The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 424 Mr. Ward Lashed Out
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Chapter 424 Mr. Ward Lashed Out

It felt like the heavens were raining fire down to the earth. Was this doomsday?

Jack felt that his whole body was melting, and his brain was buzzing.

Was this coincidence?

Or was this done purposefully?

A dangerous aura was brewing in the distance.

The fact that Carlos Juan and Rena was forcing him to join the Grand Freemasons had already ignited

a deep anger in his heart.

It was also because of Rena that there was an unpleasant feeling forming between him and Amber.

Now that this grandfather and granddaughter tandem had come to visit him, no matter how well could

Jack control his emotions, it was long at its limit now!

“Young master, if you don’t go over now, they are going to board the car.” Brent reminded.

Jack took in a deep breath as he tried to suppress the immense anger within him, “Shun them away.”

With a loud bang, he hung up the phone.

Jack tried to pretend that nothing was wrong as he hurried towards Steve and his wife with Brent by his


“You kid. Didn’t I tell you not to come get us?”

Steve was delighted to see Jack.

“Since you have come here, how can I not come forward to welcome you?” Jack took over their

luggage and handed it to Brent while smiling widely.

Steve let out a laugh, “Alright, alright. Let’s go home.”

While on the way, Jack had a good time having a good and hearty conversation with Steve and his

wife. The atmosphere was really warm and joyous.

However, deep down in Jack’s heart, he knew that this was just the calm before the storm.

At the time when Jack and company returned to TM Villa district, it was already a huge mess in the

courtyard of the villa.

“How could you ask us to get lost?”

Rena sounded vehement as she pointed at Mr. Ward and scolded, “We have come here with some

gifts because we wanted to apologize to Jack. How can you treat guests in such a way?”

Mr. Ward’s face was gloomy, and his veins were bulging near the corner of his eyes.

Treat guests in such a way?

Just because a misunderstanding between you and the young master, the house was going to be in a

huge mess. How could you talk about treating guests in such a situation?

Mr. Ward didn’t argue with her because Rena was a junior.

He directed his gaze at Carlos Juan, “Mr. Yales, I implore you to leave. We will have a family gathering

at home tonight, so we can’t tend to outsiders.”

His tone was stony and irrefutable.

Carlos Juan wasn’t fazed by his words, but this was not the case for Rena.

If she hadn’t witnessed this exchange with her own eyes, she would have a hard time believing what

she had just seen.

Her grandfather was the one and only founder of the Grand Freemasons. He held a special position

and status in the organization.

He was part of an affluent and influential family which was well-known internationally. Everyone would

have treated him with the utmost respect as the most distinguished guest.

Even if he had descended on the Hughes family or even the Rothschild family, he could enjoy the most

respected main seat around the table.

However, looking at the situation now, he had arrived at the where Jack was, yet he was going to be

shunned away just because the Hughes family was going to hold a family gathering.

On the second floor of the villa, Daisy was helping Amber to her feet as they stood in front of the

window. They happened to witness the scene unfolding downstairs.

After a sleepless night, Amber’s delicate face was shrouded in exhaustion and sadness.

Her eyes were swollen and reddened because of a whole night of crying.

At the moment when she was watching the scene in the courtyard, Amber bit her reddish lips hard as a

sense of sourness threatened to overwhelm her.

Her sense of indignation was coming close to a boiling point at the moment.

That familiar blue BMW i8, and her familiar posture which resembled that one in the video.

Was she here to take over the throne?

Where had she found her courage from?

As she watched the oppressive Rena in the courtyard, Amber felt a sense of nausea.

There was an overwhelming sense of sadness within her.

“Young lady, be careful of your health. Perhaps, things are not how we think they are?”

Daisy was always wary of Amber’s reaction to things. As a woman, nobody could be more

understanding of Amber’s pain other than her, especially when it came to things like his.

Moreover, this “mistress” had now arrived at their villa.

It didn’t matter if Jack had told her the whole truth personally last night.

It didn’t change the fact that this “mistress” had come to pick a fight here in her eyes.

“If this is not how things look like, then how should things be?”

There were two streaks of tears on both sides of her cheeks. She sobbed, “Ms. Hill, I suddenly feel that

I am nothing. That woman is an excellent one, right?”

