The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 452: I’m not the Real Savior, He is!
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Chapter 452: I'm not the Real Savior, He is!

This moment.

Jack stood under the blazing sun, but there was a feeling of coldness all over his body.

The few words on the screen were like a knife cutting his heart.

"You know I'm here?"

Jack murmured, "Don’t you even want to see me for once?"

Lost in a trance for a moment, Jack tried to dial Amber's phone.

But the phone rang once and then was hung up.

Unwillingly, he dialed several times in succession, with the same result.

"Can you pick up my phone?"

Jack sent a WeChat message to Amber.

Immediately after, he hurriedly added, "I'm here to explain the situation and take you home."

When sending the WeChat message, Jack looked a bit flustered.

Even his hands trembled faintly when typing.

He was scared!

Fear of losing Amber because of this misunderstanding.

Even if he desperately wanted to restrain, he could not calm the ups and downs of his heart.

After sending the WeChat messages, Jack squatted on the roadside, staring at his phone, biting his

nails, and waiting silently.

It's just a long wait.

The two WeChat messages were like sinking into the sea, without any news.

"I can definitely wait for you!" Jack firmly said with great intensity eyes, "I want to take you home."


The night was gradually falling.

Inside the luxurious villa.novelbin

In the dining room, there were happy laughter and cheerful voices.

It was a private banquet. To be exact, it was a private dinner between the Knight family and the Harvey


The friendship between the two families had laid a solid foundation since Steve was young, and for so

many years, the two sides had been cooperating forward.

"Steve, I still remember when we wanted to get ahead, and Rosie and my wife were pregnant, we

stupidly wanted our child to get married.”

A middle-aged man with graying temples and a majestic brow raised his red wine glass and laughed,

"It turned out that we have daughters and they became good friends."

"It's because that night, we both drank a lot of wine, you wanted to let Tiana marry Amber, and thanks

to my sober finally." Steve laughed.

The crowd talked and laughed.

Only Amber looked despondent, holding the phone tightly in both hands, and placing it under the table.

She wanted to catch up with her best friend, whom she had not seen for many years at first.

But with Jack's phone call and WeChat messages, Amber no longer had that thought.

"Amber, do you have something on your mind?"

Tiana sat beside Amber and asked with concern, "I feel like you are preoccupied with something


"No, it's fine." Amber forced a smile.

But Tiana frowned and said, "We haven't seen each other for so many years, you don't even want to

talk to me, and you still say you don't have something on your mind?"

"No, Tiana, I just don't feel well." Amber really didn’t have the mood.

Even if Tiana, who was in front of her, was her childhood best playmate.

The words just fell, Amber's face changed suddenly and she hurriedly got up, and ran into the toilet.

The sudden scene made the table became instantly quiet.

Rosie's expression changed, and she hurriedly got up and followed her to the toilet.

Steve smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay, let's continue. By the way, Tiana, once you came back this

time, you have become the hero!"

In these words, the topic smoothly changed.

Tiana's parents had revealed a smile of relief and happiness.

The airplane hijacking incident was big news.

And it had long been reported by major media.

In the country of admiring hero, Tiana became the "savior" of all the people on a plane. And this made

her parents felt very honorable.

"No, Mr. Steve, it was just a fluke."

Tiana lowered her head and said shyly.

Thinking about the scene on the plane, Tiana still felt a little lucky.

Without the presence of the man called "Jack", even if she came forward, she would fail.

"You are quite modest."

Steve laughed, "Your parents told me that you have been working hard in the past few years, and now

you are already an Interpol officer. With this identity and strength, it is reasonable to save everyone on

the plane. Why is it a fluke in your mouth?"

Tiana's father also laughed, "Tiana, Steve and I have been friends for almost 30 years, there is no need

to worry about it."

"You're a father, the child knows how to be modest, but you're still trying to get the child to be smug?"

Tiana's mother laughed and scolded.

Steve took over, "Mrs. Harvey, I have to talk about you with this. We are not conservative people. Tiana

has such an achievement, not to mention you two, even I feel proud of her."

Listening to the conversation between Steve and his parents, Tiana became shyer and shyer.

She was telling the truth, but it turned out to be interpreted as modesty.

Listening to their praise words, Tiana couldn't take it anymore.

She was stubborn and upright, otherwise, she would not have left her privileged life behind at a young

age and became an Interpol officer.

It was because of this character, so she was always a bit ashamed of this glory.

The real glory should belong to that man!

"Tiana, quickly tell me about the specific things that happened, this kind of plot only happens in the

movie, I am curious about it."

To digress Amber's pregnancy vomiting matter, Steve could only pursue the question.

Now that Amber was pregnant, and Jack had done such a brutal thing, so in his heart, he was a bit

ashamed to mention it in front of people.

Seeing Steve and her parents' gazes with expectation, Tiana clenched her fists and said helplessly,

"Mr. Knight, Mom, and Dad, it was just a fluke."


Steve and Tiana's parents froze at the same time.

All three of them reacted, Tiana's words were not modest there was something else hidden.

Immediately after, Tiana slowly said, "After the plane took off, I did take the lead in discovering those

four bandits. But at that time, I was proud of my strength and professional identity, so I wanted to solve

the whole incident alone, and specially alerted the passengers one by one in the first class."

"After the incident, I was also really the first to stand up to face the four bandits, but, but I ..."

Speaking of this, Tiana's pretty face was flushed and red lips whispered, "But I really couldn't beat

those four bandits, they were all tall and also proficient in fighting skills, and even two of them carried

special knives, and I was in danger soon after."

Thinking about when she refused Jack's help as a professional, Tiana now suddenly felt ashamed that

she even wanted to hide herself in a cave.

She gritted her teeth, "If not for the presence of another expert on the plane at that time, who secretly

helped me out, wounding the four bandits and curbing their ability to move, I might have died at the

hands of the four bandits."


Steve, Tiana's parents, were dumbfounded on the spot.

What Tiana said was different from what she said during the news interview, but the fact that they

heard from Tiana, who was the person involved in this matter, gave the three of them the unreal feeling

of being in a trance.

"Tiana, but what you said you solved it alone in the interview, right?"

Tiana's mother followed up incredulously, "Moreover, with the plane’s size, how could that expert you

mentioned secretly helped you?"

"He used flying cards, poker cards was like darts in his hands, and his strikes were fast and accurate."

Tiana's eyes flickered with intense awe. Then she smiled bitterly and shrugged, "I said that in the

interview video because I guessed that gentleman did not want to reveal his identity. So I said that on

purpose. In fact, I was the seeming savior, it was that gentleman who actually saved the whole plane."

"Flying cards?!"

Steve and Tiana's parents were all stunned.

A small poker card could hurt people?

After a pause, Tiana sighed, "After I finished the interview, I caught up with the gentleman. As I

guessed, he didn't want to reveal his identity because he was in a hurry."

"My God, Tiana, the gentleman you said is too low-key and introverted." Steve was in a trance.

Tiana's father also sighed, "Because he was in a hurry, he even dismissed such merits. Was his

business more important than this?”

Even Tiana's father could never have been like that in the same situation.

Tiana's expression suddenly became weird, and her red lips whispered, "He, he said, he said, he

rushed to ask his wife’s forgiveness."

At this very moment, Amber, who had finished vomiting, returned to the dining room with an awkward

expression with Rosie supporting her.

Hearing Tiana's words, Amber suddenly stopped in place and was in a daze.

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