The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 404 My Son, Be careful
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Chapter 404 My Son, Be careful

That night.

Jack was in a deep sleep lying in Amber’s arms.

This was not only because of the exhaustion caused by the emotional turmoil from before, but also due

to the scrupulous comfort from Amber.

When the morning sun rose

Jack opened his eyes and the sadness he had felt from last night seemed to have vanished.

Amber couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, she knew that Jack was very depressed last night but if

she had asked more at the time then it would have only caused him more pain.

“By the way, I told my parents about the pregnancy, and they said they would be coming here soon.”

Amber said.

“That’s great, when you know the exact time then let me know so I can go pick them up at the airport.”

Jack said with a smile while he sorted out his clothes.

Amber’s pregnancy was an important thing and her parents should be told of such joyous news.

“There’s no need, when they arrive at Brent, Daisy and I will go pick them up.”

Amber was helping Jack to sort out his clothes, “You are very busy and work is the most important.”

Jack affectionately stroked Amber’s nose, “No matter how busy I am, I can’t neglect your parents,


Amber felt touched to hear this and said nothing else.

When Jack and Amber walked down the stairs, the expression on Jack’s face surprised Brent, Mr.

Ward and Daisy.

Especially Mr. Ward and Brent.

The two of them had personally seen Jack who was very violent and vicious last night, but the way

Jack appeared now made them think they were still in a dream.

After breakfast .

Jack went to the company directly .

In the dining room.

Daisy and Brent were busy tidying away the dishes.

Amber with some suspicions asked Mr. Ward, “Mr. Ward, what exactly happened last night?”

Mr. Ward didn’t hold back and revealed everything that had happened.

After she heard everything, Amber felt slightly and confused.

She then murmured, “No wonder he was so depressed last night then.”

“Yes, but thanks to you, he was able to calm down and return back to normal.” Mr. Ward smiled and


Amber suddenly said, “Mr. Ward, could you help me prepare the wax paper and tributes, I want to pay

my respects to his mother.”

Mr. Ward was taken aback and then said hurriedly, “But you haven’t been pregnant for long, and now

you want to go to visit the graveyard, I am afraid it might not be good for the baby.”

“Why are you still so superstitious?”

Amber raised her eyebrows and said jokingly.

A newly pregnant woman cannot visit the grave or a temple. It was just folk stories and she would not

believe them.

“It’s not that I’m superstitious, it is just you have just become pregnant and thus it’s better to nurture the

baby peacefully and not put yourself at risk for any pregnancy complications. The trip to the mountain

will use up a lot of your physical strength.” Mr. Ward said justifying himself.

“Alright, it’s fine, I’m fully aware of the situation.”

Amber waved her hands and said rather gravely, “Such a major thing happened and yet Jack didn’t tell

me, so now that I know I have to go and pay my respects to his mother. As a wife of the Hughes family,

it would be terribly unfilial if I didn’t go and worship her at this moment.”

The mention of filial piety made it impossible for him to continue to dissuade her.

Amber then lowered her head and gently stroked her belly, “And besides I am her pregnant daughter in

law, so it really is what I must do.”

Mr. Ward hesitated for a moment, and then nodded his head in agreement.

And so Amber, Mr. Ward and Daisy went to Sophie’s grave together.

Jack had arrived at the DT real estate agency offices.

Just as he had entered the office and sat down, he received a text message.

Jack casually picked up his phone, however as soon as he saw the message , his heart sank.

The content of the text message was very simple.

It was just four words.

“My son, be careful!”


Jack was startled.

Disregarding the content of the text message, he hurriedly dialed the number.

However just like the last time, the receiver of the number directly hung up after just one ring.

Jack was a little anxious and hurriedly passed on the phone number to Mr. Ward so he could attempt to

trace the number.

He then wrote a reply to the text message which said ‘Father, where are you now?’

He then anxiously waited.

The last time his father had sent a short message, it was exactly the same as this time.

The only difference was this time it was a warning, but it was told that he was safe last time.

So… what did he need to be careful about?

Jack frowned and his thoughts were forming rapidly.

As matters stood currently, he was out in the open, whereas his father because of the assassination

attempt went missing and now had the advantage of hiding covertly and thus the things and dangers

he could see were a lot more than Jack could.

It was by no means random that his father who had been hiding his whereabouts to suddenly send a

message of warning to him.

“The Hughes Family?”

Jack murmured to himself.

The only danger he could think of was to do with the Hughes Family.

Without the pressure from his father, then if Madam Hughes and the rest of the Hughes Family wanted

him, then they could get him easily.

However as soon as he thought of this, he then felt it was impossible.

After all my father was gone for so long,all their energy was focused on the search for my father.He

worried this at the beginning, but as the time passed, he became more relaxed gradually.

‘Or maybe the Assassin Squad?’

Jack raised his eyebrows and then immediately shook his head in denial.

This idea was even more absurd than the Hughes family.

Brown had once fallen to Azrael’s mercy, and had even gone against the rules of the Assassin squad,

so now it was even more impossible for him to be coming for him.

In addition to this…

Jack fell into even deeper thoughts.novelbin

At present the enemies that he had could be counted with his fingers, the Burton family had been

completely shut down and the Quinn Family who had been stifled by Yael and Amelia didn’t dare cause

any trouble again.

Besides these people, were there any other enemies?

After thinking deeply about this for about a few minutes, he had still come up with nothing.

His phone then rang suddenly.

Jack awoke from his thoughts and he saw it was Mr. Ward and he was not that excited .

“Master Hughes, the phone number has already been deleted.”

Mr. Ward said in a low voice.

“Deleted again?”

Jack was exasperated.

The deletion of the phone number was a lot faster this time.

What exactly was his father so afraid of?

Since the number had already been deleted, he lost all hope of any reply from his father.

“Alright, I understand.”

Jack hung up the phone, unable to maintain calm anymore.

The four word warning text from his father made him both worried and feeling very uneasy.

However, he was still unable to think of what he needed to be careful of.

The distraught emotions accompanied Jack the whole day.

When he finished work at six, he left the office feeling terribly distraught.

As soon as he got in the car, just as he was about to set off he received another phone call.

It was Yael.

Jack was brought up, why would he be calling him at this time?

After he took a deep breath and calmed himself down, Jack answered the phone.

Then as Yael began speaking.

Jack felt as if he was struck by lightning and in an instant thought again what exactly was his father

trying to warn him about!

On the phone, Yael’s voice was extremely low and suppressed.

“Jack! There has been a serious problem, our company has been attacked in the market and we have

lost 1 billion!”

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