The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 393 He Wished It Was As Simple As That!
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Chapter 393 He Wished It Was As Simple As That!

6 o'clock in the evening.

Jack got off work right on time.

A moment after he exited from the company's front door, the long-accumulated clouds of rain finally


The drizzling droplets of rain intertwined with each other on the land between heaven and earth.

"The rain came too fast."

Jack rubbed his nose, started the engine of his car, and drove back to Four Impressions Club.

A drizzle in autumn.

It added a tint of serenity to the bamboo courtyard.

Amber was knitting a tiny shirt quietly while Mr. Ward laid leisurely on the rocking chair, sipping tea.

On the other hand, Brent and Daisy were busy in the kitchen.

Everything appeared to be tranquil and peaceful.

When Jack returned to the courtyard, he could not help but let out a relaxed smile at the sight before


All his exhaustion from the day seemed to have disappeared without a trace.

He walked directly towards Amber.

"Honey, you're back."

When Amber saw Jack, she beamed and raised the tiny shirt in her hand as if showing it off to Jack,"

Look at what I knitted. It's pretty good, right?"

"Not bad. It looks better than poking the flesh last time." Jack joked.

Amber rolled her eyes and rebuked, "Everyone has a first time doing something. I am doing pretty

good, so if you insult me again, I'm going to poke you."

Jack grinned.

He walked towards Mr. Ward and asked, "Mr. Ward, is there any news about my father from the

Hughes family?"

Mr. Ward released a bitter smile, "The Hughes family never reduced the intensity of the search by the

intelligence agency for your father, but nothing could be found. Even I think that this is strange."

Not only was it strange.

It was something that should not even be happening.

Jack's brows tightly furrowed together. With the expertise of the Hughes family's intelligence agency,

they would be able to get some information about any ordinary person amidst the crowd after such a

long time, what more to say the head of a family.

Moreover, it was the head of the Hughes family they were looking for!

The leader of the Hughes family!

"Don't worry, young master. At least we know a little more than the Hughes family does. Old master is

safe now, isn't he?"

Mr. Ward winked and let out a laugh.

Jack rubbed his nose and looked in the direction of the bamboo courtyard as he said, "It's about time

we move back to TM Villa District. I feel ill at ease about staying here for too long."

"I feel that way too. "Mr. Ward nodded, "Now that the crisis of the Assassin Squad is over and that

Aiden Lott's has settled the the matter in the villa, it's good for us to return to TM Villa District."

During dinner, Jack voiced out his thoughts about moving back to TM Villa District.

After all, Four Impressions Club was Minister Mable's territory. He took Jack in when he was at his

lowest point and protected him. Now that Jack's crisis was over, there was no reason for him to stay

here any longer.

This will only bring inconvenience to Minister Mable.

And that was the exact opposite of what Jack wanted.

The night sky was hazy.

It was still drizzling.

The TM Villa District was dimly lit.

After the mercenary incident, the area became quite deserted.

Only the real upper-class elites could stay in TM Villa District.

After such a severe incident, it was impossible for all the upper-class to willingly live in a place with

danger, even after actions had been taken to improve the situation.

With power and wealth in their hands, they had a wide range of options.

Coupled with the drizzle tonight, the whole TM Villa District was in a quiet state.

Only the rustles of drizzle were continuous.

At the gate of TM Villa District.

A taxi was slowly approaching.


The taxi stopped and caused a big splash of rainwater from the ground.


The car door opened.

Kieran came down from the vehicle first. He was holding an umbrella in his hand, and his back was

facing the interior of the taxi.

After Tommy got onto his back, then only did he gritted his teeth and forcibly stood up as his face

turned red.

"You useless thing, you better carry Tommy well. If you dropped him, I wouldn't let you off the hook."

Elissa cursed as she got down from the vehicle. Her dishevelled look and messy hair only added to her


Kieran felt helpless within and did not say a word.

As for Tommy, who was on his back, he was currently frail and was crying in pain. His legs were

wrapped in casts.

Lyndall Long was not bluffing when he said that he would break Tommy's legs. He really did it.

"Sir, please wait for us. If we cannot get inside, we're going to need you to drive us again later."

Elissa faked a smile and handed over a hundred yuan to the taxi driver.

Then, she helped to support Tommy and headed towards the gate of TM Villa District with Kieran.

After walking for only a short distance, the sound of a car engine suddenly roared behind them.

The two looked back, only to see that the taxi driver had made a turn and sped down the hill.

"God damn bastard! He cannot even wait a little while for us. Is he rushing to be reincarnated?"

Elissa stomped and screamed, "Everyone can bully us now that we have lost our status. Even the

damn taxi driver dared to pull a long face at me."

In hopelessness, Kieran stared at Elissa, his eyes darkened in despair to the brim.

"Why are you daydreaming? Come in with me."

Elissa threw a sideway glance in Kieran's way.

In response, Kieran followed behind her without uttering a single word, as if he was just a robot.

He only gazed at the elegant, magnificent front gate of TM Villa District.

Kieran hesitated and said, "Honey, we have nothing to do with Jack anymore."

That made Elissa stop in her tracks.

Without any sign, she turned around, and her eyes burned with fury as she landed a kick on Kieran's


"Useless piece of crap, why do you have so much to say? "

And it was this kick that made Kieran, who had already been struggling to stand to lose his balance and

fell to the ground along with Tommy.

The violent knock caused Tommy to let out a high-pitch screech.

Kieran had a hard fall too.

However, Elissa's reaction was unexpected.

Upon hearing Tommy's scream, Elissa suddenly grinned, and like a madwoman, she started to punch

and kick Kieran on the ground.

"You useless thing, how dare you to make our son fall to the ground? Why didn't you fall to your death?'

While she cursed, she beat him up with no intention to stop at all.

And it did not cross her mind at all to help Tommy, who was screaming in pain under the rain.

It caused a huge commotion.

Soon, the guards on duty at the gate of TM Villa District rushed over.

"What are you guys doing here in the middle of the night? Get out of here!"

The guards reprimanded. Judging from the three people's haggard looks before him, they couldn't be

residents of this area.

"What did you say? You are just a dog donned in human clothes, and now you are pretending to be a

decent human being? I stay in the villa, and I'm telling you that I'm your madame!"

Elissa, who was boiling in anger, turned around abruptly and continued to curse. Her eyes were

bloodshot at this point.

The expressions of the two security guards darkened simultaneously in an instant.

This kind of woman said she was a resident of TM Villa District?

Who was she trying to lie to?

They were at the brim of lashing out.

At this time, Kieran finally managed to sit up amidst his struggles and begged Elissa, who was furious

in a pleading cry.

"Stop it, look at what you have done to our family, huh? Jack won't meet us, and we have nothing to do

with him anymore. Please, stop embarrassing us and be a decent person for once!"


Elissa, who was still mad with anger, felt like she was struck by lightning.

Her eyes widened. A hint of menace shot through them as she slowly turned around to look at Kieran.

"I am desperately trying to find a place to stay for the both of you, and now you are saying that I am

embarrassing? And I am not a decent person?"

The next second.

Elissa pounced towards Kieran suddenly, sat on top of him and started to scratch his face with both her


"You have no conscience! Where else can we go other than looking for that slob now? He is

Katherine's, that damn woman's ex-husband. After he became wealthy, he tried to kick us out by giving

us that little money. He wished it was as simple as that!

Where can I get the millions of money I owed if not from him? Should I wait for the debt collector to

come? Then the three of us can jump off the building together?"

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