The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 391 Katherine’s Decision
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Chapter 391 Katherine’s Decision

Katherine’s body trembled, her heart was beating faster and faster.

She could feel the frostiness that Lyndall was emitting in her bones.

She shivered.

Lyndall let out a foul breath.

He then let go of Katherine who was scared to death. He smiled oddly and looked at Willy, “Willy, invite

them over. I want to meet them.”


Willy nodded and left.

Katherine finally snapped out of it and whimpered, “Lyndall, listen to me. This incident is really…”

Lyndall said coldly without letting her finish, “I believe you. But this thing has to come to an end, and I’ll

help you.

Katherine stood blankly on the spot as if she were struck by lightning.

End things?


She knew what kind of power Lyndall possessed. When Lyndall said to “end things”, she could only

imagine the worst outcome possible.

She felt a shiver down her spine.

“Now, you should tell me about what happened in the past.”

Lyndall sat back down on the chair. He looked emotionless and stern.

Willy investigated Katherine’s past under his order. But Katherine’s parents and her brother sullied his

name in public all of a sudden when the investigation was about to come to an end. The whole city was

in turmoil because of it.

Lyndall’s patience was running thin. He decided to ask Katherine directly about it instead.

Katherine had a complicated look on her face. Her hands were clasped together.

After a long silence, she finally told her story.

Time passed slowly.

Lyndall listened to her quietly. His frown got deeper and deeper the more he listened.

As Katherine was telling her story, she observed how Lyndall’s expression changed.

She rose from the ashes and was finally human again. She felt like she was finally respected as a

human being after meeting Lyndall. After some consideration, she decided to trust Lyndall.

But what her parents and her brother did shattered her newly woven dream.

She didn’t wish to marry the rich like before.

But now she just wanted to be with someone, have a family with them and grow old happily together.

Seeing how hard Lyndall was grimacing, Katherine felt like her dream was no longer achievable.

She was done talking.

Lyndall was quiet.

After about a minute, Lyndall finally said, “So, you divorced Jack because of your parents and your


“It was my fault,” Katherine wasn’t trying to make an excuse.

“It was indeed.”

Lyndall smirked, “You thought you were being useful by being biased and not seeing the truth from a

neutral standpoint. But in their eyes, you were nothing. Wait, you were something. You were their

golden goose.”

Lyndall said plainly, without holding back.

Katherine’s expression changed, her heart throbbed violently.

Lyndall sat up straight, “Mr. Hughes is a kind man. If I were him…”

A burst of sinister laughter made the temperature in the room drop.

Katherine blanched.

Lyndall raised his hand and rubbed them together, he said, “Your mom swindled a lot of money from

Mr. Hughes. You guys left shortly after that. Why did you and your family severe ties after that?”

Lyndall wasn’t stupid.

Katherine was telling her story in detail, but Lyndall was still aware that she was choosing her words

carefully and that she left a part out.

And Katherine did leave some stuff out.

Such as the story about Killian!

“After I left the city, I was very disappointed with my family.”

Katherine looked dejected, “I didn’t know that they would change so much after becoming rich

overnight with the money from Jack. My mom gambled like crazy and my brother led a dissipated and

extravagant life, enjoying his nightlife to the fullest. My dad was better. He didn’t do anything but stood

by and watched what was happening in the family.”

Katherine started crying painfully when talking about this.

“I know that my family is horrible and that they are at the point of no return. I don’t want to be guilt-

tripped by my mom and my brother anymore. Treating me as if I’m some kind of cash cow and sending

me off to search for my next target. I was hurt, and they were enjoying their life to the fullest. I don’t

need that kind of family.”

Katherine looked up and stared into Lyndall’s eyes. She wiped away her tears, “That was why I cut ties

with them and left the city. I came to LD City and I met you soon after that.”

“In that case, I consider myself quite lucky.”

Lyndall smiled bitterly, he rubbed his face roughly, “Yes, quite the luck indeed.”

Katherine lowered her head and sobbed quietly. Her tears wouldn’t stop.

She could tell that Lyndall was self-deprecating. It made her ashamed of herself.


Katherine felt a large palm on her shoulder.

“I think I know why they sullied your name like that.”

“Why?” Katherine looked at Lyndall with her teary eyes.

“They are out of money.”

Lyndall smirked and said with a frigid expression, “You have two choices. Choose me or them. If you

choose me, you are not to ask about what I’m going to do with them. If you choose them instead, I will

let you off the hook. You can then leave together with them.”

Katherine was shocked. She didn’t think that Lyndall would be so up-front about it.

One out of two choices, what should she do?

The pain she went through when she cut ties with her family was indescribable.

And Lyndall practically left her with no choice but to go through that pain again.

“Make your decision!”

Lyndall said coldly.

He was the LD City’s underground’s boss, a fierce and powerful person.novelbin

He fell in love, but he backed out of it quickly after knowing the truth. A respectable man.

One couldn’t become a respectable person if they didn’t even try to get out of the emotional whirlpool

they were in.

After a while.

Katherine bit her lips and said, “I choose you.”


Lyndall smiled gently, he leaned forward and kissed Katherine on the lips, “You cannot blame me for

whatever I’m going to do next. What happened to them will be none of your business.”

Katherine didn’t answer.

Her eyes reddened and she clenched her hands tightly together.

What would Lyndall do to them?

Doubts lingered in her mind, Katherine was anxious.

After ten minutes.

Somebody knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

Lyndall glanced at Katherine. He then sat down at the office table with a cold expression on his face.

The air around him immediately changed the moment he sat down.

His expression turned ruthless and domineering. It felt so powerful it was as if he could move a


The door opened.

Katherine looked over.

Willy walked in first, “Mr. Long, they are here.”

Elissa behaved with unbearable insolence the moment she stepped in and saw Katherine.

She wore a fierce expression on her face and she immediately walked up to Katherine, “You wicked

girl, I was looking for you. And here you are, a golden canary hiding in her cage!”

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