The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 401 Deserves Not the Last Meal!
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Chapter 401 Deserves Not the Last Meal!

A sudden and overwhelming sound came out of nowhere.

As the sound of clapping approached, three figures turned up from the dark.

Jack lowered his head, fixed his eyes on the front, with a grim and dreadful smile outlined by his lips.

Elissa’s presumptuous arrogance was stamped out by her immediate astonishment.

Glaring at the three shadows, she cursed in rage, “Who’re there? Get the fuck out!”

“Mom ...”

Katherine moaned in grief.

After a moment of shock, Elissa gave a ferocious grin.

“Katherine Parry, I think I have disowned you. Now you’re calling me your mother, what for?”

As they spoke, Jack found that Lyndall Long, Willy Parker and Katherine had stood before him.

With tears being shed, Katherine puckered her lips and kept shaking heads at her mother.

Lyndall didn’t bother to pay any attention to them, but simply held Jack up.

“I’m so sorry, Mr. Hughes. Please let me settle it all.”

“Do as you say.”

Jack nodded in apathy. As he had a glimpse of the large bag, he saw what he believed a bundle of

incense, candles, and joss papers.

His face lighting up with pleasure, he said, “I’m satisfied.”

As his words finished, Katherine rushed to Elissa with tearful eyes.

“Mom, put it down!”

Although she had been disowned, she and that woman were mother and daughter after all.

The blood ties gave her no reason to sit by.

Sure enough, she knew why she was brought here by Lyndall and what he attempted to do, which was

nothing she wanted to see. She thought she could at least make a difference.

However ...

“You wicked girl! Stop there. I’m not your mother!”

Elissa shrieked with a fierce countenance, “I know you’re trying to stop me all because you’ve picked

up another scumbag and try to impress him. Honestly, there’s no way!”

No sooner had her voice died away than she loosened her right hand, scattering a full handful of

cremains into the blowing wind.

It was completely silent.

But it emerged as a bolt from the blue, leaving all the other startled.

“Mom ...”

Katherine cried out, so grieved that she felt giddy, kneeling down on the ground right away, whining till

she became hoarse.


Overwhelmed by the scene, Jack glared, widening his eyes as if they were ripping his face.

His sight desired to freeze-frame the dispersing cremains, only to find it impossible to stop them in their


“Mrs Hughes!”

Mr. Ward and Brent let out a howl of anguish, kneeling down to support themselves.

A gruesome look popped up on Lyndall.

“Accidents have to be accepted while man-made evil can never be pardoned. Your asinine offence is

monstrous to be forgiven!”

His words were full of rage.

What Katherine did was but for saving her mother’s life, which was recognized by all the present.

Except the stupid woman herself! She thought her daughter was simply putting on an act to impress?!

Lyndall squinted at Willy, lighting a cigarette without words.

“Willy, time to end her life.”

He spoke in a insignificant tone, yet it was significant enough to catch anyone.

“Kill me? How dare you!”

With a demented look, Elissa raised the cinerary casket and threatened, “If I get any harm, you won’tnovelbin

be able to preserve any of the bitch’s cremains!”

While at the same time, her arrogance was devoured into ashes by the sound of a gun being loaded.

Willy gradually raised his right hand, aiming the pitch-black barrel at the woman.

It strongly struck fear into Elissa’s heart.

She had been confident about her quick response of breaking the casket once they rushed forward to


But now it was a gun ...

At this very moment, the woman, crazy as she was, gained a sense of horror.


Willy cast the bag before Katherine and said, “Kate, you have three minutes!”

It completely shocked Katherine, who stared at the bag teary-eyed.

It was unzipped, straightforwardly revealing its contents, including a bowl of tepid food.

That was prepared for Elissa as her ... last meal.

It all looked so unreal for Katherine.

After a few seconds, a determined countenance emerged from her moist eyes.

She didn’t hesitate to turn around, kneel down before Jack and kowtow hard for mercy as her tears


“Jack, please spare her. Spare my mother. She didn’t mean to do it. She had no way out. For the sake

of our three-year marriage, please ...”

Didn’t mean to?

Had no way out?

Jack’s red fierce eyes reflected his blazing fury, and, more horribly, a trace of sneer.

Without concealing his murderous vibe, he looked straight at Katherine.

Those eyes felt most wicked to her, whitening her face at a notable speed.

“Spare your mother? What about my mother? How dare you mention those past three years, when

your family were overbearing with me and my mother, caring nothing of our life!”

In front of those challenges, Katherine failed to justify herself.

She was reminded of the whole picture over the past three years.

Indeed, her family had never shown any affection to him.

“You fucking answer me!”

Gnashing his teeth, with malice blazing in his eyes, Jack would probably lose it any time.

Lyndall, who was standing by him, exposed a rare trace of antipathy in his sideways glance at


“I ...” she replied with pitiful innocent tears, “She was my mother after all. Is it not enough to spare her

that I ... have slept with you for three years?”

She lost her dignity since this.

Lyndall appeared more saturnine with growing disgust for her.

Willy frowned thoroughly.

Jack’s eyes slid out of focus, and then shook his head.

“Slept three years with me? Ho-ho. That’s your bargain chip? How obscene!”

She felt herself quivered all over, hit by a sense of emptiness as if her spirit had freed itself from her


Kneeling on the ground in a square manner, she became more persistent at the thought of the woman


The woman whom she must save!

She would give her own life to rescue her mother!

Nevertheless, bang!

A stone flied to her back.

It was so heavy that she was sent sprawling to the ground.

That was not the end.

Elissa rasped in anger, “Katherine Parry, no more acting. You good-for-nothing have had nothing to do

with me. Stop shedding crocodile tears. It sucks!”


Katherine was thunderstruck, unable to concentrate her strength on raising herself up.

Right at this time, Jack, step by step, marched to Katherine.

He stopped before the bag ahead of her.

The sight of this drove Elissa so frightened that her face looked twisted.

“You get closer and I’ll scatter your mother’s ashes! Where’s the money? My one hundred million yuan!

Give it to me or I’ll throw this away!”

“How contemptible!”

Fighting back his woe, Jack lifted up his right foot and trampled hard on the bowl in the bag.

A crack!

The bowl was splintered.

Katherine had a tremor again.

The cracking made Jack’s tone additionally cold as bone-chilling gales.

“This beast deserves not the last meal!”


Not after his voice faded, a shot was fired.

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