The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 454: What’s Going on?
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Chapter 454: What's Going on?

Steve's face changed.

He was about to stop them.

Tiana's father stopped him, "Steve, a cheater should pay for his behavior. Don't worry, Tiana knows

what she should do."

Steve wanted to say something, but when he saw Amber was crying, his heart was in pain, so he held


Rosie had said many times that this matter must be resolved after all.

If this thing kept dragging on like this, they didn’t know how Jack would feel, but it's a serious hurt to

their beloved daughter.

Now, since Jack was here and Tiana was boiling with rage, maybe it's a breakthrough!

"I don't want to see him."

Amber shook her head with tears in her eyes.

Tiana raised her eyebrows, "This is revenge, not a meeting!"

She didn't care if Amber agreed or not, she pulled Amber straight outside.

"Dare to bully my bestie like this, today I must beat him badly!"

Although she and Amber hadn’t seen each other for many years, they were bosom friends, and the two

families were friends. What's more, no women in the world could bear her husband’s cheating.

A pregnant woman, all she got from her husband was betrayal?

This kind of thing, not to mention it happed to Amber, even if it happened to a casual stranger, Tiana

would never look on with folded arms.

Five minutes later, a Lamborghini sped away from the villa.

Another two minutes later, a Rolls-Royce also drove out of the villa.

In the Rolls-Royce car.

Steve and his wife were worried, while Tiana's parents flushed with anger.

"Steve, you are being too careful. Tiana is going to teach him a lesson, why we all have to go with

them?" Tiana's father was a bit puzzled.

"I don't feel easy about letting them go without us, as their parents, we should ensure their safety."

Steve smirked.

He was clear about Jack's identity and knew even more about how terrifying Jack's fighting skills were.

Going along was also because he was worried about Amber and Tiana.

In the end, it was not certain who taught who a lesson.

However, he was too embarrassed to say this. After all, Tiana's family was to help Amber.

"I hope problem would be solved tonight, so Amber will feel better." Rosie sighed.

Tiana's mother also sighed along with her, "Amber has been suppressing herself so much, and she is

pregnant. If she doesn’t vent it out, her situation would be worse."

On the other side.

A Lamborghini was speeding on the road.

Amber was in a daze, holding the phone tightly in both hands.

Tiana was boiling with anger while driving with furious expression

"Amber, where is that guy now?"

Amber shook her head, "I don't know, why don't we go back, I really don't want to see him."

"We aren't going to meet him, we are going to beat him up!"

Tiana waved her fist fiercely, "Don't worry about that, let's give him a beating once I see him, and vent

your anger."

"But ..." Amber's was worried.

Before he finished speaking, the phone rang suddenly.

Amber's pretty face changed abruptly when she saw the caller ID.

She hesitated for a while.

Seeing this, Tiana's heart shuddered, "Who is calling?"

The tears that Amber had just stopped filled her eyes again.

"It's him?"

Tiana raised her eyebrow, suddenly grabbed Amber's phone, and picked up the call.

In a low voice, she asked, "Where are you?"

On the phone, Jack was a bit stunned, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, I'm coming to you with Amber now!"

On the phone, Jack was silent for a few seconds.

Then he happily said an address, which was a hotel not far away from Amber's home.

After hanging up the phone, Tiana returned the phone to Amber, and patted Amber's shoulder, "Okay,

I'll definitely help you teach him a good lesson later."

Looking at Tiana who was aggressive and full of confidence, Amber’s feelings were mixed, and her

mind was in a mess.

Was she really going to see him?

On the other side, after Jack hung up the phone, he stood up ecstatically, changing his previous

depressed and lonely look.

He felt familiar with the strange woman's voice on the phone.

But that's all it was.

He didn't have the mood to think about it. What he was more concerned about was that the woman

was coming to him with Amber.

She’s a great helper!

Jack went into the bathroom and rewashed and dressed up.

Then there was a long wait.

When the phone rang again, the caller ID "Darling” made him smile happily.

He picked up the phone at once, but on the other end of the phone, it was still the rough and angry

voice just now.

"Come to the hotel parking lot! Immediately, right now!"


The phone hung up.

Jack froze for a moment. This voice. How could this voice become more familiar as he heard it?

Where in the end had he heard it before?

Shaking his head, he was busy walking out of the room and went downstairs.

In the hotel parking lot, Amber and Tiana were sitting in the Lamborghini.

Amber’s hands clenched together, and her expression was unreadable. There were tensions, worries,

and emotions that were hard to describe.

Tiana put down her phone and glanced at Amber, "Amber, sit here and watch how I will give him anovelbin

good lesson."

As she said that, she also moved her neck and wrists, making clicking sounds.

She was very aggressive.

Amber sat at the side and was silent.

Only her eyes glanced at the direction of the hotel from time to time.

Finally, a familiar figure appeared.

"Tiana, he's here."

Amber suddenly said.

"Watch this!"

Tiana opened the car door angrily, slammed it shut, and strode towards Jack in the distance.

Just because of the distance, and because Jack was looking around for Amber after he entered the

parking lot, so Tiana did not see Jack's appearance.

And in another corner, inside the Rolls-Royce car.

Steve and his wife and Tiana's parents also stared at Jack, who walked to the parking lot, with a

serious expression.

When they saw Tiana get out of the car and aggressively walked towards Jack, Tiana's parents smiled

heartily at once.

Tiana's father patted Steve's shoulder, "Steve, watch carefully. My baby daughter has not practiced for

nothing these years, she will help you make this beast pay for his sin."

At the same time.

Tiana, who was striding towards Jack, frowned gradually.

The arrogance on her face gradually disappeared.

Looking at the figure that was looking around, as the distance got closer.

'How come I feel more familiar with him as I got closer?’

Tiana was puzzled but did not stop.

Instead, she shouted at Jack sternly, "Hey, are you Amber's husband?"

Hearing the shout, Jack, who was looking around at no one else, was busy looking at the sound.

Once he saw Tiana, he was stunned.

And Tiana also abruptly stopped and stared at Jack in shock.

That familiar cold face was like a heavy hammer in an instant, hitting her eyes fiercely.

"It's you?"

"It's you?"

Almost simultaneously, Jack and Tiana exclaimed in unison.

"Where's my wife?" Jack asked immediately.

"Are you really Amber's husband?"

Tiana's pretty face instantly turned red, she was embarrassed and panicked.

What the hell was this?

Amber's husband was the savior?

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