The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 418 The Hunt Begins
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Chapter 418 The Hunt Begins

After the dinner.

Jack and Amber took a stroll together as usual.

But something was bothering Jack.

Amber was very quiet. She lowered her head and seemed to be pondering something.

“What are you thinking?” Jack broke the silence.

“It’s nothing.” Amber didn’t look at him and just shook her head.

Jack halted.

“You always manage to call me out on my lies. But you are actually a bad liar yourself.”

Amber took another two steps forward and halted.

She said blandly, “I’m sorry. Let’s go home, I’m tired.”

With that said, she turned around and walked pass Jack towards the house.

What was going on?

Jack stunned. There was definitely something going on based on her reaction.

But this was the first time he saw her reacted like this!

“Did I do anything wrong that made her angry?”

Jack rubber his nose and went into retrospection. Nothing special came to mind.

“Is it about the car?”

Jack thought of a possibility.

Back in the bedroom.

Amber was lying on the bed in the same posture as the night before. Seemed she wanted to sleep

facing away from him again.

Feeling helpless, Jack washed up, went to bed and hugged Amber from behind.

He sensed clearly that Amber struggled a little at his action.

He applied a little more strength in his hug and the struggling halted.

“Amber, are you thinking about the car I drove back yesterday?” Jack asked.

Amber remained silent.

This should be it!

Jack finally understood and explained, “That was a car I borrow from a girl, but I promised it’s not like

what you think at all.”

It was a big taboo for pregnant women to hold their frustration in during pregnancies.

Jack didn’t want to hurt Amber just because of a small matter, so he opened up immediately.

“Okay, go to sleep now.”

Amber nodded and replied in a whispering tone.

Jack went into a daze. What was with this response?

He let go of her subconsciously, but Amber didn’t move and stayed in the same posture with her back

at him.

Was it not because of the car?

Jack became more confused.

On the other side.

The Hughes family.

Still staying up, Killian, George and Ivy were sitting together in the yard.

“We made the right bet this time, Killian. We ripped a few billions from that bastard Jack today!”

With a wine glass in his hand, George smiled complacently, “The Rothschild’s are stupid to withdraw

right after a little complication. Look at what they’re missing out here.”

Killian smiled slightly in agreement with George’s remark.

But he could actually understand Rothschild’s decision.

After all, what happened back then was indeed frustrating.

Rationally, it was within expectation the Rothschild left.

“Now that we’ve put another five billion into the market, it’d probably crush Jack and Yael when the

market opens tomorrow morning, right?”

Ivy swirled the wine in her glass and said in a tipsy smile.

At this moment, she felt her grudge was finally vented.

Jack made her lost her precious base from the entertainment industry that she took a lot effort to build,

which made her lost her chip to fight for becoming the rightful successor of the family.

She would only feel better if she crushed Jack.

“Hahaha… it’ll be worse than that, Ivy. Perhaps Jack and Yael would be jumping off their building


Filled with complacency, George blinked and put on a wry smile, “That bastard Jack would never have

expected it was the three of us who set this up against him. He would think it’s Zooko Investment and

Seava Capital who do this to him on his death bed!”

Upon hearing that.

Killian and Ivy smiled even more brightly with a hint of utmost confidence.

It was the kind of confidence you got when you have the Hughes family to back you up!

A few tens of billions was what Jack and Yael’s financial company was worth.

But for the three of them, the successors of the Hughes family, tens of billions was nothing but some

pocket money!

Being able to crush Jack using some of their pocket money, what other thing there was that could give

them such sense of superiority?

“That bastard never know what’s going on. The chip in his hands that he’s so confident about, was

actually just some pocket money to us.”

Killian, who didn’t usually voice out his own thoughts, said proudly, “This was the difference between us

elites and that bastard. That bastard will never catch up with us!”

George and Ivy burst out laughing simultaneously.

Their laughter lingered in the yard.

Each one of them had been humiliated by Jack before. Now they can finally get their revenge working


They even started to picture the scene of Jack went into huge trouble the next morning, and burst out

laughing even louder.


It was dawn.

Jack got up early and went to DT Agency.

Today was the day for Yael to do the harvest.

He reached the company.

Instead of went straight for the company’s affairs, Jack made himself a cup of tea and sat by the

window, looking out into the sky.

After the past few days of tension, he could finally take a break at this moment.

Other than that, he managed to find a clue his father left behind because of this incident.

He already decided to leave for the North immediately after this event with Yael.

If everything went as he anticipated, he would be able to find his father and have the questions he

always had in his heart answered.

Why did his father go missing?

What was it that made him spend so much effort to cover up his whereabouts?

Nine o’clock in the morning.

Jack put the cup by his lips and took a sip.novelbin

His calm expression gradually turned cold, his gaze turned menacing, “Now, the hunt begins!”

He didn’t open his computer.

Because he understood clearly just how powerful it was when Yael, Grand Freemasons and QY

International Group worked together.

Furthermore, there was a variable involved. The Jeweline Group.

The Rothschild’s had withdrawn their investment.

The remaining players here, Zooko Investment and Seava Capital, had no chance going up against

them. Just as how they made him worried a few days ago, in a couple of hours, Zooko Investment and

Seava Capital would be the ones who worried.

The only question now was how much they were able to harvest out of this?

The trio in the Hughes family was thinking about the same thing as Jack.

Early in the morning.

Killian, George and Ivy got up early.

Even though they had been drinking through the night and had little sleep, they didn’t feel any

sleepiness at all.

To them, it was an extremely exciting thing to watch Jack fell into despair from the dark.

George, who was hot tempered, opened the computer first thing in the morning.

The market opened at nine o’clock.

Killian and Ivy sat down in front of the computer.

George rubbed his hands, “Killian, Ivy, are you guys ready? We’re going to witness the end of Jack


“I’ve already planned the venue for our celebration later.” Killian smiled, his eyes sparkled.

Ivy smiled too, “When Yael’s financial company is gone, I want to see how that bastard Jack can get

back up. I hope he dies the worst death possible!”

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