Knight Family had tried their best even with the help of the Harvey family and other families’

friends, but they could not find out who intended to kill Jack, let alone the current situation of Jack.

“Mr. Ward...”

Amber said with a low voice.

Mr. Ward raised his head and looked at Amber with a smile on his tired face.

“Don’t worry, young lady. I’ll go out now.”

Before others had a reaction to his word.

Mr. Ward had left.

Amber and others were stunned and they looked at each other.

“Amber, is he really here to help?”

Tiana was also surprised. She thought Mr. Ward would give his opinions after she said so much.

But he just walked away without any words?

“Now we may as well expect that Mr. Ward will get something useful.” Steve sighed inresponse to the

doubts of Tiana.


It had been three days since Mr. Ward left.

Amber and others did not know where he had gone and what to do.

Even Amber tried to contact him but failed.

As if Mr. Ward had disappeared.

This night.

It was about ten o’clock.

Jack lay on the bed in gasps, sweating heavily.

Drops of sweat flew down his check.

His eyes, however, were firm and steady.

“I can stand up surely. It’s sure...”

Jack murmured, holding the bed board with his hands, and wanted to sit up to continue his exercise.

Now his body could withstand some exercise with slight intensity.

A week in a coma made him very weak.

Even now he had lost feelings in his legs, he had never thought of giving up exercise.


Rena opened the door and came in.

Seeing Jack, she was in lost with some mixed feelings in her eyes.

This man were trying to “come back”?

“Why don’t you go to bed so late?”

Jack’s voice brought Rena back to reality.

“So do you. You are still exercising so late.”

Rena raised her eyebrows, went to Jack and wipe the sweat on his forehead with a tissue, “ You just

wake up and your body is still weak. So exercising intensively is not good for your health, and you

should exercise in a gradual way.”

“I see.”

Jack took the tissue from Rena, wiping the sweat on his own, then he asked, “ What are you doing here

so late?”

Rena went black at this moment.

She twiddled her right hand from which Jack took away the issue, then she put it down.

She stared at Jack with a strange smile, “ So? Are you afraid that I will do something improper to you?”

Jack, “...”

It was undeniable that Rena was really beautiful.

Any embellishment on her appeared to be a kind of blasphemy.

Even if she performed to be eccentric with her smiles on purpose, she was still quite attractive.

“After all, you can’t walk now. It’s understandable for your worries about my improper behavior.”

Rena folded her arms across her chest, held her chin gently with her fingers and teased him with a


Jack put down the tissue, “If you keep talking about this topic with me, I’m going to yell for help. It will

be a great news that a member of Grand Freemasons and the granddaughter of a great elder enters a

man’s room at night and wants to do something improper.”

“You...” Rena panicked, “You are so shameless!”

“It is you who provoke me first.” Jack responded calmly.

Rena was immediately annoyed.

After recovered a little, this guy was still in his temper which would always make others annoyed.

Rena was still annoyed, but she answered, “I just can’t sleep, and I’m worried about you, so I came

here to check your health. The SH guildhall has been under martial law for three days, and there is

nothing unusual to happen. It is too strange that the woman hasn’t come yet.”

Jack was wordless.

It was impossible for that to happen, since Tiana, who came over the wall, was here for Jack.

Seeing Jack being in silence, Rena waved, “Forget it. You just have a good rest and don’t do strenuous

exercise. I’ll go back to sleep. If I am here for too long, Isaac might nag again.”

Jack saw Rena off.

Then he frowned and lay back in bed.

Yeah, how long had it been since he was in a coma?

Since those people want to kill him, they might have come here soon?

Even if the Grand Freemasons could conceal it from all the aristocrats in the city, but it might not hide

from those people.


While he was thinking, a gust of wind suddenly sounded in the yard outside.


A cry of pain suddenly rang out.


Jack’s face immediately became pale, then he sat up and dragged the wheelchair in a hurry.

At this time, the sound of fighting had been heard outside.

The killer were actually coming!

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