The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 438 Mr. Hughes, Please Take a Seat
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Chapter 438 Mr. Hughes, Please Take a Seat

Nobody noticed that Gilbert Hunter was answering the phone.

Because everyone was so focused on Jack Hughes and Jeweshine Hunter.

At this moment, anyone could see the fierceness in Jeweshine’s face.

The atmosphere was tense and heated as if it was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

Jack met Jeweshine’s eyes and slowly squinted his eyes.

Mr. Ward and Brent, who were right beside him, also slowly stood up.

How could you let your own young master be insulted by a distant relative?

“Jeweshine Hunter, who do you think you are? If you dare lay a finger on my friend today, I’ll come after


Jeweline Hunter was so enraged that he raised his hand and tugged Jeweshine’s shoulder.


Jeweshine hit the back of Jeweline’s hand strongly.

Jeweline’s frowned as the back of his hand turned red.

The rest of the distant relatives followed Jeweshine and immediately stood next to Jeweline. They

completely ignored the occasion and arrogantly pushed him back by two steps.

In their eyes, as long as the Hunter family’s rules existed.novelbin

They didn’t have anything to fear against the young master Jeweline.

Didn’t you see that even the old master didn’t want to see his useless son?

Jeweline resisted a bit, but he didn’t stand a chance as he was being pulled by three people.

“Why are you stopping me?”

Jeweshine turned to Jeweline dismissively and coldly smiled, “Jeweline, don’t think of your friends so

highly. These three outsiders probably haven’t known you for long, right? They are just scoundrels, but

you, you even want to invite them to sit at the main table. You’re the young master of the Hunter family,

but you don’t even have any manners!”

Who could’ve thought that a distant relative would criticize the master’s son here in front of everyone?

Inside the villa, the laughter and noise abruptly ended.

All eyes were focused on this table by the door.

Some were surprised, while some were gloating and just enjoying the show. Some calmly watched as if

it was mediocre…


A burst of snicker laughter abruptly rang.

Jeweshine’s brows tightened. He turned his head and stared furiously at Jack Hughes.

Jack squinted his glowing cold eyes.

Looking at Jeweshine’s eyes, he looked just like a fool.

“Where did you even gather the courage to regard me and Jeweline as scoundrels? You don’t even

qualify to pick up my shoes. It’s your honor that I can come here to meet the Hunter family!”


It was only a sentence, but it sounded like thunder.

Jeweline was so shocked. He looked at Jack in horror.

“You must be crazy. How could you say that?”

On such an occasion, what he said only gave Jeweshine the opportunity to fight him!

As he expected!

Jeweshine was enraged, “Come and drag these three outsiders out!”

In a split second, more than ten Hunter family guards swarmed in.

In this city, the Hunter family was worthy of being named the top wealthiest family.

High above, overlooking all beings.

The master’s birthday banquet drove the whole city sensational.

As an outsider, how dare he bluff and embarrass the Hunter family?

Just then.

Mr. Ward and Brent moved across at the same time, protecting Jack left and right, as they faced more

than ten aggressive Hunter family guards.

“You must have a death wish!”

Jeweshine suddenly yelled and raised a fist to punch Jack.

“Jeweshine Hunter, stop it!”

Seeing this, Jeweline became furious.

This punch delivered by Jeweshine wasn’t only to hit people, but it was also to crush his reputation into


Because he already told everyone that Jack Hughes was his friend!

That was a close call.

Jack stood still with his back straight and a cold expression on his face, but his eyes surged a faint

intent to kill someone.

Yet his hands were still silently holding fists.

Facing Jeweshine’s punch, he didn’t really care at all.

Just when Jack was about to deliver a punch.


The scream sounded like thunder exploding in the sky.

Jeweshine’s body was shaken and his fist was caught in the air.

He could choose to ignore Jeweline’s screams, but he had to obey this one.

Because this erupting voice came from…Gilbert Hunter!


Jeweshine looked at Gilbert in horror.

Simultaneously, Jack loosened his fist and coldly laughed, “You should thank your master for saving

your life.”


Jeweshine’s looked at Jack frantically, but he didn’t dare go against Gilbert’s words.

Gilbert had put down his phone now. After a short phone call, his drunk face was a bit sober, but his

eyes became more complex to read.

All puzzled eyes were locked on Gilbert.

Including Jack and Jeweline.

Subsequently, under everyone’s eyes.

Gilbert suddenly strode and walked up to Jeweshine.


A slap fell on Jeweshine’s face and everyone was speechless.

The sound was loud and crisp like thunder.

Jeweshine staggered and nearly hit his head on the table. He was stunned.

And everyone was dumbfounded.

Nobody could’ve thought that Gilbert, who originally sided with them, would suddenly hit Jeweshine this


What was happening?

The most frightened ones were Jeweshine’s three younger brothers. They already knew that

Jeweshine Hunter would be the next master.

Thus, it would be common sense for Gilbert to protect Jeweshine’s pride at this time, so that he could

protect the Hunter family’s dignity when he became the next master.

Slapping him in front of everyone was something he never thought could’ve happened!

“Master, why did you hit me?”

Jeweshine disbelievingly looked at Gilbert.

Yet, at that moment, Gilbert completely ignored him.

Gazing at Jeweline, the heat in his eyes no longer contained anger. His eyes slowly fogged up and

filled up with tears.

His lips trembled as he blurted out, “my son Kylin…”


Everyone present was shocked.

Jack was also a bit frightened.

Kylin was a phrase used to praise outstanding and brilliant children.

However, it was usually used to congratulate other people. No one had ever been arrogant enough to

address their child as such.

Besides, in the Hunter family, Jeweline was never better than Jeweshine and the others.

Subconsciously, Jack looked at Gilbert’s phone and rolled his eyes.

“Dad, what did you call me?”

Jeweline was a bit dazed. How many years had it been?

How long had it been since he last heard his father’s compliment?

Calling him “Kylin” in front of everybody was the most extraordinary praise!

“Okay, good, good!”

Gilbert’s hazy eyes teared and he let out a delighted smile as he watched Jeweline heavily release a

reek of booze.

Immediately, under the fixation of everyone’s horrified eyes.

He suddenly turned around and revealed a gentle smile to Jack, “Mr. Hughes, please take a seat at the

main table. Mr. Jeweshine wasn’t able to serve you properly, so please forgive us.”


This scene hit everyone on their eyeballs like a heavy hammer.

What, what was going on?

Jeweline was stunned.

Jeweshine and the others were also dumbfounded as a buzz rang in their head.

On the other hand, Jack let out a clear, understanding smile.

He looked up into the villa.

Upon seeing this scene, Mr. Ward and Brent, who were both beside him, were shocked.

“Mr, Hughes, please take a seat!”

Gilbert shouted again. This time, his back was a little bent.

Jeweshine’s heart raced as he looked at Gilbert. Those respectful words and his bent back were like a

huge invisible hand strangling his neck, suffocating him.

Jack turned his head and looked at Gilbert.

He rubbed his nose and let out a peculiar smile.

“Sorry. I, Jack Hughes, failed to understand your kindness. Mr. Jeweshine said it a while ago, he

wouldn’t let us sit at the main table.”

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