The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 369 Finish Him!
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Chapter 369 Finish Him!

"Dyson is here!"

In the lively atmosphere, a whisper suddenly sounded.

It made the atmosphere pause suddenly, all eyes looked at the entrance of the banquet hall.

"Why did he come? Today is an exchange meeting within our industry. Burton family has no

entertainment industry, right?"

"It's rare, the Burton family is the richest family in capital city, I didn't know he could actually fit into our


"That's all in the past. The Burton family doesn't count as wealthy anymore."


There was more whispering, there were surprises, but there were even more sarcasm.

The former Burton family, the richest family in capital city, they were the real upper class in capital city,

standing proudly at the top of the pyramid.

Not to mention the big figures in the entertainment industry, even the Vaughn and Wattson family,

compared to the Burton family, could only look up at them.

But now the capital city was changing and the Burton family was declining, which wasn't a secret


The wall fell as everyone pushed.

Although everyone present was not qualified to point their swords to the Burton family, they still had the

intention of making fun of them.

Jack stood in the crowd, as if swayed by the stars.

"Is he here? He changed a lot."

Jack looked at Dyson calmly, his eyes deep.

When he first saw Dyson, even when old Master Burton was present, Dyson still gave people a sense

of ambivalence.

But now, it was a bit more rampant, almost abnormal.

"Young Master, be careful!"

Mr. Ward and Brent stood beside Jack at the same time, looking wary.

Ciara stood beside Jack in a posture like she was following Jack's lead.

She specially invited Jack to come over, because she already knew about this and asked Jack to come

to control the situation.

Although the Burton family was shaky, but if it really troubled them, it would be tricky for the Vaughn

and Wattson family to deal with.

Yael also subconsciously pulled Vinna behind him.

Vinna was actually a little angry with Yael, but she was moved by this gesture and glanced at Yael with

a blurred look.

Being watched by all eyes, Dyson stopped at the entrance of the banquet hall, feeling the

contemptuous glances on him.

If it was in the past, he would have been thunderous and sulky.novelbin

To him, these people were just ants that looked a little bigger, how could they dare to despise the

Burton family?

This was a blasphemy to the Burton family!

But now, he looked calm.


He took a cigar out of his pocket and lit it calmly.

After exhaling a breath of smoke, Dyson smiled and asked, "What? The arrival of the Burton family

made you so flattered that you can't even speak?"

Arrogance laid in his words.

But the people who heard him felt his words as if they were needles.

"What the... why is he acting like that? Who doesn't know what the Burton family is like now?"

"The earlier Burton family was really so high up that we couldn't reach, but the current Burton family... I

would like to advise the Burton family, the circle is different, why bother to force yourself?"

"I don't know you, Dyson, why are you still emboldened to say such things? After the Burton family has

been swallowed by those giants, you can't even compare yourself to people like us anymore!"


There were ridicules one after another.

Instead of being angry, Dyson clapped.

This caused everyone to be astonished, and the voices of sarcasm and contempt also lowered.

"Well said, the circle is different, it really shouldn't be forced."

Dyson was dangling his cigar and his face was full of arrogance, "I didn't come to join your shit circle

today, but... to get revenge!"


A sentence like thunder.

All the people present exclaimed at the same time, their faces looked surprised.

"Jack, my hatred of killing my father is unshakable. Today, I want you to die!"

Dyson was suddenly fierce and roared.

In an instant.

All the horrified eyes fell on Jack.

The only people present who could get close to the matter of the Burton family were the Vaughn and

Wattson family.

For others, Dyson's words were undoubtedly a bolt out of the blue like thunder.

With the roar.

From the corridor outside the banquet hall, intensive footsteps echoed.

In the banquet hall, the crowd slowly spread to the sides, leaving Jack and others in the middle.

Jack looked calm, without any expression of surprise or anger.

Instead, he looked at Ciara indifferently, "You invited me to control the situation, but you had to make

such a big deal?"

Ciara shivered, her face full of horror.

Listening to the sound of footsteps outside, she panicked.

"No, it's not like that, Mr. Hughes, I..."

Ciara hurriedly explained that she had already planned everything. The reason why she chose the

Vaughn’s hotel for the exchange meeting was because she knew that Dyson would gather people to

make trouble.

What she expected was actually only asking Jack to come and suppressing Dyson alone.

She didn't expect that it would become such a big scene like it was now!

"We got a problem!"

Vinna's pretty face turned pale, "Today the hotel has all the security guards on duty!"

Just one sentence caused Ciara to fall into the abyss even more.

Things have already developed out of control.

"Mr. Hughes, I'm sorry!" Ciara apologized in panic.

Jack said indifferently, "You and Vinna need to step back!"

He said in an indifferent voice, no sadness or anger.

He was only here to suppress Dyson alone, but he didn't expect the scene to get out of control to such

an extent.

Ciara was unreasonably a stupid teammate, and it was even more impossible that she helped Dyson to

get him there.

The blame was only on Dyson who was acting in his anxiety!

"Vinna, step back!"

Yael had a grim face.


Vinna panicked and shook her head.

"I'm your man! Listen to me!"

Yael turned his head abruptly and glared at Vinna, making Vinna dumbfounded.

Ciara hurriedly pulled Vinna back into the crowd.

On the cleared ground there were only Jack, Mr. Ward, Brent and Yael left.

All this happened in only a few seconds.

When Ciara and Vinna just retreated into the crowd, a crowd of people rushed in through the entrance

of the banquet hall, accompanied by the sound of intensive footsteps.

In the blink of an eye, they all stood behind Dyson, one next to the other, and there were even more

people in the corridor.


They were shocked.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they looked terrified.

"Head of the Burton family, what do you want? This is the capital city!"

"Head of the Burton Family, this matter has nothing to do with us, can we go first?"

"What do you think you are doing, does the Burton family want to completely disappear from the capital

city? Dyson, are you crazy?"


Dyson looked like a poisonous snake, he was looking at Jack with eyes that were full of hatred and

killing intent.

"Today, I want you to die!"

Just one sentence that gave everyone a chill.

The noises suddenly died down.

"There should be hundreds of people?"

Jack laughed suddenly.

This cause everyone present in to fall in a daze.

Dyson also laughed along with him, "Well, you really are something, how you can laugh when you are

about to die?"

He was desperate and the Burton family was shaky.

If he couldn't kill Jack for revenge, he won't be able to die in peace.

In Dyson's mind, Jack was the reason everything that happened to the Burton family.

He had to pay for killing his father!


Jack looked around calmly.

"There are only four of us."

While talking, he loosened his tie, his expression gradually becoming colder.

Yael turned around, picked up a wine bottle, and smashed it at the corner of the table, loosening his tie

and aggressively asking, "What should we do?"

Jack smiled slightly.

Turning his head to look at Dyson, he smiled proudly, "Finish him!"

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