The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 468 My Heart Already Belongs to Someone, I Can’t Afford to Let A Girl Waste Her Youth on Me
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Chapter 468 My Heart Already Belongs to Someone, I Can't Afford to Let A Girl Waste Her Youth on Me

The sun was warm and the breeze was gentle.

The air was fresh.

Although Jack was still sitting in the wheelchair, he still felt much better.

But when he saw the wheelchair he was sitting in, he still frowned.

His weak and pale face was covered with depression.

Rena stood behind the wheelchair. She stretched herself and felt somewhat sad,

"You always call it a damn wheelchair. Why don't you let me carry you? Isn't it much more


Jack shook his head, "I'm married."

Rena froze.

Her already tired eyes instantly went dull.

She quietly grabbed the wheelchair pushers tightly. She used so much force that veins emerged on the

back of her fair-skinned hands.

After a few seconds of silence, Rena suddenly smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm taking care of you

according to my grandfather's order.."

Jack said indifferently, "You can go rest, I want to be alone."

"I'm not tired!" Rena shook her head and smiled. She was pretending to be relaxed.

"Get out of my sight!"

Jack suddenly stormed out.

Rena's smile froze and she instantly felt aggrieved.

Her eyes turned red and she almost cried.

"I know you're in a bad mood. I won't bother you. Call me if you want to return."

Rena put a cell phone on Jack's. Then she turned around and left.

But she quietly raised her right hand to wipe the corner of her eyes and couldn't help but walk in quick


Seeing Rena accelerated her pace to leave.

Jack smiled lonely with deep eyes.

"My heart already belongs to someone. How can I afford to let a girl waste her youth on me?"

His expression gradually cooled down.

Jack gritted his teeth with his eyes filled with reluctance.

"My wife and my child were still waiting for me at home. I do not believe that I can never stand up


He put his hands on the armrests of the wheelchair and tried to get up with all his might in a trembling


But as soon as his feet hit the ground, they became soft as if he didn't have feet at all.

He hurriedly fell backward and sat back in the wheelchair.

But his eyes were bloodshot and there was anger in them,

"I must... stand up again!"

Jack gritted his teeth and tried again.

He didn't want to accept this fact and he wouldn't let go of any single chance.

He wanted to stand up again.

He wanted to walk back to Amber with dignity.

He also wanted to become the head of the Hughes family with dignity.

If he was crippled, people of the great Hughes family would definitely turn him away. Even his father

wouldn't be able to help him.

He didn't want all the efforts he had made to be in vain.

He was not afraid of anything. Even if he lost everything, he still had the courage to start up again.

But he feared that he would lose the opportunity to start again.

He tried again and again, then he failed again and again.

After trying five times, Jack was so tired that he sweated and panted.

And his hands were trembling a lot as he supported himself to get up with them.

"I am too weak. My physical situation has declined too much in just one week."

Jack was almost out of breath. His sweat fell like rain and all his clothes were wet.

"One more time, it will work. My life is decided by myself, not God."

Jack took a deep breath. Then with his hands on the armrests to support him, he tried to stand up


When his feet got in touch with the ground, they were still too weak to support his body.

However, this time Jack was too tired, so much so that when he fell, he did not fall back to sit in the



Jack fell to the ground and the wheelchair also fell. The metal pusher smashed heavily on his back.

The smash almost made him pass out.


Tears appeared in Jack's eyes as he heavily punched the ground with his fists.

The stone floor was incredibly hard, so the punch made four of his knuckles hurt and blood flew out.

But Jack did not care about it.

How could the pain in the hand outweigh the pain of being disabled?

Jack gritted his teeth and supported himself with his hands on the ground.

Then he arched his upper body to push away the wheelchair pressed against his body.

It was simple for normal people.

But Jack couldn't feel his legs. He felt he was lifting something extremely heavy as he did this.novelbin


Jack pushed away from the wheelchair. Then he turned over and lay on the ground.

Without blinking his eyes, he stared directly at the shining morning sun.

He laughed.

He laughed sadly.

His laughter was heartbroken.

His sound of laughter echoed in the courtyard.

But the louder he laughed, the more tears filled his eyes.

He tilted his head to look at the corner of the towering courtyard wall and painfully said, "I am now

crippled. I can't even walk out of this courtyard. What is the difference between me and a trapped

beast? No, not a trapped beast, how can a beast be crippled? I am obviously like a dead man..."

The laughter echoed in the courtyard, there was endless sadness in his laughter.

On the other side of the SH guildhall.

Rena suddenly stopped after leaving in tears.

She wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and suddenly murmured worriedly, "What if

something happens to him after I leave?"

She stomped her foot in worry.

Rena blamed herself in shame, "Oh my God. Am I crazy? I said I would take care of him. How could I

walk away?"

She patted her tired face with dark circles under her eyes, "I am not tired. I am not tired at all. Why did I

think nonsense without sleeping all night?"

Rena turned around and ran towards the east courtyard.

When she got close to the east courtyard, she suddenly heard a sad laugh in the courtyard.

Her expression changed dramatically and she rushed into the east courtyard.

The scene of Jack crying and laughing sadly on the ground made Rena totally heartbroken.

'What happened during the short time when I was away?"

She rushed to Jack's side and asked with a pale face, "Jack, why did you fall on the ground? Get up!"

"I can't even stand up. What's the big deal about me lying on the ground?"

Jack said with a smile and let Rena pick him up.

Jack's feet could not support him, so his whole body could only be supported by Rena.

Just as Rena held Jack head-on and tried to "push" him back into the wheelchair.

She slipped and lost balance.


She screamed.

Jack fell back into the wheelchair.

And Rena also fell on Jack.

In an instant, they looked into each other's eyes and their lips got in touch.

At that moment, the smile on Jack's face disappeared.

Rena's mind was blank.

Time seemed to freeze.

After a second pause, Rena stood up in a hurry like a frightened kitten.

She felt so shy that her beautiful face turned totally red.

She seemed to be flustered and she didn't know what she should do.

She mumbled, "Accident. It was just an accident! Don't think about nonsense. I, I didn't mean it. I didn't

have any unusual feelings towards you."

"Get me back to my room, I want to sleep." Jack said calmly.

"Huh? Oh, okay, okay."

Rena nodded her head.

Then she pushed him towards the room.

When standing behind Jack, the corner of her mouth went up slightly. She felt a little sweet.

She quietly touched her lips with the index finger of her left hand.

After helping Jack settle down, Rena turned to leave. She was really tired.

As she walked out, she felt more relaxed in her heart.

She smiled and sometimes pursed her lips.

When she walked to the courtyard, she stopped to look at the place where Jack had just fallen and

murmured softly, "So... This is how he tastes?"

She was about to leave the place after she said this.

Suddenly, the sweet smile on her face disappeared.

There was only endless coldness left on her face.

Rena's sharp eyes fell on the corner of the wall.

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