Daisy narrowed her eyes.

While she watched Amber’s grimacing face and unbearable sorrow, she suddenly felt an immense


“Young lady, sit down for a while to rest. After all, you are pregnant now.”

Daisy tried to force back her anger as she helped Amber to a chair.

Amber glanced at her belly and in an instant, she felt an unbearable pain that gnawed at her heart.novelbin

On the other hand, Daisy marched towards the window and pushed it open. She then shouted at Mr.

Ward downstairs, “Mr. Ward, why are you still talking nonsense with them? If you want to get into the

action, I’ll come down now!”

The people below there had been in a stalemate for at least ten minutes, and during this short amount

of time, an unimaginable amount of pain had been dealt to Amber.

Before this, Brent had secretly informed Daisy that he was going to welcome Amber’s parents to their


If they couldn’t resolve this anytime soon, things would go out of hand soon!

If they couldn’t resolve this in a roundabout way, then, push goes to shove, they had to end this the

hard way!

As the twentieth ranking killer of the Dark Net Assassin Squad, Daisy was never afraid of doing things

the hard way!

Her sudden shouting immediately caused the whole courtyard to sink into a deep silence.

Mr. Ward, Rena and Carlos Juan all turned their heads to look at Daisy.

Carlos Juan contracted his pupils, and an icy cold expression appeared on his face.

Rena had some massive pent-up frustrations inside her. She had come to visit Jack personally to

apologize, but not only she was told to get lost, the other party even wanted to engage in a fight?

She had a headstrong personality, and as a Lieutenant of the Grand Freemasons, she couldn’t endure

being bullied by others.

Immediately, Rena took a step forward and stared at Daisy with sharp eyes.

In an instant, an imminent fight was about to break out.

Even though nobody was speaking, but throughout the whole villa, there was a suffocating atmosphere

foretelling an unavoidable clash.

All of a sudden, Mr. Ward suddenly gnashed his teeth and exuded an impressive aura. He was glaring

at Rena with animosity

“Carlos Juan, do you really think I won’t dare to lay my hand on one of the founders of the Grand


Carlos Juan had an expressionless face, but within his eyes there seemed to be something brewing.

Then, Carlos Juan revealed a faint smile as he said, “Then, I’ll leave now with my granddaughter.”

After saying that, he held his fists up towards Mr. Ward, “Rena, we are leaving now!”

Rena was completely shocked.

Her anger which was being built up and almost exploding had seemed to be denied an outlet to vent


Her pretty face had an astonished look as she stared in disbelief at Carlos Juan.

Since when did her grandfather become so mild-mannered and weak?

Not only was he angry while his dignity was tarnished, he was even prepared to leave without doing


“Don’t ask! We are leaving now!”

Carlos Juan said in a low voice to Rena, then he turned to face Mr. Ward, “Then we will pay a visit on

another day.”

“Go now!”

Mr. Ward’s aura was suffocating as he roared.

Daisy secretly let out a sigh of relief as she shut the window and turned towards Amber, “Young lady,

they have left.”

However, Amber had been sobbing non-stop and uncontrollably.

In this situation, Daisy was very helpless. She could only bit her lips nervously to the point that her lips

started to bleed.

Daisy felt an ache in her heart upon witnessing such a sight.

Downstairs, Mr. Ward was staring with a murderous gaze at the direction of the main entrance. His

clenched fists underneath his robe slowly loosened up and the bulging veins gradually disappeared.

After standing there for a long time, Mr. Ward muttered powerlessly, “I am really useless.”

Just as he was about to turn around and go back to the villa, a sound of a vehicle sounded behind him.

Mr. Ward snapped around and his pupils constricted.

There were two cars there!

Jack’s car and the Rolls-Royce that Brent had driven just now had arrived!

“This is bad!”

Mr. Ward screamed internally as he hurried back into the villa.

As the car entered the villa, Steve who was seated inside happened to capture this scene. He was

immediately confused.

“Huh? Jack, what is wrong with Mr. Ward? Why did he run back to the house as soon as he saw us?”

Jack’s heart immediately sank.

The situation was severe!

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