The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 378 Jack, Father’s Safe
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Chapter 378 Jack, Father’s Safe

“The mafia boss of LD City backed down.”

This news spread across the entire LD city. Lyndall knew the consequences of doing that and he would

become the laughing stock of the entire LD city. But he knew that he had to do that.

Although he became the butt of the joke, he remains the king of the local mafia. If he wasn’t willing to

become the joke, then he would become the ghost of the mafia.

Furthermore, an order came from the LD city manor that no one was to compete for the land. This was

to warn all the real estate companies in LD city and also trying to win Jack’s favor.

Jack was not bothered by this. If it wasn’t for Artist Warnock, he didn’t know how Lyndall would react

except that he would be very determined. Just a local mafia boss was nothing compared to the

wealthiest of X City and the Capital city. He was not even worthy of licking Jack’s shoes!

Jack didn’t stay at LD city and went back after he left the LD manor. Aiden was overjoyed and kept

praising Jack along the way back. He never expected that this person, who was once was his

subordinate, could become so influential in such a short time. He started to regret that he once

wavered and even helped to plot against Jack. If he had chosen correctly, perhaps he would be even

closer to Jack than Lone Wolf. But it was too late to regret.

Back at the Four Impressions Club.

It was already late in the night. Jack was worried that he would disturb Amber’s rest and sat on the

chair in the hall. He decided to spend the night like that. It was tough being pregnant and it was

worthwhile to let his wife sleep more, even if it was just a second more.

But Jack woke up from his sleepiness immediately after receiving a message. As Jack was sleepy and

in a daze, he was awakened by his phone and he picked up his phone for a look. Instantly his pupil

constricted and his spirits were awakened.

The content of the message was simple and only had four words, “Jack, Dad is safe.”

The words were simple but they hit his eyes like a sledgehammer!

“Dad?” Jack’s heart jumped to his throat and his emotions surged.

His hands started to tremble and quickly dialed the number which sent the message. It rang for a

moment and then the other party canceled the call.

“Is it inconvenient to answer the call?” Jack’s heart sank and quickly sent a message across, “Dad,

where are you?”

Then he waited. Jack’s breathing was full of anxiety and was unable to control himself. He grasped his

phone and couldn’t help but tremble. The seconds ticked by and soon it was ten minutes later. There

was nothing received by his phone.

“What’s going on? He just sent a message saying that he’s safe and then don’t bother to elaborate?”

Jack clenched his teeth and became agitated.

The message, “Jack, Dad is safe” to Jack was totally insufficient.

He needed to know more. He wanted to know if his dad was hurt, where he was, and what was the

situation! He rubbed his aching nose and then sent another message, “Dad, where are you? What’s

going on with the current assassination?” This assassination gave Jack too many questions.

His father should never have gone missing. The out of the ordinary assassination was over just like

that? Who was the mastermind? He waited for another half hour and there was still no reply. Jack tried

to call the number but now the phone was turned off.

Jack almost erupted impulsively at this point. He scratched his face and continued to stare at his

phone. He hesitated and then walked towards Mr. Ward’s room. He knocked on the door twice and

soon there were shuffling noises from inside the room.

Mr. Ward opened the door and looked puzzled as he asked, “Master Hughes, what happened?”

Jack signaled him to lower his voice as he didn’t want to alarm his wife. Then he pushed Mr. Ward into

the room.

“I’m sorry to disturb you this late in the night,” Jack said.

Mr. Ward smiled and replied, “No worries, old people don’t require much sleep. I was reading a book.”

Jack looked at the book next to the bed and was speechless. This dirty old man! Mr. Ward blushed and

quickly tucked the book under the pillow.

Jack sat by the bedside and took out the phone to show Mr. Ward the message that he received.

“This was the message that I received just now.” Mr. Ward looked at the message and then his eyes

opened wide and said with joy, “This is Old Master Hughes!”

Jack nodded as his expression darkened, “But I sent several messages and there was no reply. I even

called twice. The first call was canceled almost immediately and the phone was turned off the second

time I called.”

“Could it be that Old Master’s situation didn’t allow him to answer?” Mr. Ward pondered before saying.

Jack pondered and then said doubtfully, “If the situation didn’t allow him, then why would he send me

the message telling me that he’s safe?”

The room fell dead silent. Both Jack and Mr. Ward were clueless and cracked their brains thinking

about it.

“Mr. Ward, are you able to find out where this number is registered from?” Jack asked.

Mr. Ward thought for a couple of seconds and then said, “That can be done but it doesn’t help much.”

It was easy to check where the number was registered but it could go anywhere once the card was

installed. Jack was clear on this.

But he insisted, “Check as much as you can. A lead is better than nothing. The clearer the better.”

Mr. Ward nodded and noticed that Jack was very perturbed, “Master Hughes, rest assured that if Oldnovelbin

Master could send a message to indicate that he is safe, then at least he is safe now.”

“I know, but I just wonder what was his purpose in doing so.” Jack frowned and said, “He is the mighty

head of the Hughes family whose authority is second to none. He went missing just after a regular

assassination and now he is safe again. Why can’t he go back to the Hughes Manor now? Mr. Ward,

don’t you think that it’s strange? What is my father worried about?”

Mr. Ward looked dull as he had no answer to Jack’s questions. Indeed, Patrick’s disappearance was

out of the ordinary and absurd.

Mr. Ward was sullen as Jack sighed and stood up to leave, “I won’t disturb you anymore. Oh yes, this

must be kept a secret. Only ask the person that you trust the most to investigate.”

“I understand.” Mr. Ward replied.

The next morning.

Jack missed his father and couldn’t sleep the entire night. Just as the sun was rising, Mr. Ward came

out of his room to signal Jack to his room. Jack came to his senses and quickly went to Mr. Ward’s


“Any news?” Jack wrung his hands as his palms began to sweat nervously.

“The number was registered at a city at X Desert.” Mr. Ward appeared bewildered.

Jack was also stunned. X Desert was a place that was very remote and deserted. It was very far from

the Hughes Manor. Why was father’s cellphone number … from that place?

“Anything else?” Jack asked.

“Mr. Ward shook his head, “Nothing.”

“Nothing?” Jack was immediately agitated, “You spent the entire night and only found out about this?”

Mr. Ward smiled bitterly, “Master Hughes, there really isn’t any other information. If it wasn’t for my

quick actions, perhaps we wouldn’t even be able to find out about this. After we managed to trace the

origin of the number, it was unregistered and we couldn’t continue to investigate it.”

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