The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 463: For You, I Can Even Flat Mountains and Seas
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Chapter 463: For You, I Can Even Flat Mountains and Seas

“Hum... It’s so close.”

Tiana got in the Lamborghini and patted her chest breathlessly, “Thanks to my wit.”

But when she touched the position where Rena punched, she felt a great pain and took a gasp.

Then she cursed with anger, “That chick is so mean.”

She looked down and hesitated for a second, then she put one of her hand on her breasts.


“Tiana. What are you doing?”

Tiana shook her head fiercely and tried to get rid of this bold idea.

Then she started the car and it was like flashing lightning, speeding away from the Chinatown.

After making sure that no one was following her, Tiana slowed down.

She frowned and pondered, “It’s quite difficult to find out what the Grand Freemasons was searching at

the seaside that night. But if I give up, isn’t it completely impossible to find Jack?”

Before leaving, what she told Steve and Rosie was purely comforting them.

Tiana did that was to comfort both the couple and Amber.

The mastermind behind such dangerous assassination must be powerful and determined to kill Jack.

Even Tiana was not sure that Jack was still alive.

It they could not find Jack as soon as possible, he would be in great danger even if he was safe now.

What’s more, Amber was pregnant.

Thinking of this, Tiana rubbed her hair fretfully.

“How could my years of experience is useless in this matter?”

On the other side.

At the suburban airport.

Mr. Ward hurried to the airport with his luggage.

Then he entered the airport runway through the VIP access.

The private plane had parked on a runway earlier before.

The plane took off after Mr. Ward boarded.

Looking at the airport on the outskirts of the city farther and farther below, Mr. Ward wore a sullen

expression with strong homicidal intent.

“Young master, may you wait for me!”

As he spoke, the temperature in the cabin seemed to have plummeted to freezing point.

Mr. Ward, for a long time, had always been as calm as water and as gentle as the spring breeze.

Even if he often got angry.

But it was rare for him to show such undisguised homicidal intent.

When it came to Jack, it was difficult for him to contain his emotion no matter how hard he tried.

It was only a few days.

Young master had suffered such things.

He had no knowledge of it at all if Steve didn’t told him.

On the phone, Steve’s tone showed that he had no idea to deal with Jack’s disappearance.

Otherwise, such a big shot like him would never show a tone of panic and apprehension.

“A big shot that even Steve is no match to him, I’d like to see what this person could do in front of me.”

The chill in hie words made the cabin eve colder.

The air of Mr. Ward changed dramatically, which was chilly, stern and unparalleled.

If Jack was here, he would be shocked.

Even Jack had never seen the presented Mr. Ward!

Night was falling.

After waking up, Amber sat by the window blankly.

There were clear moon and bright stars in the sky.

In her red and swollen eyes, there were tears flashing.

She lowered her head slowly and stroked her bulging belly gently, then the tears dripped down her


She didn’t remember how many times she had cried these days.

She was immersed in an atmosphere of grief every day.

Jack’s “betrayal” was like a heated and sharp knife that pierced her heart.

And the bulging belly was like a heavy burden on her shoulders.

Although Jack had been here now, he had suffered before she could see him.

A string of grievous news was beating her overwhelmingly.

If these happened to others, they would have been crushed.

Actually, she had the idea of committing suicide several times.

But she held it back at the thought of the baby in her belly.

A woman was weak, but the motherhood made her tough.

The saying accorded with the state of Amber at this time.

“Dear, I’ll get through it. For you, I will.”

Amber raised her head and watched the lights outside with tearful eyes, then she opened her red lips

and murmured in a low hoarse voice, “Jack, where are you?”

In the study.

Steve browsed his computer over and over again.

The information was the real-time investigated information delivered by the company’s internal

intelligence department.

He staring at the computer and looked tired with red eyes.

It was not for Jack, but for Amber.

Now his daughter was so haggard. As a father, how could he stand by?

The door opened.

Rosie came in with a bowl of ginseng soup in her hands.

“Have a rest. What if you ruin your health like this?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be fine and keep on for our daughter.”

Steve stared at the computer and waved his hand, “Now Jack’s whereabouts are unknown. Although

Tiana told us to rest assured, we all know that she was comforting us. What will happen to Amber if we

can’t find Jack as soon as possible?”


Rosie sighed and let him be. Then she handed the ginseng soup to Steve, “I can understand that you

work so hard for our daughter. I am also willing to help her if I am capable enough. But you should take

care of yourself first. Why don’t you eat the ginseng soup and take a five-minute break?”

“I don’t need it. You’d better take the soup to Amber.”

Steve pinched hie nose wearily, “She has lost all desire for food and drink, besides, she’s pregnant

now. So she is the one who needs to build up her health. I’m fine. I have to look through these

information at the first time. I’m afraid that I will miss something if I stop.”


Rosie looked sullen but finally she swallowed her tongue back.

Then she showed a look of melancholy and helplessness, “What should we do with it, since Mr. Patrick

is also missing at this time?”

Then she left the study with the ginseng soup.

While staring at the computer, Steve wore a sullen look gradually, “More and more things involved in

this matter. I don’t know if I can withstand the pressure with my weak body.”

At the quiet night.novelbin

In the SH guildhall.

The light was dim in the room of the eastern courtyard.

Lying on the bed, Jack twitched his eyelids and finally opened his eyes with difficulty.

“Amber and our baby are waiting for me to make an apology and take them home.”

After his eyes gradually regained the sight and adapted to the light in the room.

Jack’s eyes became extremely firm and fierce, as if he could destroy everything.

“Amber is looking for me. I must pull through as soon as possible. For you, I can even flat mountains

and seas, not to mention my body.”

A whole week in a coma made Jack feel the weakness of limbs.

After a brief adjustment, he tried to stretch his arms and legs.

But he was no anxious, he would do it step by step.

It was his luck to survive, and he could wait for a few seconds.

His fingers, hands and arms…

Jack was trying to stretch step by step.

Every stretch was bitterly difficult for him.

Even if he just lifted his fingers, he felt like he was lifting something weighty.

Soon, sweats oozed from his forehead.

Rena was taking a nap on the bedside and fell asleep while accompanying and attending to Jack.

At this time she felt something moving around her in a daze.

Then she raised her head and rubbed her eyes.

When she saw Jack opening his eyes, she woke up completely in an instant with twinkle in her

beautiful eyes.

“You wake up!”

Jack did not answered and was still trying to stretch.

Rena was ecstatic when she noticed Jack’s hand stretching.

She comforted Jack with care, “Don’t worry. Take your time. You’ll be fine. You’ve been in a coma for a

week, and it’s normal for people to be numb after lying on the bed for a week. Stretch a little, and you

will be fine.”


When she was comforting him. Jack suddenly looked scared, with his bloodshot eyes wide open.

As if he was encountering a ghost.

It startled Rena.

She asked worriedly, “Jack, what’s the matter with you? Are you okay?”

“My legs…”

Jack opened his lips laboriously and made a hoarse and scared voice, “Why can’t I feel my legs?”

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